Bloody Love(Episode 1)

1119 Words
It was a cold scary midnight. She was sitting outside the wooden main gate of house, almost trembling with cold and fear. Her name was Jean and she was punished by her step   mom to spend the whole night outside, as this happened most often after the death of her father.”Mom, please! Open the door .Please mom! Everything is so scary here outside.”She was constantly weeping and repeating the same words since many hours have passed .But there was no response on other side. Perhaps, she was gone to sleep after expelling her out of the house. “Mom, please open the either beat me or lock in the room, but please open the door. Otherwise, I will die out of the fear.Mom! Mom! Please Mom” She was sitting on earth with back along with wooden gate and legs folded up ward. She was a beautiful teen girl, living with her step mom and three step brothers.She again started sobbing by putting her beautiful face in her legs with hands wrapped around them Her wailing was of no use .Everything was still and static all around. Since it was a far off countryside area so there were not any dwellings nearby. There were only woods all around those were making the environment extremely horrible. She felt something. ‘Mea woo, mea woo” It was voice of the cat .The cat was mewing in very weak voice .She thought it might be hungry. She felt pity for her and forget her own pain for a while. She scrolled her eyes in search of the Cat. She found it in nearby bushes. It was a male Cat. The cat was so big, scary and all black. She declined the idea of helping and stepped back out of fear. But then, when looked into its eyes, she felt that it was in need of help .She was in misery this time and wanted to reduce the pain of this helpless creature. In the light of solely night bulb hanging with the wall of house she can see it was injured also. With her heart beating so fast she went close to the Cat. There was a wooden stud crossed across its front claw. “Oh My God! It might be in extreme pain” She again sobbed. But what to do? How to get into house with him? She was thinking of any plan. How can I help him empty handed? Speaking with herself she stepped towards the Cat.When she raised her hand to help the Cat; there was strong windy movements in the roots of bushes. There was no air all around .She was astonished over the movement of bushes without air all around. She suddenly ran behind, towards main gate and started beating it with full power. Again, she started making pledges; those were seemed to be going wasted also. But she did not lose heart this time. She continued beating the gate with full power, along with looking at those scary bushes and the Cat. There were hardly two to three houses in Whole Street. There were trees all around, depicting a sight of terror t this moment of night. Her legs started trembling as mea woo ,mea woo of the Cat also was included in knocking of the door her own voices. She felt as Cat was in extreme anger. Its voice was same dim and low but constant. She was about to faint out of fear when house door was opened .It was her 11 years old step brother Mike who opened the door. She entered the house with speed of light and locked the door. “What happened?” Mike asked her. “Are you okay?” Mike was worried for her. Although her step brother but he was not so bad with her. “Oh! Yeah, I am!” She replied and crossed the corridor in a hurry to enter to her room. Mike also followed her. “Did Mom say you to open the door?” She asked. “Of course! She said .Otherwise how can I open the door without letting her know. Well, what was your mistake this time?”He inquired Jean. “Believe me! I am still in search of the mistake and cannot find any grim mishandling of mine, as ever before. Honestly, I cannot find up till now that why Mom has always been this much rude with me” She replied in a sad tone. Mike then asked her goodbye and went to his own room. Her fear was a little lessened after talking to mike. She was not having courage to switch off the light .She went over the bed with light on when she heard the voice of mea woo, mea woo again. There was voice from outside the window of her room .Her room’s window was far away of the main gate and Cat has traveled up to here with his injured claw. Her nerves were trembling and heart was drowning again. She was encircled by both pity and fear. She stood up and went towards the window. She slipped the curtain aside .Cat was in front of her with her red eyes clinging the at the glass of window. She wanted to close the window out of terror but heard the pity voice of the Cat .He was meowing in a very low voice. She started feeling a little guilty. A poor creature was in need of help from her constantly and what she has been doing. She felt ashamed a little over her behavior and pity for him. She opened the window and dragged him inside. He was so heavy that her joints started to pain .But with extreme effort she did it. “How much massive and overweight this Cat is? Do all the Cats have been this much heavy?”She thought to herself. She looked at the Cat surprisingly and started examining her leg and front claw. She was having the feeling as this wooden piece was crossed his claw in strange way. It seemed that someone did it on purpose, otherwise it was not possible to get crossed the wooden stud in this way. The oddest thing was that the Cat was not bleeding even. Again this was so appalling but she leaned to pull this stud out of his foot. She tried to pull it and it was so easy. That wooden piece came out of his foot as easily as thread comes out of needle. She was perplexed again but then she stopped thinking as someone stopped her thoughts. “Hey! Are you hungry” She spoke in infusions.
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