Chapter One ~ Christian and Angel's Thirteenth Birthday! Pt.1

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Crystal POV                                         ~ Flash Back to Christian and Angel's Thirteenth Birthday! ~             “Good Morning Son!” I said to Christopher as I answered his FaceTime call.             “Good Morning Mom, What time is the twin's party?” He asked with a grin on his face.             “For the umpteenth time, it isn’t a party. It’s just going to be a small family dinner, Christopher.” I said to him with frustration in my tone.             “Well dad told Imani it’s a party and I think he told Lydia the same thing because she asked if we needed to dress formal.” Christopher said and I c****d my head to the right.             “CAELAN!” I yelled and my foolish but insanely handsome husband came flying into my office a couple doors down from his.             “Yes, my love.” Caelan said with a grin.             “Why do you insist on telling everybody the twins are having a party? We agreed it is a small family dinner.” I said to him giving him a deathly glare.             “Party… Dinner… Really my love, why does it matter what it is called? We are coming together to celebrate their birth, aren’t we?” Caelan said nonchalantly and I wanted to scream.             “How is it that none of my family has yet to know royal protocol? If we call it a party instead of a private small family dinner, as the Queen I will be obligated to invite all the kids of the kingdom to celebrate the Prince and Princess birthday. I don’t plan on anything like that for at least five more years.” I said firmly with frustration laced in my tone.             “Understood! It’s a private family dinner.” Caelan said throwing his hands up in the air in defeat and I smiled.             “Okay, so what time is dinner mom?” Christopher asked in a soft tone.             “8:30 pm.” I said with a small smile.             “Perfect! Imani and I, have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow and can’t get out of here until after 3:30 pm which puts us landing sometime between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm Sunday night. We’re finally going to find out the s*x of our pup. At first we didn’t want to know but then Imani started thinking that if it turned out to be a girl we won’t be prepared because we have been preparing for a boy.” Christopher said and I smiled brightly.             “Oh, I wish I was there.” I said and Christopher smiled.             “You can be if I can convince Doctor Lanie to allow phones inside. She normally makes us ditch them up front so we can have a distraction free experience.” Christopher said and I smiled remembering Doctor Lanie being the same way when she helped deliver Christopher and Brandon.             “Please ask her. I already feel like I’m missing so many precious moments in this pregnancy because we are so far apart from each other. Where is my beautiful daughter in law anyway?” I asked and Christopher smiled.             “She just went to our suite for a nap. Since we are jet pooling with Cy and Ly this trip, they got here late last night, and Lydia kept Imani up late.” Christopher said and I frown lightly at the thought.             “You guys do know that Imani needs as much rest as she can get because when that little one comes, she isn’t going to get much rest.” I said looking firmly in his eyes.             “Yeah, we know mom, that is why she is taking a nap now.” Christopher said then turned his phone around so I could see Imani’s sleeping form.             “Okay, I will see you guys on Sunday. Let me know if Doctor Lanie will allow the facetime call for your ultrasound appointment.” I said smiling and Christopher nodded before ending the call.             I am a little disappointed that I’m not getting the opportunity to be a part of all the special moments of Imani’s pregnancy. It’s crazy that in just a few weeks, my first grandbaby will be here.             “Mom, have you talked with Cyir? Lydia called me but now she isn’t answering my calls and I missed her call so I’m not sure what she called for.” Angel said walking into my office with her phone in her hand.             “They just landed at Silver Moon so try again.” I said and she smiled.             A few minutes later she walked out of my room explaining to Lydia it is only a private family dinner and I smiled. I know sometimes she misses all of them just like Caelan and I do but at least her and Christian are still together. Christian hates Windsor’s Royal Academy but Angel seems to be getting along well. They have only been there since January, but Christian doesn’t feel like he fits into this royalty world. He said all the girls are spoiled brats and all the boys are entitled little pricks. I know we raised our children to see good in everybody, but Christian said he doesn’t feel there is any good in eighty percent of WRA’s population.               “Christian, may I speak with you?” I asked him when I walked into his suite.             “Sure mom, what’s up?” He asked.             “Are you happy here son?” I asked him and he sighed.             “Yeah, for the most part but I really do miss my brothers and the pack and the firm. I was going to ask you and dad if I could maybe spend the summer out there with Christopher.” Christian said looking at me with a shy timid smile.             “I think that’s a good idea. Let me talk with your brother and father and see what we come up with.” I said and his smile grew across his face.             “What time are they getting here tomorrow?” Christian asked with a smile.             “Christopher said around 6:30 or 7:00 pm.” I said and he smile bigger.             