Chapter 3

3294 Words

Chapter 3“Remember Buckles?” Somehow they had ended up in Harvey’s bedroom. Harvey wasn’t entirely sure how that had happened, but having Zach stretched out on his side next to him, his shirt opened and untucked, his belt and shoes abandoned, felt more right than anything had since coming home from the War. The mattress sloped slightly from his weight, forcing Harvey to balance differently, and the smell of his aftershave swirled with the whiskey to fill Harvey’s head. Ten years earlier, they would have both been on their sides, but Harvey’s leg made it too hard to stay like that for long. Now, he lay on his back, his near-empty tumbler perched precariously on his stomach, lost in the fog of memories. “He ended up marrying that little French gal he was so sweet on,” Harvey went on. “The

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