Lemon Drop and Sugar That Makes you Much Bigger

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Gemma Lockheart moaned in pleasure as she threw her head back, calling out for Max as her body grew taunt. Max grabbed her legs and lifted them higher up his hips as he pounded into her, his muscled body glistening with sweat, his breath loud in the otherwise silent room. “f**k Gem” Max panted “Yes!, Harder...Harder Max” Gemma begged Max adjusted his position before plugging in harder, pounding into Gemma, his hands holding her wrists above her head and in place. He grunted when he felt her walls clench him tighter and he could start feeling the tell-tale sign of completion as a tingle started at the base of his spine. “Max…yes! Right there! Right thhheeerrreeeeee! YYYEESSS!” Gemma shouted as waves after waves of pleasure blinded her for a moment as she rode the wings of bliss. Max followed not long after as he shouted out his release, his body tight and corded before he collapsed, but last minute remembering to roll them so he didn’t crush Gemma. Once on his back and Gemma draped over him, Max blew out a breath of air before chuckling, his left arm cuddling Gemma close while his fingers trailed up and down her damp body. “What?” Gemma asked tiredly “Well, everyone is so going to know we were at it again” Max chuckled “Why?” Gemma asked, her blue eyes widening at his words “Because Gemstone; we smell like lemon drops again” Max chuckled Gemma groaned as she buried her head against Max’s neck, her body silently shaking in laughter as he pulled the covers up to cover their cooling bodies. Gemma can’t believe that it has now been three years since they had first come to this school to help her learn her powers. In a few short days, it would be her 20th birthday and she, Max, Ben, Maddie and Cindy had spent the last three years learning all they could about her and their own true powers. After her three forms had been revealed, things had changed. Whoever had been after them and causing problems; had all but disappeared. At times small attacks would flare up and it seemed like someone wanted to keep them on their toes, but it seemed superficial. Almost as if they were attacking Gemma just to play with her without any real harm. Of course Max didn’t see it that way. He insisted on being with her in all her classes and every year, insisted with school dean to have his schedule changed. Of course, it helped that Sebastian was her brother and did everything he could for her safety. After Gemma had her Fae form revealed, both the Alpha and Beta pair families had travelled back home to Scotland, UK Jon being the Alpha, couldn’t have stayed away too long as his beta and Gemma’s father had also been at the school. Three weeks after Gemma had selected her council and established a security; Sebastian announced that she and her mate Max would be given their own dorm with only the house elf Pontus in residence. Maddie and Ben had been given a room next to the dorm as would Cindy who, as her Vo-Suie; had to be close enough to Gemma to be able to bond with her correctly. Gemma knew Sebastian had done this so Gemma could have her mother Lily and her brother Sebastian visit her without questions being raised. The dorm had four en-suite bedrooms, a living room, a separate dining area, a kitchen and gym. With the added protection of spells, charms as well as a magical gateway that allowed Lily to visit her daughter whenever she wanted. No one still knew about or Lily or who Sebastian was. To everyone, he was still Naitsab, the very powerful seer who was older than dirt. Once all the changes had been made and everyone had moved into their own rooms, the adults had left to go back to the pack but not before a very stern warning from Carrie and Liam, Gemma’s parents. It seemed that once Gemma had her third form, it came with a very telling smell. Gemma’s Fae always smelled like sugar, or warm caramel. But the adults discovered that every time Gemma and Max were intimate, for some reason, Gemma would smell of lemon. Gradually, Max started to smell like lemon too until someone mentioned they both smelled like lemon drops whenever they were turned on or had had s*x. Gemma had been mortified to find out that everyone knew when and how often she and Max had s*x ; but her Fae was smug. Her Fae side explained that as a species, they were very passionate and active and that it wouldn’t do to be called away in an emergency still smelling musky and like s*x; so their bodies had adapted and had taken on the smell of lemon, or lemon drops - the logic being that it was a pleasant and refreshing smell and so, even if that Fae was in company of others, due to an emergency; they smelled good and refreshing. “And” Max continued “It’s gotten stronger I feel like we have bathed the room in lemon” Gemma groaned louder and hugged Max closer. The scent growing stronger wasn’t just a sign of how much or how long they had s*x for; but also a way to let everyone know that their bond was growing and her Fae side was becoming more stronger...it was heading towards dominating the human and the wolf which her mother warned her about. The fact that it has happened so soon can only mean one thing “s**t!” Gemma whispered “She’s readying me to be fertile” “What?” Max asked, his body freezing, his wandering hand stilling on her shoulder. “Aurora, my Fae. She….she….Lily...I mean mum said that the stronger the scent gets, it means our bond is growing, But she said when the scent feels like we are surrounded by it….it means our Fae side is ready to move onto the next stage. Max...she’s