Chapter 5

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Kiara and Austin arrive at Sotto Mara Oysteria & Seafood restaurant. Austin let Kiara order their food. After all, she has been here before. Kiara orders a dozen of oysters on a half-shell cracked crab, oysters shooters, and mussel steamers. She orders linguine with manila clams for her entree. She refuses to order his entree. So he orders the pawn scallop saute. As they are laughing and talking. He can't seem to get the contract off of his mind. " Damn I never expected her to ask me this in a million years. Being a husband and having kids. As much as I want to be in a committed relationship am I ready for marriage. Even if it is for only four years. The money sounds good. To be honest I would love to wake up holding her in my arms every morning. But I can't walk away from my kids." He is thinking. When they finished eating they rode across the Golden Gate Bridge and went to Golden Gate Park. While at the park Austin and she talk about their parents and their childhood. Kiara wanted to share something with him. So they went to the Asian Art Museum. The Buddhist deity Guhyasamaja. "It's beautiful. I can see why it's your favorite." Austin is looking at the sculpture. Its two figures in s****l embrace represent wisdom and compassion—the two components of the Buddhist enlightened state—in dynamic balance. "My father used to bring me here every time this exhibit was here. This was his and my special moment. You're the only one that I have brought here." She is smiling looking at the gold sculpture. Austin looks at him. "Wow, thank you for sharing this with me." Kiara smiles and nods her head. "you're welcome" On the way back to the plane he notices that the driver keeps watching Kiara in the rearview mirror. He doesn't like it. "One thing for sure Ara was right the food was great. But the company was better. I love the way she listens to me. When she laughs. Oh my God, it's the prettiest laugh that I have ever heard. The way she touches my arm whenever she laughs. She is beautiful inside and out. We would make some beautiful babies. Whoa, wait a minute. I don't and can't just be her baby maker. Then leave her or them in four years. When I get married it's going to be for a lifetime. My head is saying no. But my heart sure is saying yes. Damn." He is thinking. When they reach the plane, Kiara checks her messages right quick."Good nothing that can't wait until tomorrow" She said as she put her phone back in her purse. "Darn I just realize that I haven't called or texted anyone back the whole day. That is a first for me" He is thinking as he looks at her sitting beside him. "Ara I made the decision. I can't do it. I really like you. But I can't do it. I'm sorry" Austin looks at her. "Okay, I understand. Would you like a drink?" She is walking over to the cabinet. "I wasn't expecting him to say no. Keep yourself together and regroup." Ara is thinking. "Yea, something hard," He is looking at her "Why do I feel that I just made the worst decision of my life." He is thinking. Kiara pours two glasses of cognac. Austin is looking at her she is trying to hide her disappointment. Be he sees right through her. He sees it in her eyes. "What now?" He asks "Well. I will keep looking." She said nodding her head and drinking her cognac. She has no plans to look for anyone else. She is more determined than ever now to have the man that she loves. But she couldn't let him know that. Austin feels like his heart just broke. "Damn I was hoping she had changed her mind about looking for someone else." They talked and laugh on the way back. But Austin and Kiara had other things on their minds. Michael is waiting for them when they landed. He knew by the expression on Kiara's face that Austin turned her down. "She really does love this young man. Even though I just met him today. I can see that he has feelings for her too." He is thinking as he is driving Austin home. They are laughing and talking in the backseat. But Austin and Michael both could hear in her voice that she is disappointed. So when they arrived at Austin's apartment. She smiles at him. "Austin I had a wonderful time." "I did too Ara." He leans into her lips to kiss her. But she kisses him on the cheek. "Goodnight" She rubs his arm. He is looking at her in disbelief "Goodnight" Austin steps out of the car. "What kind of kiss was that? I wanted to taste her beautiful pink lips." He is thinking When they are driving off. "Are you going to give up on him?" Michael looks at her through the rearview mirror. "No, I'm not giving up on him." She shakes her head. "I can't" She is thinking. Michael pulls over to the side of the road. He turns around to look at her. "I can see that Austin has strong feelings for you too." "But not enough to marry me or go out on a date with me." Kara looks out of the window. "Kiara Prudence