Chapter 1

1140 Words
I am an ordinary worker of the government. Just a simple bodyguard of the president, to be exact the captain of the presidential guard. “Mr President is coming out now.” I reported to my subordinates outside who is guarding the restaurant. “Roger, Captain.” We are all walking behind the President but I am much closer to him than others. “Now, Clarice I wonder.” “What is it Mr President?” “You are very a diligent woman and a beautiful one.” “Thank you, Mr President.” “What age are you now?” “All of a sudden… this question is…” “I’m sorry if you feel offended or insulted. But I didn’t intention to do so. I was curious since I never heard that you have a boyfriend.” “That’s… on the first question I’m just 25 years old Mr President. I’m too young and have more years so it doesn’t bother me that much for now. For the second statement, I don’t have any because there is no one caught my interest yet.” “I see. You want me to suggest someone to you?” “That would be great but I don’t mind for now being single, Mr President.” “Okay. Just come to me whenever you changed your mind.” “Of course, Mr. President.” We reach the entrance of the restaurant. The black car is waiting outside for the President near the entrance of the restaurant. The President is about to enter the car when I notice the red dot on the President chest. I immediately hug the President and push him down to dock. “SNIPER!” I yell. In a second a blood spurts out from my chest and I spit out blood. My comrade also the President is tremor on how I fall down on the ground with my blood. “PROTECT THE PRESIDENT!” a guard shouts. Everyone surrounded the President and secure him to ride the car. That is the only thing that I see before I closes my eyes. I smiled because my death is not in vain. The President safely escape. I can feel that her body is lifted and lay down on something. I can hear the fainted ambulance serene. However, I’m already pulled by the darkness and silent. The only thing I regret that I never done it before I died. Is that to have and experience a normal love life. ‘Ahhh! If only didn’t ignore that thing. Tsk, if only I have known that I’ll end this way and this day.’ ‘However, there is no use to cry on a spilled milk.’ My eyes slowly closed and once again I lost conscious. The next thing I knew I was laying on the bed inside a room. The room is kind of simple. It has woods for wall and woods for floor. The door burst open. A lady in her twenties so shock seeing me. She freezes for a minute before wallowing into tears and run towards me. She hugs me tightly like I came back from the dead. “Leana uwuwuwu…. I thought I would never see you open your eyes again,” she said in tears. ‘Who is Leana?’ “After I heard the news you were captured I really got worried.” ‘The name seems familiar. Leana? Where did I ever hear that name?’ “Leana says something….” She broke free from the hug and faced me. “…” “Leana why are you giving me that expression?” “What expression?” “Like I’m a stranger to you.” “You are stranger to me. Truthfully I don’t know you. Who are you actually?” “No!” she gasps and cover her mouth. She stood up abruptly and run outside of the room. “Is she crazy?” I murmur. I was about to get off the bed when I feel my belly seems heavy and big? I look at my belly and my eyes almost fall off and my jaw almost drop. “AAAAHHHHH!” I shout at the top of my lungs. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Under the blanket is a ball like something. My hands are trembling grabbing the blanket and uncover it. Just what I thought my belly is the one bulging on the blanket. Did I ever eaten something that my belly turn like this? What they did to me? I touch my belly and I can feel a movement inside. “Oh my God! Did they put an alien inside of me!?” I horrified on my realizations. The lady from before came back together with a man in her fifties. His hair is already gray and wearing glass. “Doctor she doesn’t remember me. Can you please check her again?” the lady anxiously said. ‘Should I remember you?’ The said Doctor came beside me and take a look at me. “She is healthy and fine. I guess it is the side effect of her. She is traumatized by her experience and unconsciously choose to forget everything to escape the pain and fear.” ‘Trauma? Fear?’ “I see…” she answers desolately. “It is fine. The important thing is she is healthy,” the Doctor comfort her. “Yes.” “Then I will be going. Just call me if there is anything came up.” “Of course. Thank you Doctor. I will…” “No. You don’t have to see me out. She needs you more than now.” “Yes. Then be careful on your way Doctor.” “Yes. I’ll go then.” The Doctor walks out of the room leaving us the two behind. “Can you tell me who are you and where am I? Why I am here and why the hell is my belly look like ball now?” The lady laughs softly on my last statement. “First, I am Elvera. Second, you are in your home. Third, you are here because as I’ve answer on the second. Lastly, your belly is like that because you are pregnant.” “I’m PREGNANT? Bearing a child? Conceiving? Impregnated.” “Yes,” she only answer. “How come? Who is the father?” “That… I don’t know who. You are the only one who know. But seeing the situation now I guess you also don’t know now.” “What is my name then?” “Leana Taahammie Merlette.” That moment she realizes that she already died once. The Clarice, her name in her previous life was already dead. Now, she is Leana, pregnant of the soon to be villain of the story. She transmigrated before the story will start. The story starts at the part where Leitz, the villain is found by his villain father, Akhaziel. The Heroine will attend the coming of age of the crown prince where the love rival will start. The mother of the villain, Leana died because she opposed Leitz her son from getting closer to the heroine. Leitz sees her as an annoying fly and killed her without hesitation. Leana is also the one who order Leitz to kill his father in order to succeed the Dukedom. Thus, being not closed to his father, he killed him to obtain the power and wealth his father had. Or so I thought this is all what happened in the novel. However, I am not sure if that is the exact event. Since I just read that novel way back while I’m still a student finishing my study. But what matter the most is that, ‘I’M PREGNANT AND EXPECTING TO DELIVER  A CHILD INTO THIS WORLD!?’  
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