fertile. She wants us to have pups...Faebies...babies...or wh-” Gemma cut off when she was flipped onto her back and Max was hovering above her, his hips grinding against her as she felt his thick, heavy c**k brush against her p***y lips. No, Not Max...Gemma bit her lips as she watched Max’s eye change and saw Maxsius look at her, his eyes bright, his smile curling up as he jerked his hips, the tip of his c**k brushing tantalisingly against her clit. “Hello little mate” Maxsius said in his sensual voice “Maxsius” Gemma whispered “HHhhmmmm” Maxsius said, his chest rumbling in contentment as he sniffed at Gemma’s neck “You smell delicious...and ripe” Gemma let out a shuddering breath of excitement when Maxsius lowered his head and swiped his tongue over the indention where her neck and shoulder met. Seeing his mating mark on her neck, he licked it before biting down on it again and punching his c**k hard enough that it slipped into Gemma easily, her wetness helping him. Gemma moaned and wrapped her legs up high over his hips as Maxsius took her hard and fast, rutting into her without a word. All Gemma could do was hold onto him tight, her nail scoring his back as she enjoyed being taken by her mate. Maxsius’s hands changed as they grew almost into his wolf, his body got bigger, thicker and bulkier and while a little hair did grow, he still mostly kept his skin. Maxsius growled as his big hand held her hip and moved them as he pounded away in her, his teeth still embedded into her skin. Gemma felt her heart beat frantically as, for the first time she felt Aurora try to come out to the surface. She knew because she felt her eyes shift, she felt as if the room suddenly burst into a yellow blaze as if the sun was rising in their room. Maxsius suddenly hit against her cervix and Gemma saw stars before a burning heat started to rise within her. Maxsius let go and looked at Gemma with eyes full or lust as he hammered into her faster, his gaze telling her secrets that she couldn’t read. “Yes little mate!, YES!” Maxsius growled in pleasure “Maxsius...oh god!” Gemma whispered She could feel his c**k get long and thicker and she started feeling full. It was delicious and while she felt a little pain, it was the good kind….so good that it hurt kind. She thought back to how Liam and Carrie had both expressed their concern at how often Gemma and Max had s*x and their worry that with everything going on and now Gemma’s three beings active; that little ones would be on the way soon. Liam had almost blown a gasket when Max had shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t worry about it. It had been Cindy who had calmed the situation down but not before choice words had been spoken and Liam’s face had turned several different shades of red. While Heather, Max’s mum, had told them to try to control their behaviour, she had then hugged Gemma and whispered her support if a little one did appear before her studies had finished. Liam had told them he had people in place to tell him if their scent had progressed and it was his right to know not just as Gemma’s father but also the keeper. Suffice to say, that was enough of a warning for Gemma to be embarrassed enough to curtail how much she and Max had s*x; worrying at her father knowing such details. “YES…..YES little mate...fuck...you are so tight...so tight….and so wet” Maxsius bit out as he f****d her harder, his big hands sure to leave bruises on hips “Maxsius...goooddd….right there please” Gemma begged “I’m going to c*m….but we will c*m together little mate” Maxsius said before dipping one hand down between there bodies and started to strum her clit “Fuuucckkk” Gemma shouted “c*m mate...cum for me now” Maxsius said With one strong plunge into her, Maxsius stiffened, his body taunt, his finger rubbing Gemma’s clit with enough force that she went off like a rocket, a silent scream opening her mouth as she spasamed, her walls clench before releasing a flood, match the one Maxsius poured into her as rope after rope of his seed entered inside of her, marking her further. Collapsing on top of her, Gemma held his heaving body to her as he gradually reduced in size.Within seconds, Maxsius turned them, with his c**k still logged inside of Gemma. Their bodies wet and sticky, Gemma threw her damp black away from her heated face as she tried to get her breath back. When she she looked up, she was surprised to see Max staring back at her, his eyes apologetic “I’m sorry. I lost control” Max said shamefully “What happened? Not that i’m complaining, because that was hot...but I think I may be walking funny” Gemma jokes “Gemstone” Max said in a serious tone “Do you realise what I’ve done?” “What have you done?” Gemma asked, the smile now leaving her face “When you spoke about our scent and what Aurora tried to do, what she’s ready for….Gemstone, Maxsius took over because he tried to get you pregnant. That’s why i’m still like this” Max said, his hips punching upwards to reiterate his point “Oh” Gemma said “Yes oh. You know I would be happy if you were pregnant Gem’s, but with us only a year away from finishing school, or rather graduating and more importantly; still not knowing who the traitors are-” “I’m ready for it Max” Gemma said as she lovingly stroked his jaw “And I know you worry. That’s why I groaned when you said about the room smelling of lemon...and...the fact that you...Maxsius felt much bigger than normal” “What do you mean bigger?” Max asked, puzzled “It felt like your c**k was a hose Max!” Gemma said seriously before giggling “Don’t get me wrong. That was fuckin hot and hell yes I felt you. Even