Zeder's rules

1116 Words
Blu would come and leave every day over the next three months and Zander would cry himself to sleep every night. Jaxon and Harry tried to talk to him about it, but Zander refused to talk and even shut himself out. Zander knew Blu was hiding something he was determined to find out what. Blu came the same as every night Zander planned out quickly to put a tracking app on his phone and hide the app. “Babe, what are you doing?” Blu said sitting next to Zander placing coffee cups on the table. “Nothing, just seeing what was good on Netflix.” It was an innocent lie but Zander did feel upset that he had to lie to Blu. Later that night Zander followed the tracking finding himself in a place he’d never seen before, a tall building at the end of the shady side of the road. He zipped his jacket walking closer to the bike that had just been parked. “Who are you?” Zander spun quickly faced to a man just a bit taller with a deep solid tone, a man that looked a bit light Blu, but not at the same time. “You shouldn’t be kid…” another man said also taller, but more an average voice and size. “Pops, Look what we found sneaking around outside…” Mario and Jamie’ssnickers dragging Zander into the dining round, he had already endured a few punches but was curious where Blu was in all this. “Boy, what is your name?” Zeder spoke with a growl. “Z...Zander,” Zeder cupped his face Zander shuddered at his soulless black eyes. “I’m Zeder and you have trespassed on my property, WHY?” “I...I’m sorry, Sir I’ll leave.” “Hey Dad dinner is getting cold,” Blu said walking into the room, “Blu” “Zander?” “Mierda!” Mario laughed as the lines connected. “Papa, este es su amante maricon.” Mario said causing Zeder to throw Zander down onto the floor Jamie and Mario held Blu back. “Tu Amante” “Si papa, Hare cualquier cosa, simplemente no lo lastimes,” Blu spoke loudly. “Ok…” the hollow sound in his voice scared both Zander and Blu. “Strip him and put them in the black room.” “No, Dad No, Papa” Zeder slapped Blu across the face, Zander earned a punch in the stomach for trying to break away to get to Blu. “Jamie tie him in the chair.” “No, Jam Please, not the black room.” Jamie had tears in his eyes as they stripped Zander and Blu, Edu, and Jorge were ordered to the black room as well. Zander and Blu faced each other with a blinding light above them, Blu’s hands were tied behind him his legs tied to the chair legs. “Why did you follow me?” “You should have told me,” “Tell you what my family is psycho and you’ll be in trouble if you come here, because Hello that’s what is happening.” “What are they going to do?” “I don’t know this is the torture room.” “Tortue room? They have a torture room, what the f**k is your family Blu Lopez, or is that a made-up name?” “My father Zeder Lopez is head of the Mexican Cartel, my name isn’t Blu, it’s Bluregard Rico Lopez.” with that mouth full Zander shut his and stay quiet. The room stay quiet for what felt like an entity but was only twenty minutes when Zeder and Mario walked into the room, Zander sifting up and Blu fighting against the ropes. Edu, Jorge, and Jamie walked into the room shutting the door behind them, Zander rarely got scared of anything, but this situation terrified him. “Pick A or B?” “I don’t understand… A or B” Zander said quietly, trying any way he could not get hit. “Well, A is to show us how devoted you are to Blu,” “And B?” “We force your devotion,” Zander could hear his heart pounding in his ears “No Zander don’t leave him out of this, give him a warning.” “Ohf,” Blu coughed at the hit to his gut by Zeder. “You’re not leaving this room until you give us something to believe your devotion.” “How do I show my devotion?” Zander whispered not trusting if his voice would be louder. “Well, I have five sons…” “You want me to have s*x with them, NO! Blu is the only man I want…” Zander spoke before thinking and earning a heavy hit from Mario knocking the chair then a kick to the stomach from Jamie. “Please, Dad Parada… Lo haremos,” Blu yelled not able to handle Zander being hit like that anymore. “Jame and Mario go first,” he said then sat on a chair as Mario pulled the chair into a darker part of the room. “Blu No, please. “Zander, just do what they say.” Zeder laugh as the lights in the room turned on. A white bed sat in the middle of the room, Zander walked from the chair onto the bed. With tears in his eyes, he licked and suck Mario’s d**k stroking Jamie with one hand. Blu was only able to watch the scene unfold as Zander was forced to do things he never in a million years thought was possible. “Okay boys vanilla is annoying, try something a little more exciting,” Zeder said after watching Mario and Jamie strip, Edu and Jorge stood off to the side already knowing the orders and they had to follow, so they were preparing themselves. “Blu…” cut off but the sudden intrusion of Edu’s c**k Mario and Jamie made easy work of swinging his body everywhere. “I’m sorry Zander!” Blu cried watching, he already knew from the last time that there was no running away from this and that the more he fought against it, the harder it would be to hide from it. “Ok Boys, I think he’s shown enough devotion to the Lopez family,” Zander nods vigours shanking and crying, Zeder cut Blu free, and he rushes to hold Zander. “Let this be a warning to you both, get the MC up and running and stay the f**k out of my way.” Blu only nodded watching as his brothers left the room.
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