Chapter 2 - Prisoner’s Care

1314 Words
I woke up exhausted and in pain. My throat burned from crying, my hips ached. I shamefully pull on my clothes of last night before leaving quietly so I could head over to the Prison. The whole night after Dain had done what he did, I laid awake thinking of Trevor. It was wrong, but I couldn't help it. He was nothing like the bastard I left behind in that house, or maybe I didn't know him all that well but from what I dealt with he was just so. . . .different. I close my apartment door behind me, heading straight for the shower to wash off the filth and maybe restore some of my dignity. I avoided wetting my hair due to shrinkage and used the soft washrag to spread the Dove body wash. When I was done with the shower I stepped out, wiping my face and cringing when I really examined the damage. I was dark skin, but the didn't keep the bruises from making a weird mark on my skin. Dain's hand was heavy, my face was littered with scars. I shake my head looking away as tears filled my eyes. "If only I had listened to you, mommy." × × × "Behave 4- O- 9." I watched as Trevor rolled his eyes when the guard left. My mood had somehow lifted as I sat in a pantsuit, my black blazer unbuttoned as I sat in front of him. "Ocean." He greets, a small smile on his face and I can barely contain mine. Stop it. "Good morning." My voice came out rusty and I frown, clearing it. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, it's probably just the cold." I lie. "So today we'll be focusing on. . . improvements? Future and current." I change the subject quickly. "What would you like to improve in your life?" I ask him and he sighs deeply, his eyes moving to the ceiling. "I'd like to change the way I think, maybe even tone down my aggressiveness. I was to improve my reputation. It's nice and all but it's not every time I walk into a bar that I'd like people to look at me like I'm holding a gun to their head. It's hysterical really." He snorts and I bite the inside of my cheek. "What have you tried to improve that has failed before?" His eyes snap to mine, his mood seemingly dampening. "I tried to save myself. Ended up destroying a whole lot of people only for me to fail." His eyes dart to the floor and I wish I could comfort him, but his shackles, and the table before us has more than one use. It serves as a barrier. "What about those that have succeeded?" "In one way or another, I saved other people, people who thought there was no way out." He stares at me and I stare back. "Do you mind telling me why there's a bit of blood seeping through your pants?" My eyes widen as it shoots to my knee. I scarped it last night when Dain shoved me onto the floor. "I-i fell." "On your face? Even with the help of makeup the cuts under your eyes are very visible." I pathetically feel like crying as his eyes skim over me even more. 'I'm trained to notice every hidden detail Ocean, who did this to you?" His voice was hard as he leaned forward. "N-no one I just fell and scraped my knee." I lie and he looks like he was holding in a scoff. "And your face?" Words weren't able to form in my mouth as I stare at him. "I just... I... I scratched it. . . accidentally." There's only silence as I beg him to believe me and not question any further. "Whatever you say." But nothing changed, he was cold and curt throughout the rest of the session, leaving me with a guilty feeling. × × × Trevor's POV "I need you to find out some information on my Therapist," I tell one of my most trusted guards. "I already have some, what do you need?" I sit on the hard 'bed'  my chin on my knuckles, my eyes down cast. "Who does she live with?" "She lives on her own." 'Parents?" "Disowned." I wince at the bluntness in his words before shaking my head. "Close friends? Relatives?" 'Nope, she has a boyfriend though." I tense, looking up at him. "Tell me about this. . . boyfriend." # Letting out a sneeze, I grumpily sat up on my bed, staring at the clock 9:39. My eyes slightly closing, they pop right back open as I realize I am five minutes late. Dang it. × × × "I'm late again," I sneeze, rubbing my nose with a tissue. "I am so sorry."  Trevor looked amused as he sat his head tilted. "Are we coming down with something?"  "The cold, I didn't realize that it would rain so much last night." I sigh as the guard leaves, no yelling this time. "Where were you?" I bite the inside of my cheek, "Dain I—" "You're not coming in." "Please, I left my text book in there, I'll leave as soon as I get it." I was close to tears as I stood banging on his door, the rain sinking into my hair. "Why are you so dumb? Don't you need it to study?" He was drunk again. "Dain just—" "Don't tell me what to do!" "Just took a walk, the rain caught up with me." He nods, before eyeing the paper in my hand. "So you're going to be free tomorrow, after how much time?" I question. "Two years." He concludes. "Today's just a little freestyle session since your sentence is shorter. Usually they'd give me people with one, or two weeks left until they leave." I inform, "but you're not just somebody, you're everybody." He gives me a playful flat face and I giggle slightly. "Well let's learn about you. " "Me?" "Yup, what do you like to do?" He asks and I shrug. "I sing?"  "Really?" He raises an eyebrow and I realize I've said the wrong thing. "Please don't ask me—" " Sing something for me then.' I sigh loudly. "Someday else." I joke knowing we probably won't ever see each other and he smirks. "I'll hold you to that.” × × × "We have five more minutes, last question. What really happened to your face? Please just be honest." My mood immediately deflates as I think of Dain. Trevor's eyes were observing. . . calculating as he never missed a move I made. You'll probably never see him again Ocean, for once, just let someone know. I sigh loudly, before averting my eyes. "My boyfriend. . . he.  . . he hit me." I clear my throat, feeling vulnerable and pathetic. They say strangers are probably the most trustworthy people. Well, that's what I think. "Is it the first time he's done it?" Trevor asks, his use set. "No." I laugh bitterly, 'I'm his punching bag." His eyes follow something on my cheek and I don't even realize I'm crying. I wipe it quickly only for more to fall. "I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to—" "No its okay, tears are just words the heart can't say." He murmurs and for the first time I don't just notice his handsomeness, but I notice that this murderer'/ "former mafia king" had more than just a supposed black heart. "Times up." The guard walks back in on time. "Ms. Devila, you are not required to return tomorrow due to the release of Prisoner 409, on behalf of the prison and it's staff we thank you for your service to our people." I offer him a small smile as Trevor mocks him silently.  I shake my head at him, pursing my lips. "I'll see you soon, Ocean." × × × It was over. Three short days, well hours of fresh air gone. Now all that was left was the toxic atmosphere of disrespectful men and a world of pain. I walk on the streets, sullenly, my direction. .   non existent. It was only a matter of time till my phone rang, and prisoner 409 was replaced with another one. I sat on a public bench, a small breath of air leaving my lips as I waited on the bus.
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