"Did you grab your sisters notebook instead of your?"

760 Words
How strange is that? To just run away. No reason at all, i think. Maybye he did have a reason after all? I dont know... James is walking down the hallway, he just had left his locker. James was lucky enough to notice that no girl were standing outside or inside the library. It's been a long time since he was in the library. He do try to go inside often, but he just gets kicked out because the girls that are following him are makeing too mutch noise. James walks inn and find himself a good spot to read far away from any kind of windo or door. He pull out the book Jacob gave him earlier and begins to read. "Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals." "No, for then we should be colliers." "I mean, an we be in choler, we'll draw." "Ay while you live, draw your neck out o' the collar." Not everyone understands fully Shakespear, but James do, and he enjoys it very mutch. Even that he want to read the book,he desides to walk arround a bit to see if he can find some more intresting book. He walks here and there and walks up the stairs. No one normally walks up the stairs because its more used for storage. If one walk in deeply enough, it's like a paradise for bookworms,and a hell for the dust allergic. James haven't been here in maybye a month or two. Before he used to walk in daily to keep alive a plant since everyone had forgotten about it.  I remeber when i first found out about this place, it was magical. So many books at once, i wanted to read them all at once.  James walked up to the plant and saw that it's soil was wet. Somone have been there, but who? I know there is a table here arround somewere, but i can't fully remeber where.  James walks from here to there before finding the table, and seeing it is busy. He walks up to Connor and takes a seat beside him, who can make friends without having any form og contact with them? "Whatcha reading there?" Connor didn't move a bit. I noticed the book said hamlet. "Hamlet huh?" This time Connor pushed up his glasses as he was ready to speak but desided that afterall he dont want to. I read a line inside of my head. 'Tis gone, and will not anwser. "Are you comming to Ashley's party tonigth?" "No." Connor took his time on this one. Altrough it was worth it. Connor's voice was soft, i liked it.  "Why not?"  This time he dind't  anwser me, he just took his bag and said "Geography."  It took me some time to understand what he ment, and as soon as i got it i ran after him but he was gone. The bell already had rang and everyone were in their classes.Just i were standing there, alone, with Shakespear in one hand.  Since James lives in a small village, they often have classes with the grade under. They do have some separated classes like biology, english and history, but rest of the classes they have together. James walked in to the class and  imidently noticed that Ashley had a open seat for him. Althrough Ashley wasen't the only one who had an open seat. Many of the girls were waiting for James to sit beside them, but he refiused. He walked past Ashley witch made her gasp and sat down next to Connor on the last row. Usually James is sitting in the first row, there is all of his friends.  Connor paid really mutch atention to class. I dont think he really was exided that i sat with him. While the teacher kept talking i noticed his note books were full of stickers. Not any kind of stickers, like the stickers girls puts on their compuer or books because it looks "cute" "Did you grab your sisters notebook instead of your?" I did a little gigle in hope to start a conversation, but instead i saw Connor take his note book back in his backpack. He turned a bit away. Did i upset him? I think i just did. "Sorry i didn't mean to upset you" Connor moved back but still he was silent. What am i supposed to do? No one have ever acted like this against me. I think the question that bothers me is acually why do i want so badly to become friends with him?  
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