with a bath, I think I’m going to need a little rest. But...it felt like it was more. Maybe because Maxsius was trying to impregnate me.I mean he’s still trying, you haven’t gone soft yet” Max nodded before sighing. He turned and kissed Gemma slowly and backed away even as he felt the heat slowly rising again “The only reason Maxsius has retreated is because he’s content he was able to overthrow me and take you like this. I’m just glad your mum gave you something to help but I still think we may need to speak to her, I love you Gem’s and i’d be so happy if you were pregnant. I mean, i’m almost 24. Mum had already had me and was already pregnant with Mark by then at my age; so trust me, i’m ready for us to have our own family...but I want you safe...I want all this s**t away from us first” “I do too” Gemma said as she kissed his lips Moving away from the kiss, Gemma felt Max finally slip out and covered her flaming face as she felt their mixed fluids also seep out of her. She blushed because she felt the sheets beneath them become wet with the copious amount. Max kissed her forehead and chuckled “How can you still blush after so many years when this is exactly what often happens?” Max asked, chuckling harder “Max!” Gemma exclaimed as she hit his thick arm Trying to get up, only to flop back down Max laughed as he pulled her closer. He nuzzled his nose against her wet forehead, her hair sticking to her “I think that took it out of me. You took it out of me Gemstone” Max sighed happily “Me? It was all me was it?" Gemma asked “It was all you. You’re too sexy!” Max chuckled “your going to have to be sticky for a while. I need some water, some sugar and some food. You drained me” Chuckling, Gemma hit his arm again in jest as she groaned at how sticky and disgusting she felt. She knew she needed a shower badly and wanted to change the sheet; but like Max, she didn’t have the energy. The thought of a cold clean shower was so tempting but even as she thought it, her eyes were starting to close. Sending a mind-link to Lily, and saying she needed to speak to her, Gemma asked her mother to meet her later in the evening. “I invited mum over for dinner around seven-ish” Gemma said with a yawn “Good” Max said as she picked up his mobile and set an alarm for them to wake up. It was only one in the afternoon. With it being sunday, they could afford a lazy day and sleep for another few hours. Setting the alarm, Max turned and spooned Gemma from behind as she readjusted herself in the bed. Their sticky bodies making it both intimate yet uncomfortable; yet neither had the strength to get up as their eyes weighted down heavily. As Max heaved a sigh of contentment, his mind wondered for a few seconds on what it would be like to see Gemma big and round with his child, if it would be a boy or girl first and how many they would have. He closed his eyes as his breathing evened out, inhaling their shared scent as sleep finally claimed him            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carrie stepped forward through the transportation ball and stepped down onto the cold hard stone floor. As the swirling white and blue ball faded behind her, she inhaled deeply and started walking towards the wooden door in front of her. Opening it with a flourish, she walked in, closing the door behind her. “About time you got here” Carrie turned towards the voice and smiled as she looked at the male identical version of her. Walking towards him, she took his hand as they clasped there left palms together and secured their location from detection “Chris” Carried whispered “I had to be careful, I told Liam that I need to clear my head and was going for a walk for an hour or so” “An hour? That’s not long Carrie” Chris said in his smooth voice “And Goine is not able to come until another forty minutes or so” “is he in a meeting?” Carrie asked as she moved around the room, mimicking her twin’s movements “The i***t is with his mate at some sort of family gathering” Chris said in disgust. Carrie moved around the room as her brother did, helping him to mix a purple vial in a pot along with items he passed her; his movements quick and efficient. As the twins moved in sync with each other, nimble on their feet; Carrie turned to Chris and looked at him as he concentrated over a looking glass and a black dish. “Are you going to keep looking at me or ask what you want to ask?” Chris said without looking up “When do I get to know who it is Chris?” Carrie asked “In time” Chris replied, lifting a black vial and pouring a small drop into the black dish The little dish started to crackle before a small black light like a light bulb; over the dish went off. Suddenly, all the lights in the room went out together before Carrie threw a blue energy ball out which illuminated the room again. Chris shouted out in anger and upturned the table with his bare hands, his neatly combed back brown hair in disarray as he expressed his anger. His heavy breathing loud in the room as Carrie saw her brother lose his cool. “Well, it seems that I missed the party” Goine said as he stepped through the door Carrie and Chris turned around to look at Goine as he walked into the room, now littered with shards of glass and broken wooden tables. As he neared them, both Carrie and Chris held out their right hand as a scream was heard behind Goine. “He’s with me!” Goine said quick “Who is he?” Carrie asked “Connor” Goine replied, smirking “You lie!” Carrie said harshly “I know what Connor looks like, remember?” “You only know of his human form, not of his…… mixed heritage” Goine smirked The twins lowered their