Episode 2

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Chapter 2 The girls and Nana enter the room in their now suitable dress for the after-party. They sight Katherine from afar. "Meet me on this same spot by eleven-thirty, off you go, have fun"  Nana smiles as she shoves them forward.  The girls meet with Katherine and they engage in introductions with other debutantes and good looking suitors. So far, Greta had found ten Bachelors she wants to marry, Katherine gasps as she sights an extraordinary fellow, who makes his way into the room. "Now that is what I'm talking about! That man has got to be some Greek s*x God, he is handsome" Katherine dreams. "You can't even see the face behind his big mask, he might be ugly"  Genoveva gulps down a juicy liquid from her glass. "Trust me this kind of body does not belong to someone ugly, he is so tall," Greta says as the unknown 6ft figure walk past them. "Oh he's sexy" Genoveva admits, clearly blown away by the man's chiseled face and hunky chest. She shrugs out of it. "You girls have successfully infected me with your boy potion," Genoveva says. "I'm going to have that man deflower me in so many ways" "You don't even know him" Greta scoffs "I don't need to, he's a noble that's for sure, no common man can pull this body off in such a gracious manner" Katherine trace her lips with a finger as they curve a smile. The after-party didn't turn out as Genoveva had expected, as far as she's concerned, this is secondary boredom. It could be because both her company are solely interested in finding a man. Sick to her stomach, Genoveva knows she needs a break. "I need to use the restroom" she excuses herself out of the crowded room into the hallway that led to the restroom. Almost close, she hears a female moan from a distance. She inquisitively asks herself what could be going on to make a woman not cry and not shout. The intensity from the voice was getting louder as she traces the source to a door leading to a room. Scared for whoever is inside, she opens the door and walks into the darkroom, she uses her hand to trace her path until she landed in a corner that revealed what was happening. She covers her mouth in both shock and amusement as she watched what was happening in front of her. She couldn't see their faces at all, the moonlight did little to reveal their bodies through the window. But she knows what's happening. They are having s*x. The scene was too intriguing and exciting, she couldn't stop herself from watching further. She watches the man bend the lady over, f*****g her from behind. She couldn't see any of them well enough but the sound that escaped the collision of skin from both parties made her skin rise and her breathing rise rapidly. The sight was turning her on.  "Don't ever tease me in such a manner again" the male figure said in a deep baritone voice as they dress up. Genoveva slowly turns around to walk away undetected but her luck ran out when she collided against something. She fell on the floor and hurriedly push whatever was on her away, executing her escape she didn't make it far when she felt the man's arm around her waist.  He brings her reluctantly further into the darkroom as the previous woman leaves. "I see you like to watch," the man said, trapping her against the wall. "I'm so sorry to intrude, i didn't mean to" she apologized. The man pulls up the hem of her dress and places his thumb on her wet clit. His animal instincts kick in and he devours her in a ruthless kiss. He breaks the sensation. "Don't stop" Genoveva couldn't believe she just said that but it's true. This man she had seen shagging another woman made her interestingly want him to do what he did to her.  She kissed him like he had done at first, grabbing his neck until her core couldn't hold it any longer. Then she remembered what her father said. Like a man, you tell me and I'll make arrangements. The words kept hammering in her head. Her father wouldn't want her to lose her virginity before marriage but the s*x god in front of her didn't make it easy for her to make a sane decision with his ravaging kiss. Luckily for her, he stopped. "We shouldn't be doing this, you're clearly a debutante, i apologize for my behavior" "What?" She laughs in confusion "but you had s*x with her" "She's not a debutante and clearly not a minor" He straightened his jacket. "Why then did you kiss me in the first place you piece of s**t" Genoveva storms off in anger.  Why is she angry? She wanted to stop and he made it easy for her before she made a mistake. She should be thankful, why is she pissed off then? The man ran after her but he couldn't keep up, in the bright hallway, he only saw her dress, her hair, and her mask. He couldn't see her face. Lord William was disappointed at himself for making the young lady feel used, other than that he felt something tingling for this mystery lady. Her last statement made him determined to find out who she is. Genoveva walks back to her sister like nothing happened. "Can i have your mask, i like yours better, this swan thingy is not my thing and i dare not ask Katherine for another" Greta says. Greta switches her mask with Genoveva's. "Let's hope this gets me the man of my dreams" "Greta you already like ten of them in this party" "I've not found the ultimate one" Greta leaves Genoveva all by herself. The previous scene replays in her head and she fails to shrug it off. The unidentified man awakened her sexuality in ways she never expected and she wants more. Now she couldn't blame Katherine for being so keen on deflowering herself.  The idiotic man should have just smooched her more even if they weren't going to have s*x. Minor? Heaven knows she is no minor. She's an adult now. Her father just wants them to be responsible that's why he advised them to stay virgin till after marriage. She searches the room in hope of finding the man but she has no clue what he looks like, what mask he's wearing or the color of his suit. Everywhere was so dark back there and the only thing that lingered is the smell of his Cologne on her skin. She can't possibly be smelling everyone at the party. But not finding him is a good thing for her, she gets to fulfill her father's wish of living a responsible life which shunned premarital s*x. Lord William finally sets his eyes on his mystery woman and makes his way to talk to her. Greta stiffens as the extraordinary man they'd drooled over, heads her direction. Genoveva's mask must've been the charm. "Let's start over, I'm Lord William Smith, Early of Wessex" he bobbed a curtsy to her before taking off his mask. "My lord" she curtsy in both amusement and shock that she actually landed herself the attraction of the hottest earl in the history of earls. "Can i see your face, my lady?" He wouldn't miss the chance of seeing her face Greta takes the mask off, she was igniting inside. Something felt amiss but the earl couldn't pinpoint it. He stared at the beautiful creation in front of him instead, whom he thinks he'd kissed ruthlessly a while back and wants to f**k. "You're beautiful" he finally said. His cheesy line always got the ladies attention. "Thank you my lord" Greta blushed. "We need to go, where's your sister?" Nana suddenly grabs Greta's arm before remembering the gentleman in front of her. "My lord" she bows "pardon me, she needs to leave now to make curfew" "No problem Ms" he turns to Greta "at least tell me your name?" "Greta Kesington," she says before Nana motions them to leave. Greta Kesington. Her name trailed on his lips and he is going to have her in bed.
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