D'Aramitz, he will. Believe me, he will. I have something to do in the morning after I drop you off. It will not take too long." Michael drives off. "I hope he does soon. Okay, take your time tomorrow. I have nothing planned." She is calling Simone “Phone Conversation” Simone: I have been on pins and needles. What did he say? Kiara: Hello to you two. But he turned me down. Simone: I was so sure that he was going to say yes. What is his problem? Kiara: I have no idea. But I had a good time. The best date that I have ever had. Simone: At least you had a good time. What now? Kiara: I can't give up get yet on him yet. Good night I will see you tomorrow Simone: Good night K "End of call" Kiara looks back out of the window. Michael glances at her then his attention goes back on the road. **** When Austin walks into his apartment. Tanner is sitting on the sofa playing those damn video games. Austin walks over to the refrigerator he gets a beer. " Tomorrow morning your ass is out of here. I am tired of you." Austin is thinking as he drinks his beer. "How was your day with the beautiful Kiara?" Tanner asks not looking away from his game. "To be honest, it's has been the best day of my life" Austin walks into his bedroom. After taking a shower he lays down. Again he can't get Kiara off of his mind. He has been tossing and turning for a couple of hours. Austin is thinking about the things that they did and also the fact that she didn't judge him. He is also thinking about her proposal. There is a knock at his bedroom door "Come in" He is thinking that it's Tanner. "Long time no see." The woman said "How in the hell did you get in, Liz?" Austin looks at her. She is walking over to his bed. "Tanner let me in. I thought we could f**k for old times. I"m horny as hell." He sits up in the bed. "I told you before that's not going to happen. Show yourself out." Liz is trying to climb into bed with him. So Austin gets up pushing her off his bed and out of his room locking the door behind her. "Crazy ass b***h" He is thinking He hears Tanner laughing on the other side of the door "Asshole," he thought. Then his mind goes back to Kiara. " What's up with that kiss on the cheek? I want you so bad." He whispers as he looks at a selfie that he and she took at the park. After a few more hours he finally falls asleep. The next morning Austin walks into the living room. He sees Tanner playing a video game. "Why in the hell did you let her in? "I was tired of her looking through the window. It was creepy as hell. Besides I knew that you were going to turn her down. Tell me everything about your date with Kiara." Tanner said looking at Austin "I'm not going to tell you my business. We had a great time. That's all you need to know." Austin is looking at Tanner "Damn, you really like her don't you?" Tanner is still looking at Austin He nods his head "I really like her a lot. He said smiling. "I love her" He is thinking. **** The next morning Kiara walks into her office Cindy hands her a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Kiara. How was your day off?" Kiara takes a sip of the coffee. "Good morning. Let's say that it was interesting." She looks up at Simone and Eric walking toward her office to have a meeting. She walks in front of them to her office. "Okay, you two I have looked at all of the auditions tapes and pictures that you sent me. But none of them fit the type of person that I'm looking for. Now what I am looking for is a spokesperson for the restaurant that is a clean-cut male." Kiara picks one of the pictures up looking at it. "See this guy, he has too much hair on his face. He doesn't look like a chef at all. Maybe a man that looks a little similar to Austin " Austin?" Simone is a little worried about Kiara. Eric hasn't thought too much about the way Kiara is acting. "Yes, Austin. He is handsome and smart. Simone, you met him. You know what I'm looking for." Kiara said looking at Simone "Oh, I see. Well, I will have to call the agency." Simone is smiling. "Damn K got it bad. She got the Austin blues." She is thinking. "I think I have a few photos at my desk. That you might be interested in." Eric is looking at Kiara's cellphone. It's ringing. She looks at the screen and then picks it up to answer it. Simone and Eric both look at her funny Because she never answers her cell during a meeting "I will be in my office" Eric is walking out of the door. Simone hasn't moved. "Phone Conversation" Kiara: Hello Austin: Hi, Ara I'm sorry to bother you. I know you're working. Kiara: You're not bothering me Austin: I need your help. Kiara: Okay. What's wrong? Austin: You remember I told you about Tanner's situation? Kiara: Yes. He is living with you until he gets his electricity back on. Austin: Right. He and his friends have been distributing the peace. While I was at work and school. I just found out about it. Damn it Kiara: Calm