Chapter 4: Breakthrough

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Returning to work was just what I needed to get my mind off things. If I couldn’t work, I would have thought about everything that happened, and everything that will happen in the trial. I walked into Chuck’s mechanics with my head held high, but my colleagues were giving me concerned looks. My thoughts began swirling. Would they look differently at me now? Was I now damaged goods? Jacob approached me with a soft expression on his face. It was nice to see someone I knew who didn’t look at me like I was completely useless. His hair was long to his shoulders and tied up in a bun like it always was when he was working. His t-shirt exposing his muscular arms. He was tall but never intimidating. I liked how close we had gotten over the past three months. I smiled, “Hey Jacob.”                 “Hey Lina. I’m sorry about Joe, and mike. They are concerned about you.” He replied sincerely.                 “What do you mean? They can see I’m fine.” I retorted. He looked down, and then back at my face. “Lina…They heard Officer Jameson yell for help, and an ambulance show up. It was only when they saw you carted off in an ambulance did, they realize something bad happened. When I came back to work, they started asking questions about what happened, and I told them you were healing but in a coma. They were worried for you. Technically you have only been awake for a little over a week. You really should be resting and trying to get back to normal before working.” He explained. I knew he was just looking out for what’s best for me. But I couldn’t help but feel criticized for how I wanted to heal.                 “Look I’m sorry they had to see all that, but I am fine. My stitches are out, and I’m trying to keep my mind off things.” He nodded slightly, “I can understand that. Kurtis is going to trial I hear.”                 “He is.” I replied.                 “I hope he goes to jail for a long time.” He said coldly, his eyes began to darken. I slightly touched his arm to bring him back, “He will because I will be testifying against him and with my testimony he won’t see the light of day for 10 or so years, guaranteed.” His mouth gaped open in shock, “Are you serious?”             “Yes. I was the one he attacked; I’m going to be the one to put him away.” His expression was a mixture of understanding yet worried. “I just didn’t think you would ever have to see him again, and then to have to face in court…” He trailed off. I smirked at his protective-like state, “It’s okay Jacob. I will be fine, I mean I don’t want to do it but if it gets him to stay in jail for plenty of years and I get some peace, its worth it.” I explained. Chuck emerged out of the office and embraced me. “Lina I am so glad you are doing better now. When Jacob told me, what happened I couldn’t believe it.” I shared in the embrace and when I pulled away, he looked a bit concerned. I smiled “I am fine Chuck. I don’t know how many times I can say that to people before they actually believe it.”             “Well Lina I know you are strong, but to be honest I didn’t expect you to return so suddenly. Just hearing about what you went through is one thing but seeing it-”             “Seeing it?” I cut him off. His eyes darted from Jacob to me, “Yes…” he paused. “The cameras in the office caught most of the ordeal. I was going to go to the police station later today to turn it in.” I shuddered at the thought of watching that tape. But my mind went back to what Dean said about evidence. I asked Chuck to make a phone call and he was very accommodating. Pulling the card from my wallet, I glanced at the phone number for undercover cop Dean Jameson. It rang a few times before a husky voice picked up the phone, “Hello, this is Officer Jameson?”             “Hey Officer Jameson it’s Caroline.” I paused for a moment, “The girl you saved in the mechanic shop.” I had no idea what made me feel like I needed to add that, but it seemed fitting just in case he couldn’t remember me. He must have met hundreds of girls daily, and I’m not exactly memorable. My blonde hair was the mid-back length, which was common around Brooklyn. I am also of average height and average weight, so I don’t stand out. The only thing that is semi-unique about me is my eyes. They are hazel that when they shine in the sun, they give off almost a flower pattern in my iris. So, as I said, I’m not exactly memorable.             “I remember you Caroline.” Dean replied. Well at least he remembered me, that’s a start. “I have some information that might interest you.” I replied.             “And what information might you have?” I paused for a moment thinking back to Chuck telling me about the office footage. “There’s a tape.             “A tape? A tape of what?” He asked confused.             “A tape of Kurtis attacking me in the mechanic office. Chuck has it in his office, and said he was going to submit it to the police later today.” I finished. A small ‘hm’ escaped his lips like he was processing the information I had just given him.             “Tell him not to give the tape to anyone. I would like to see it for myself first, then I could give it to my department. Is there anyway we could meet up and you could give it to me? I think it could really benefit your case in court against Kurtis.” He replied.             “Of course, I think I can get it off Chuck, where would you like to meet?”             “There’s a coffee shop downtown called Java Rush. Can you meet me there later tonight around 7?” He asked.             “Sure, I will see you then.” After the conversation with Dean, I talked to Chuck who was a bit concerned about giving it to me but when I mentioned I would be giving it to Dean he agreed. I slipped the USB into my car for later and carried on with my work. I finished working on a car a client brought in and put away the rest of the inventory. While passing by the office, I decided I would use the computer. I browsed past the inventory list and then our order list. One order had not been confirmed but the items were still in the cart. A distributor cap, and a spark plug for a 1961 Lincoln Continental. Well, it looks like Dean will get these parts after all. I finished checking out and received a receipt with a one to the two-week wait time for delivery. Well, he waited this long.             “Are you doing anything later?” Jacob asked wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm. His hands were full of grease from changing the oil on an older gentleman’s car. It seems he forgot about the oil needing to be changed for almost two months causing it to be a huge mess for Jacob.             “Yeah actually, I’m going to meet Dean.” I tried to reply without sounding like I had a crush on the guy. I mean he was good-looking, his muscular build and his dark short hair and blue eyes made him look like superman. I honestly couldn’t resist. Jacob didn’t seem happy but interested, “Who is Dean?”             “Officer Jameson.”             “Oh!” He said realizing who I was speaking about. “I didn’t know his name was Dean. You are on informal basis, are you?” His voice had hints of jealousy. I couldn’t help but smile. Jacob had an interest in me when I first moved to Brooklyn and started working at Chuck's. It was only when I started talking a little bit about my past, he decided it was best to be friends. I wasn’t ready for a relationship, nor did I think I could handle dating. Now seeing Dean I’m not so sure anymore. I doubt he would feel the same about me, I am just some girl he saved while doing his job. But then again why did he see me all the time in the hospital if that was the case? I pushed Jacob by his arm as a joke and headed towards my car. I wasn’t going to elaborate any further because I didn’t want to make Jacob more jealous than he already was. A text came in from my father a little while after I had arrived home. (Sorry we could not say goodbye. Had to head back home.) Well, that explains why they didn’t stop by Chucks to see me; they had already headed back to Telluride. (That’s okay. How is mom?) It took a few minutes before another text came in (Fine. Still mad. We will see you soon and call sometime this week. Luv you.) It seems like my parents were still mad at each other. I hated it, but in all honesty, she shouldn’t have hidden our conversation about Kurtis like that. My father is a lawyer with connections, and he has the right to know these types of things. The mail sitting on the counter needed to be sorted through for bills, ads, and important documents since I hadn’t had the chance to do it this morning. My parents had been getting my mail from my mailbox for me since they lived here during my hospital stay. One envelope stood out from the rest. Dr. A. Richards? I didn’t know anyone by that name. The letter inside contained information on Doctor Alison Richards, a psychiatrist located downtown, Brooklyn. A pre-arranged appointment had already been made by Doctor Richards who was referred from Dr. Stevenson from Saint Peter’s Hospital. I remembered he said something about going to see a psychiatrist to talk about Kurtis, but I never expected anything this soon. I wrote the appointment on my calendar and threw the letter out. It was a while until 7 p.m, but I had enough time to figure out what I was going to wear. A floral dress was calling my name with brown pump wedges to pair with. I curled my hair at the ends and decided to spruce up my makeup. Looking in the mirror you never would have guessed that I worked at a mechanic shop or had almost just lost my life. I looked like I was ready to take on the world. It was perfect! I glanced down at my hands, well almost perfect. My fingernails were bitten down till they almost bled. It was an unhealthy habit of course but helped calm me when I filled my body with anxiety. Sometimes I couldn’t even tell that I was biting until I hurt myself by ripping too much nail or too much skin off my fingers. I checked my phone, 6:29 p.m. I would be early, but it would show that I’m punctual. I asked myself repeatedly on the ride to Java Rush if it was weird to show up before my date. Could I even call this a date? No, I guess not. This was to talk about the footage, and possibly the trial. Both conversations I wasn’t looking forward to. Walking into the coffee shop and smelling fresh ground coffee is just the best feeling. I took a deep breath and inhaled all the coffee smell I could before I sat down and waited for Dean. A barista asked me if she could get me anything, but I declined for now and told her I would when my friend arrived. Could I even say that he was a friend? I barely knew him but every time I thought about him, I would get butterflies. The sunset was shining through the windows and the warmth made me smile. It was comforting, and the most beautiful sight to be seen. The way the orange, yellow, and pink swirled together in the sky against the Brooklyn buildings made it even more breathtaking. I wonder how it would look from high up. I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled out the USB Chuck gave me. This small little device contained the whole incident between Kurtis and me on tape. I knew that Dean would want to confirm this by watching it himself before turning it over to his department. Was I ready to see this? I knew for a fact that it was going to be shown in court, so I would have to watch it. At least if I watched it now with Dean, I could get the emotions out before I cried like a maniac in the courtroom. It wasn’t like I didn’t know that Kurtis was locked up right now and he can’t reach me. But it was the anxiety of would he find me after he was released? What if with the evidence the Court still lets him go? I wouldn’t be able to handle that, I would be terrified for the rest of my life. Dean would never let it happen; he would make sure Kurtis went away for a long time. Anxiety filled me again as my thoughts began to swirl with more doubt and more questions than I had answers for. It was only when I made a small yelp escaped my lips did I realize my finger was bleeding. Chewing my fingers was a bad habit, and like I said sometimes I didn’t even know I was chewing until I hurt myself. I sighed and grabbed napkins to hold against my finger to stop the bleeding. As I looked up, I saw the handsome undercover officer that I remembered in the mechanic shop. His dark hair perfect in every way and his blue eyes illuminating in the sun. His casual wear made him even more irresistible. Red plaid long-sleeve button-up shirt, black leather jacket over top, jeans, and black casual dress shoes that looked to be made of suede. He crossed the road with a laptop bag slung over his shoulder heading for the Java Rush entrance. He glanced around before his eyes meeting mine and gave me a small smile which made my heart flutter just a little, as I’m sure it did to a few other women sitting nearby. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Here we go, I thought.
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