hands and let the person in front of them pass. Carrie walked up to him, taking in his black hair and pointy ears and looked at him “Show me” Carrie demanded Right before her eyes, the one she knew as Connor was standing in front of her. His black hair and pointy Fae ears changed to his boyish human look. His white blonde hair and blue eyes are the look that Carrie remembered. The only difference now was that his once boyish looks had now matured to a man with a strong but handsome jawline and his muscular build more prominent. “Elf ears?” Carries asked Goine, her left eyebrow lifting in enquiry when she looked at Goine “A...lust full affair that daddy dearest had with his demon mother” “He’s part demon?” Chris asked, his eyes alight with new fire “You kept that part quiet” Carried said, folding her arms “You asked for supernatural distraction” Goine said, shrugging his shoulders “You didn’t specify what kind, nor do I recall you asking for details once I had obtained it” Carried looked at Goine with barely concealed hatred as she saw Chris speak to Connor and Goine about Connors abilities and what it could mean to their cause. As Connor explained his interaction and what had gone wrong the last time; Carrie looked on in anger as she realised that Goine and Connor had a plan that she wasn’t part of. “Why don’t I know this?” Carrie asked “Patience sister” Chris said with amusement “You know our plan doesn’t work unless we work together Chris. There is a reason that the twin prophecies-” “I think you object to not knowing the outcome of our full plan” Goine said, cutting off Carrie mid rant “Could it be, that you have started having feelings for the little brat?” Grinding her teeth, Carrie flashed her guardian eye at Goine before she smiled evilly at him; breathing through her anger to calm down “I at least planned from the beginning to betray her. Was it not you Goine, who had s****l designs on her in order to get what you wanted?” Carrie retaliated “Enough!” Chris shouted when he Goine open his mouth to speak “You wanted to know what this plan was Carrie? Well listen. Connor here was tasked on getting close to Gemma again but of course he couldn’t do it as the human form that everyone knew him as” “Obviously not” Carried agreed “But he was able to keep a very watchful eye on her. He was able to follow her most places and report back here and in the tower of the academy” Chris explained “B...but how?” Carrie asked, shocked “Connor, change back to your original form” Goine commanded. Once Connor was back to his original form, Goine walked until he was behind Carrie. Bending his head down, he said in a quiet voice “Tell me, do you notice anything about his appearance….anything….unusual?” Carrie moved away from Goine, her skin crawling with distaste when she was standing too close to him. Walking a little further, Carrie walked around Connor as her gaze touched onto every part of his face, body and stature. When she looked at her brother, she saw his triumphant smile and knew there was something of importance that she was missing. Looking again, she started to circle around him once more before she stopped just behind him and gasped. Looking at her brother who waited patiently for her to voice her thoughts, Carrie reached out her right hand to Connors right ear before she looked at a smug Goine “How?” Carried asked, her mind whittling with this information “With magik. His demon side and my Fae side combined” Goine explained. From the fifth week that you had all reached the academy, Connor had been there, among you….with you” “That’s not possible” Carrie whispered, shocked “The rule of the dorm is that no one may enter if they were to do harm to those that are resident correct?” Goine asked “You know it is” Carrie said through clenched teeth “He simply turned off those desires. The reason it took so long for him to be there was he had to get out any hate, anger or rage towards any of them, Gemma, Ben, Maddie, Cindy and most importantly - Max….so he did” Goine said with glee. “He spent hours and hours perfecting control over his desires, his hatred before going to the academy” “The best part of course is yet to come Carrie” Chris said laughingly “I was aware of this of course, but I didn’t know of Connor’s human face otherwise I would have been more welcoming just now” “Yes!” Goine laughed out loud “But what a great secret it is. Why don’t you tell Carrie the other half of the truth Connor?” Connor turned to look at Carrie, his mouth lifting up into a grin as he touched his ears “You gasped when you saw my ears. Why?” “Because your right ear has a slight dent. Not noticeable unless really scrutinising you, but the tip of your right Fae ear has a slight bend. Very little which is why I didn’t notice it before and Fae’s are usually in perfect proportions” “Exactly!” Goine laughed as he snapped his fingers “Then-?” Carrie frowned “There is a small part, really only a three percent part actually, of me that has a mix of something else” Connor said with glee “And that is?” Carrie asked, her left eyebrow raised “I am part elf” Connor announced “WHAT?” Carrie exclaimed “My grandfather was an elf…..the brother of the elfin line that protects the house of Fae in the academy” Connor laughed out loud “That means you-” Carrie started, wide eyed “That’s right. I am a cousin to Pontus, the royal house elf and I have been the one who was working with him in my other form while keeping an eye on you all” Connor said, throwing his arms out in a flourish; his laugh booming out in the cold, stone room
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