down, Austin. Austin: I just received a letter from the office. They evicted me I have to be out today. This is the first letter that I have received. But the woman said that they had sent three more. I asked Tanner about it. He said that he threw some mail away. But he didn't read any of it. Kiara: Don't worry. You can stay with me. Austin: I don't want to be in your way. Kiara: I have plenty of room. Austin: Okay, I appreciate it, thank you. Kiara: You're welcome. We'll be there in a few. Austin: We? Kiara: You need help to pack and a truck to move your things. Austin: I wasn't thinking. See you in a few Ara "End of call" "Cindy, I need you to call Michael. He had something to do this morning. So let him know that something came up. I need him to take me somewhere. Call a moving company we need it ASAP. I will pay double, or triple if necessary. I'm texting you the address now. It's an emergency" Kiara is sliding her stilettos off to slide on a pair of Vans. Simone is looking at her concerned. "What's wrong, K?" Kiara stands up looking at her desk. "We're going to help Austin move." "Move where?" Simone is looking at her confused now "Austin is moving into my house." Kiara locks her desk drawer. Simone points at her and Kiara's designer dresses. "Dress like this?" "We're just packing. That's why I hired movers." Kiara pick up her handbag and sunglasses "Oh, yeah right," Simone said smiling Cindy is standing in the doorway. "Michael is back. He is parked by the elevator. The movers are on their way there. Double pay." "Okay," Kiara said heading to the elevator "I'll meet you in the car. I have to change my shoes and get my purse." Simone is walking down the hall. While waiting for Simone, Kiara tells Michael about Austin's situation. Michael didn't say anything. He just listens and nods his head. Simone gets into the car. "Bryan is meeting us there to help. Cindy texted him the address." "Good with five of us, the packing will be quicker. Mara will have us some lunch ready when we arrive home." Michael smiles as he drives out of the parking deck. Austin is standing outside of his apartment waiting on Ara and Michael. He is looking at Michael parking in front of his apartment. He feels embarrassed that he had called Ara. He doesn't have any friends. Since Bobby got married and moved away. He didn't expect her to let him move in with her. But for some reason, he felt as if something made him call her. Bryan parks right beside them. Simone walks over to Bryan and kisses him. Austin walks over to Kiara. "I'm sorry for calling you." "Don't be. I am glad that you called." She hugs him. He hugs her back "At least he is in the house now. It's a start." Michael is thinking as he is looking at them smiling. Then he sees the moving truck driving up. Michael walks over to the movers. He tells them where to park. Kiara introduces Austin to Bryan. The two men do the men hug thing. "We just have to pack. The movers will do the rest." Kiara tells Bryan as they are walking into the apartment "Austin, we can use one of the empty garages for the things that you won't be using anytime soon." Michael is standing beside Austin. "Sounds good to me." Austin picks up a box to start packing. He had picked up some boxes after he talked to Kiara on the phone. Tanner is just sitting there still playing his video game. They all are looking at him. "Is he crazy?" Simone is talking to Kiara but looking at Tanner "I believe he is," Kiara is looking at Tanner. "Who's tv is that?" She is talking to Austin "Mine." Austin looks at Tanner "Excuse me." She is talking to one of the movers. She read the name on his shirt. "Emmett takes the tv first," Kiara is pointing at the tv. Emmett laughs, walks over, unplugs the tv. "Hey, what are you doing?" Tanner yells looking at Emmett. "They told me to take it," Emmett is pointing at Kiara and Austin still laughing Tanner turns to look at Kiara and Austin. Neither one said anything to him. So he just sits there looking at them pack boxes. It's been an hour or so, Austin's bike is the last thing that was loaded. Michael is talking to the movers. "Thank you all for helping me," Austin is looking at Simone and Bryan "No problem man. anytime." Bryan pats Austin on his shoulder "You're welcome" Simone smiles. "I appreciate you two so much." Kiara hugs Simone and Bryan "You know we got you. Now we are going to pick up some burgers and go home." Simone is getting in the Suv with Bryan "Ara I have to drop the keys off." Austin is walking beside her. They are walking to the car. Michael is standing by the car, looking at Tanner "Hey, guys. Who do I ride with?" Tanner asks looking at Austin and Kiara. "Nobody. Your free ride ends here. Those are your things sitting over there. Austin is pointing at two boxes. "Simone was right he is crazy." Kiara shakes her head, getting in the car.
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