Chapter 2

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At sundown, we were at the ceremony. I felt dizzy from not eating and nervousness. "Are you okay?" Snow whispered. I nodded. "I'm fine. I'm just a little bit dizzy." The ceremony went on and on. Finally, at the end, Snow and I were called to the stage.  "Now, these two did something very wrong." The old man who was preforming the ceremony spoke. "They have partnered too early." He paused to look at us. "But, I am willing to look passed this. See, Snowflake is a very special you wolf. She and her partner, Penelope Windford, will take my recently passed partner's and my own place as leader and protector of Shadowdale Woods." There was a gasp in the crowd. People and animals muttered among themselves. "But Leader Lockwood, we don't have the ability to keep everything up. Like the walls or hiding the cave entrance. We just don't have that power." Snow blurted. "Snowflake, you and your partner are just like Maxwell and I. A strong bonded pair. So, from now on, you both will go to school and training to take our place." Before we could have a chance to say anything else, we were handed a paper to sign and a tag to wear for a few days. They had sat everyone with their partners at a huge table with the leader. "Now, as all of you know, I will be seeing how you will dine with are partners." Lockwood paused as trays were set out in front of everyone. "Let us eat." I opened Snow's tray then my own. "Thank you Pen, but I can't eat this." "I can cut it up for you if you want." "Thank would be nice. Thank you." I smiled at her while cutting small pieces to feed to her.  Everyone was done and gone before I had finished half of my own plate. "Interesting." Lockwood spoke up. I pushed away my plate and wiped my mouth. "What is interesting?" "That you feed your partner before feeding yourself." "That's because she's important to me." "Very interesting." "What is?" "Not many will admit that their partner is important after not knowing them for a long time." "Well that's because I'm not from here. I'm the outsider here. Everyone knows that." A smile grew across his face. "What are you smiling at?" I was starting to get the creeps. "Just that you are like I was when I was your age." "Why do you say that?" "I say that because it is true. You and Snowflake are just like Maxwell and myself. I took care of him more than I took care of myself." "Oh. No offence but, I'm just like an old timer?" "Yes you are, and a man like myself would be proud of that. Which I am. I am indeed." I was feeling the creeps crawling up my spine. "Umm-- May we be showed to our home now?" I couldn't tell if my voice gave away the fact that I was feeling awkward and creeped out "Right this way." He took us through a few sets of doors and showed us many old things thought to be lost in my world. The final door is what Snow and I wanted. "This is our home." "We are going to be living with you?" Snow spoke up. "Yes. Please be kind to the things here and, I apologize now. My sons and their partners are very rowdy." "You have sons?" I asked. "Yes. The oldest is 32, named Phantom. His partner's name is Hillyard. Next is Christopherson, he's 21. His partner's name is Hound. The third is Hunter, he's 20. His partner's name is Demon. Now last but not least, the twins. Wolf and Emily whom are 18. Starlight is Emily's partner and Killer is Wolf's." "So you have five kids?" "Yes. Oh! I forgot to ask, how old are you?" "I'm 17." "We must start immediately. Right now, you are to go get washed up and head to bed. The restroom is upstairs, third door to the left and your room is the fifth on the right." He hurried me up the stairs. After I had washed up, I headed to my room . Stupid me, I miscounted. I walked in and closed the door. "Can I help you?" A male asked. I looked away as quickly as I could. He was naked!  "I-I'm sorry. I-I have t-the wrong r-room." I felt my cheeks burn. "You're only one room off. Yours is next door." "O-Okay." I continued to face the door.  "Oh how dumb of me! My name is Wolf. Yours?" "It's P-Penelope. J-Just call me Pen. I should go. To my room. Because this isn't my room." I rambled. "Stay for a bit. I can put some clothes on." "I kind of have to get to bed. Your Dad told me to get washed up and head to bed. I have stuff to do in the morning." "Come back at eleven. He's asleep by 10:30. Bring your partner with you. I'd like to meet her." "Only if she's  awake. If she isn't I'll come alone." Wolf turned me to face him. He had put pants on now, but I still felt my cheeks get even hotter. If that was even possible without having a fever. "Why did you name her?"  "Because everyone deserves a name when they are born. Not when you  are a certain age. Animals aren't just pets. They can be friends, or even family. To be honest, I think of Snow as a daughter. She's actually a lot to me. Not just a partner, but a best friend, a sister and a daughter." I paused, letting the tears in my eyes slip down my cheeks. "I love her." He was starring at me in shock.  "You haven't even known her longer than a day, yet you say you love her. That is a very strong bond." "I know. I have to go now." I turned toward the door again, but Wolf grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Eleven, remember." I nodded and left his room. Eleven had come and passed, but I was too upset to see him again. "Are you okay, Pen?" Snow looked at me, the concern clear in her eyes. I wiped my tears away and smiled just for her. "Yes. I'm okay. I just miss my Dad." An evil wolfish grin grew across her snout. I narrowed my eyes at her. "What are you thinking?" "Let's go see him. Tell him how much you  care for him. Tell him not to worry about you. Tell him that you are safe." "But I have no clue how to get out of this place." "I do." She said with pride. She jumped off my bed and I followed her.  "What about Lockwood? Won't he be angry?" "We can deal with him." Wolf said from behind me. I turned and saw him standing next to a rather large creature.  "Woah." Was all I could manage to get out. "This is Killer. Killer, this is Pen." "Pleased to meet you." Killer said. The creature was huge and scary looking. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I fainted. When I woke up, my father was hovering over me. "Pen! You're okay!" "Hank?" "Yes, it's me. I've been so worried. You have been missing for almost a month." "I've only been gone for a day." "No. It has been almost a whole month." Time out here is different than at home." Snow said.  "I see that." Hank hugged me in one of her bear hugs. I bet one of these hugs could actually kill a bear, it was so tight. "I was so worried." He whispered, his voice cracking. "Dad, don't worry about me. I'm okay, but I want to tell you something." "You called me Dad."  "Yes I did. Please, listen. I'm living in a different place. I won't be able to see you often. I have training and stuff to do. I'll come as often as I can, but I make no promises. I have told you, I don't know how many times that I hate you, but that's to true. I was mad at you, but now I'm not. I love you Dad. I do. Thank you for taking care of me." He was in tears when I stopped talking.  "You're leaving again." "I am. I'm sorry, but I have to. I will come see you as often as I can." "Bring him with us." Wolf piped up, inspecting a package of frozen meat. "Lockwood would be pissed if I did that."  "Oh well. He can't keep a daughter away from her father. It's just not possible. It will hurt them both way too much." "Don't eat that, it has to be cooked. But still, he will be pissed." "I can deal with him. I an the weasel of the family." "Wolf! Don't eat that! Still, I don't want him to be pissed off at anyone." I sighed and got up, taking the meat from Wolf to start cooking it now that he had opened it. "Like I said. I can deal with my Dad, you just have to bring yours along." "I'll think about it."  I ended up making an entire meal and dessert before I made up my mind. I set the table for my Dad, Wolf, Killer, Snow and myself. "Eat." I sat Snow beside me so I could feed her small bites. "What is this stuff?" Wolf asked, poking at his food. "You wouldn't like it if I told you." "Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't." "It's chicken, mashed potatoes and buttered peas. For dessert, apple pie and ice cream." "Chicken! You killed someones partner!?" "No. I had bought it from a store." "Store?" He looked at me as if I had grown nine more heads. "I'll tell you later. If you don't want it, give it to my Dad." Wolf, Killer and Snow gave theirs to him, keeping their plant foods.  "Why don't you eat?" Wolf asked. "She feeds the little ones first. She's always done that. When I was babysitting my friend's kids, she made lunch and fed the kids and me first before she fed herself." Hank said around a mouthful of chicken. "That's odd." Killer finally spoke since I had met him. "Not really. She's the motherly type of girl." Hank smiled to himself. "Boy's eat, or no pie." I threatened. Hank started chowing down without another word, along with Killer and Wolf. After we ate, I told them what I decided. "Than let's go." Wolf said.  "Wolf, you go ahead. I'll catch up." "Alright." He and Killer took to the sky. "I have to admit, Killer is a very beautiful Griffin." Snow said.  "He is." I nodded in agreement as Hank came up behind us. "Okay. How long of a walk is it?" "It's about ten miles from here" "That's a long walk. I should pack some food." "Dad, let's go. I don't know how much longer I have before it's morning in Shadowdale Woods." "Shadowdale Woods? Why does that sound familiar?"  He muttered. "What?" "Huh? Oh, nothing." He smiled at me.  "Okay?" I turned and walked south toward the cave.
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