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I paid attention to the president of UFC conversing with Jared and Clay. My pen was gliding over the pages as I wrote down all of the important details and agreements made between the three men. BJ showed his excitement about having Clay facing off against his first opponent. He has been pleading with Jared for months now to get Clay to sign with him and he agreed without hesitation to Jared’s offers. “Have you heard about this Athena fighter?” My hand paused at BJ’s unexpected question. I raised my gaze to catch Jared nodding his head. “She’s been kicking ass in the underground,” My heart started beating faster and it felt as if my body caught on fire. “I thought by now that you would have at least approached and signed her,” Jared was known for his good judgment in fighters. Many fighting presidents trusted Jared because he never failed to spot talent and they have no hesitation to sign his talent. Jared smiled and eased back in his chair. “Nobody knows who she is and agents have tried to approach Athena but she turned them all down,” I noticed a baffled look on BJ’s face as he couldn’t understand how an amateur fighter wouldn’t want to sign with a fighting championship. “Maybe you still try. You’ve got the certain skills of convincing fighters and you make sure to take extra care of your customers,” BJ encouraged with a note of smugness. I tried not to express much when Jared and BJ literally sat talking about me without having the slightest idea that I am Athena. Coach Mason has been approached by various agents, offering to get me signed and into the championships but I had no desire to enter the limelight. I can kick ass at night, made more than a couple of bucks and I am seen as just another ruthless, yet, talented fighter. Jared possesses certain techniques as BJ acknowledged and if I did sign with any agent in the future, it would definitely be with Jared. “Only for you to snag her away,” Jared noted with a teasing tone. BJ chuckled. “I just proved to you that I trust your judgement. You rebuilt yourself after you got knocked down. Also don’t forget, you were once a fighter of mine and you had greatness in you,” Jared’s face didn’t glimmer with arrogancy or cockiness when he smiled. Behind his smile lay a lot of memories of sadness and regret. Jared Dobre once stood a chance to achieve greatness in MMA. He appeared out of nowhere with confidence and drive. Many women were drawn to him and he had many lovers before I got to meet him. He struggled to find the right woman who wants him for who is and not for what he owned. Jared does have a handsome face—equipped by his radiant good looks and humbleness and that’s what his agent used to knock him off his feet. Make him a star and once the money started rolling in, he cashed out and left Jared to face all of his troubles on his own. Only now, he reeks of confidence and motivation. He started pushing boundaries and got people to dance around on their feet when he started to show his disapproval when it came to them mistreating his clients. He made a promise that he will never become like Rob whose only mission is to use clients for their talent and money. “I would have probably stayed if it wasn’t for Rob and all the medical treatment, I had to undergo to get my shoulder fixed.” Jared blew out his shoulder while facing his opponent. Because Rob took every penny, Jared ever owned. Jared had to go to a public hospital where it took a bit longer to heal up. He pushed hard to heal up and pushed even harder when he got better. Today, he is a completely changed man. “You should have asked for help,” BJ reinformed Jared. Jared nodded. “I know. I was a stubborn boy back then who didn’t trust anyone anymore. I wanted to do things by myself,” “I am just glad you picked yourself up from the ground and got out on top,” BJ shook Jared’s hand, showing his respect for Jared. “You’ve turned yourself into quite a man, Jared. I know a lot of people don’t acknowledge it but I can. I wanted you back from when you got hurt and since I can’t get you as a fighter. I will support you as a businessman and trust your instincts,” I pushed to my feet as well when BJ came over to shake my hand. “Sabrina, it is good to see you again,” He left the office room and I gaze up at Jared when he came over with Clay trailing behind him. “Seems like he is not going to let you off the hook about this Athena fighter,” I wondered. Jared’s smile was filled with confidence. “I don’t even know where to start in order to find her or what to say to her when I do,” I returned the smile. “Are my ears hearing correctly? Or are you really afraid of some woman who fights in the underground?” “She has turned down many other agents, what can I say or promise her to convince her to join my company?” I wanted to tell him that there was nothing anyone could do at this point to get Athena to sign with them but that will only make Jared suspicious—after all, he is a very observant kind of guy. “Who is up for lunch?” Jared asked gazing at his watch. “I am meeting up with my dad,” Clay excused with a shrug of his shoulders. Jared looked at me waiting for an excuse as I was the only one left who was brave enough to face him. “Only if you are paying. I am about to say broke,” I lied. I’ve got a couple of dollars saved up after a few days' fight I won. Jared chuckled at my remark and gestured for me to take lead when he stepped out of BJ’s office. “I offered, so it would only be reasonable of me to pay for our food and drinks,” Jared concluded. I didn’t argue or reject his kind offer. I might not have my mother around but when she was still around, she taught me that it was rude to decline someone’s humble gesture. We waited together for the elevator and made our made out as soon as it arrived. Jared looked around for a place we could eat and found a nearby café. We were greeted by a perky, young waitress. “A table for you and your date?” She friendly asked and I wondered if it was some new pick-up line or new trend to see if people were in relationships. Jared shot her a full-blown smile. “A table for two will be fine,” Jared said without expressing a single frustration and I just followed with a dumbfounded expression. I am not surprised anymore by how women and men appreciated Jared’s wide shoulders, strong jaw and his hazel brown eyes. Or maybe it had to do with his expensive suits and credit card. “I am really starting to consider bringing business cards along,” I muttered watching the waitress place our menus down in front of us. “Welcome to our café, my name is Addie. Can I get you something to drink while you have a look at our menu and specials?” She introduced herself and then asked. “Do you have Chai lattes?” Jared raised his head, gave her a smile and asked. I bit back a smile when I realized he was asking for my sake. Addie nodded. “Good, you can bring one Chai Latte for Sabrina and one Americano without milk for me,” Jared ordered. I shot Jared an amused look. “Who said I didn’t want orange juice?” I teased. “Because you hate the taste of packaged orange juice and always call them sour and unpleasant. You would rather let me make you a fresh one,” Jared acknowledged with a humoured smile. I shook my head letting a smile unravel. “No wonder people are starting to think we are a couple,” I muttered. “Why? Because I actually pay attention to my personal assistance likes and dislikes?” Jared asked tilting his head to the side, making my insides turn to jelly. “It’s kind of weird to have you know all that,” I mumbled. “Like it’s not weird for you to know every small detail about me?” Jared leaned forward on his forearms making the space between us grow smaller. The table almost felt as if it was shrinking or that it wasn’t there in the first place. “You are my boss, it’s my job to make sure I am well-informed. I don’t want to be the reason something happens to you, who is going to pay me and make sure I don’t starve?” Jared’s deep laughter was contagious and I wanted to hear it as often as I could. “That’s what I like about you, Sabrina. You shoot straight with a slight of humour sprinkled on top,”
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