I loved seeing any of my babies happy and I loved knowing that I could bring so much joy to them. After talking with Christian, I went to the kitchen to make sure everything was ready for tomorrow evening and Marla told me that everything was ready and that the cake has already been ordered. After checking on everything I went to Caelan’s office to see him. I felt a little bad for snapping on him earlier. When I got to his office, he was looking at something on his desk with Brian standing in front of him. I turned to walk back out but was stopped by the sound of Caelan’s voice.             “Hey Beautiful, are you okay?” Caelan asked and I turned back to face him.             “Yeah, I just wanted to talk with you about the kids, but we can talk a little later.” I said and turned to walk out.             “Oh, okay. But I thought maybe you should know that we now have a direct video link into Silver Moon’s Clinic Alpha ward, it’s connected to this monitor right here and that means, you and Kendra can attend all the girl’s appointments from tomorrow on and the grandbabies check-ups too. Doctor Lanie said no phones, but she did let Christian talk her into a medical video transfer privacy software that is installed as of thirty minutes ago on this monitor and on Doctor Lanie’s observation camera and monitor. Come take a look.” Caelan said and I smiled and walked over to the monitor.             “Hello Queen Crystal, we miss you guys here. Christopher told me you were sad about missing the gender appointment tomorrow and he told me that Christian may have come up with a solution. After hearing how the application software works, I’m sold on the distraction free aspect of it.” Doctor Lanie with a big smile and I squealed with excitement.             “That child of mines didn’t even tell me he was working on anything like this.” I said looking at Caelan and he smiled and nodded.             “Yeah, well those kids of yours live to make you happy and in Christian’s defense I’m not sure he knows it was approved yet.” Doctor Lanie said, and I smiled.             A few minutes later, Caelan linked Christian to his office to explain to us how the software works and then he did a quick demonstration of how the privacy and distraction free utilities within the software works. The only word I could think of to describe the way I felt at this moment is ecstatic. Just as we ended the video with Doctor Lanie, my phone rung with a face time call from Imani and I quickly answered it.             “Hello sweetheart, is everything okay?” I asked Imani and she smiled.             “Everything is great. I was just calling to let you know that tomorrow’s gender appointment is going to be a video appointment so you can be here with us.” Imani said with a smile then grabbed her stomach and frowned.             “What just happen? Do you have pain?” I asked in a frantic tone and Christopher quickly came and rubbed her belly which made me smile.             “No, well that hurt a little bit, but it’s just this little one inside excited that it’s grandma will be there when its gender is revealed.” Imani said and Christopher smiled.             “Hey buddy, that’s my momma. I know she’s going to be your grandma and all but that gives you no right to steal her heart even before you are born.” Christopher said while gently rubbing Imani’s belly in the camera.             “Already his father’s child, huh? Christopher was the same way when he would hear his grandmother Amelia’s voice while in my belly and Caelan used to threaten him the same way but look who won.” I said smiling brightly in the phone at Imani but looking at Christopher who has a huge grin on his face.              “Yea, well this little guy isn’t me and it’s past his bedtime anyway. We will see you tomorrow mom. Love ya!” Christopher said and blew me a kiss before ending the call.             The rest of the day was pretty quiet, and I was too excited about being at the doctor’s appointment with my babies virtually tomorrow.  After dinner, I told Caelan I was taking a nap, but I drifted into a deep sleep.             The next morning at 6:00 am, Caelan woke me up and told me Imani’s appointment started in thirty minutes. I had forgotten the eight-hour time difference and didn’t set my alarm, so I was glad Caelan remembered to set his. Once we were dressed, we walked over to Caelan’s office, where Kendra and Brian were both already waiting for us. Once we were inside, Brian closed and locked the door to secure the privacy Doctor Lanie requested of us. Fifteen minutes before 7:00 pm, Doctor Lanie’s face finally appeared on the medical monitor.             “Good Morning, is everyone that is attending this appointment present?” Doctor Lanie asked, and I nodded.             “Yes, Doctor. We are all present.” I said with a smile, and she nodded.             “Well let’s get started. Carissa is going to go first because Beta Carson has a training session to get to.” Doctor Lanie said, and we all nodded.             As we watched Doctor Lanie moving the wand over Carissa’s belly, the baby finally came into view. He was so big already and already had much of his father and grandfather features. When she finally placed the wand in the area of his s*x, it was clear he was a boy. We all congratulated them and then Imani got on the table. When Doctor Lanie started to move the wand over her belly, my grandbaby started kicking like crazy.             “Hey Buddy, calm down grandma is here. Mom say something so he can calm down.” Christopher said and I smiled.             “Hey baby, I’m here. Can you let the doctor show us what you are?” I said softly and he instantly calmed down bringing my heart so much joy.             “Well look at that, it looks like you two are having a boy also.” Doctor Lanie said with a big smile.             “I guess it really is the future Alpha and future Beta of Silver Moon coming soon!” Caelan said and smiles spread on Brian and his face.
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