~Chapter Two~

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Elias POV             I was hoping to see her again today. She has been at Manndible Café three out of the five times I’ve been there the last two weeks. The last time I was going to ask her name, but Melinda was with me and well Melinda was with me again today. I like Melinda but for some strange reason I’m drawn to this girl, and I really just want to find out why. When we got to the counter to order, I searched her top for the umpteen time, looking for a name badge but she wasn’t wearing one. “Hello, welcome to Manndible Café. What can I get for you today?” She asked Melinda and Melinda wrapped her arm around my neck and looked at me like she normally does and to be honest it annoys the hell out of me because she knows what she wants but I think she think it’s cute when I order for her. When Melinda didn’t say anything, I shook my head and looked at the girl taking the order. She was looking at Melinda waiting but when I begin to speak her eyes stayed on Melinda. “We will have two Manndi Burritos, these two bags of chips, and this bottled coke with a Strawberry Banana smoothie, please.” I said but she never looked up at me. After she took our order, she took it to the kitchen but never returned. Ten minutes after we ordered a guy brought our order out to us and I was sort of disappointed. “Where is the girl that took our order? Isn’t it her job to deliver it to us? She was really rude. Is there a manager on duty?” Melinda said and I glared at her. “A manager is not necessary. My friend here is just kidding. The service was great.” I said to the guy who’s name tag said Omar. “Kelsey is one of the best and she is never rude, so I knew she was kidding. Thank you for your feedback, I will be sure to let our manager know.” Omar said and I smiled as he walked away. “What the hell was that Melinda? Why would you say those things? That girl was not rude.” I said with slight irritation in my tone.            “Because I didn’t like the way she was looking at you baby.” Melinda whined and I rolled my eyes.            “Melinda, she never even looked at me. She was looking at you the whole time.” I said then walked away from her.            I was pissed off at her for her antics but even more pissed because she is so petty and annoying.            “I’m sorry Elias, I really didn’t mean to upset you. You know how I feel about other girls looking at you trying to get your attention.” Melinda said following me out the door as I left.            I couldn’t wait to drop her off and tell her I didn’t think this relationship is going to work out. When we arrived at her dorm room, she wrapped her arms around my neck and was about to kiss me, but I removed her arms and back away from her.            “Look Melinda, I really didn’t like what you did earlier at Manndible and I really don’t think this relationship is going to work out.” I said and she was about to say something, but I shook my head at her and she dropped her head but smiled then turned around and walked up the stairs to her dorm.            After she was safely inside, I pulled out my phone and dialed one of my buddies Joseph.            “Hey Joe, what’s up man? Are you guys going to the Omega Phi step show at NYU for the step competition?” I asked him.            “Yeah, Damien and Marquis just told me about it. We’re leaving in an hour. Are you going?” Joe asked me.            “Yes, I’m supposed to pick up Kevin and Mark at 6:30 to head over. So, I guess I will see you all there.” I said and headed to my dorm.            Once I was dressed for the step show, I ordered my Lyft adding two stops, one to pick up Kevin and Mark at Kevin’s dorm, then to NYU for the step show. When we arrived at NYU, we met up with Joseph, Damien, and Marquis before going over to the quad where the step show is being performed at. As expected, Omega Phi did their thang and the Theta Nu’s showed up and showed out as them boys know how to do. Overall, the show was entertaining and competitive.  When the show was over, we all decided to go back to Manndible’s to grab a bite before calling it a night. Marquis ordered a Lyft SUV so we could all fit in one ride and all arrive at the same time. Our ride was close and arrived ten minutes after Marquis ordered it.            When we got to Manndible’s I wasn’t expecting to see Kelsey still there but just as we were walking in it appeared she was clocking out.            “Hey Elias, over there.” Damien said pointing at a table across the café.            She is so beautiful but always so reserved and quiet. She glanced at me when my name was called but then quickly exited the building and I followed her out to see if I could finally introduce myself but when I got out the door, she was nowhere in sight, and I sighed.            “You’re always watching her when we come here. Who is she? What happened to Melinda?” Damien asked            “Melinda is a spoiled, annoying, and unpleasant female who get joy on bringing others shame and pain. I could never be with someone like her. As far as the girl, I don’t know who she is. I barely learned her name earlier today when Melinda was trying to get her in trouble for no reason.” I said and he nodded.            “Why don’t you approach her and get to know her? She’s in a tech class with Myra and Myra said she’s a nice, caring, and hard-w**********l. She lost her parents six months ago and she’s been working here and as a PA since their death.” Damien said and I looked at him shocked and he nodded. The next day, I went to Manndible’s alone around lunch time, but I didn’t see Kelsey working. I sat inside sipping a cup of Manndibrew hoping she would come in before I needed to leave.            “I’m here, I’m here,” Kelsey said running into the café and behind the counter to clock in.            “Kelsey, did you get my message?” Her coworker Omar said, and she quickly grabbed her phone out of her pocket.            “Seriously Omar, I just ran all the way here and I am not on the schedule until 8:00 pm. Why didn’t you call me?” She asked catching her breath.            “Check your phone again girly, I called four times.” Omar said and she looked back at her phone.            “My phone never rung.” She said then sighed.            “Well, you’re here already and early so why don’t you rest a minute, and I will see if Amanda can take the midnight shift, that way you can get off at 11:30 tonight instead of 4:00 tomorrow morning.” Omar said and Kelsey exhaled deeply with a smile.            “Thank you so much Omar. I appreciate it. I will clock in now.” She said with a smile. A few minutes later she came back out from the back and begin to help customers at the counter. I watched her work for a while but didn’t disturb her. Omar was right, she is really good at what she does and she’s so polite and friendly with everybody. It was a little after 4:00 pm when I received an alert that the Communications department has invited Dr. Nick Morgan, one of America’s Top Communications Theorists and Coaches, along with Kindra Hall, and Ty Bennett to be the three Keynote Speakers at this year’s ‘The Art of Storytelling’ Communications Conference. Every year the Communications department puts on a large Communications conference for the students of the major and they invite big name speakers to come and share insight on topics related to the conference theme. As I was reading the alert, a girl I had seen around campus walked in and walked straight up to Kelsey.            “Good Morning Kel, did you hear about the communications conference next week?” The girl said to Kelsey and she smiled at her.            “Good Morning Annette, yes, what about it?” Kelsey asked her.            “They just announced the Keynote Speakers and Dr. Piper is looking for greeters for the conference. It’s a compensated gig from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm all three days of the conference. Are you interested? I can place you at the top of the list.” The girl Annette said, and Kelsey sighed.            “Honestly, I can’t afford to turn down any work right now so yes sign me up. I received a message from my Aunt Roselie and she said she can only send my allowance for this month but I will have to figure things out for the coming months until she gets my dad’s estate attorney to release more money to her. What’s the pay for this conference anyway?” Kelsey asked her and she pulled out a flyer and handed it to her.            “$350.00 a day and an extra $150 if you help set-up on Tuesday afternoon and an extra $150 if you help with clean-up on Saturday morning. That’s a $1350 payout. I’ll put you on the list this afternoon. But I have to go boo. I’ll see you later, right?” Annette asked and Kelsey smiled.            “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight. I’m off at 11:30 now. Are you going to be home?” Kelsey asked and Annette smiled.            “I will be there around midnight. I have a date with Darnell this evening.” Annette said with smile.
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