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Abigail followed along and rode in the second cart that followed Prince Magmus to their house. She was still filled with hope of her parents running to the cart to draw her down and prevent her from being taken away but nothing like that seems to be happening as the view of her parents became smaller and smaller till she could no longer see them In the distance. Why is this happening to me? What have I done wrong? She thought to herself as the cart wheeled through a huge black gate into a large compound with castles in it. They must be maids she said to herself as she sights women of different ages, heights and color running or moving from one place to another in the different uniform. “Get down” A voice blared from the back which made her shudder. She quickly got down from the cart and look up to see a huge man with a shoulder twice hers looking down at her. She shuddered with fear as she stood in front of him and wondered who this is again. “Follow me” she heard and she quickly turned to follow him while scanning everywhere with her eyes.                                  “You should look well so you will get familiar with all roads and everything as you would need them from now onwards" the voice leading her said as they move along the long corridor to an unknown destination. “Ehmm Please can I know your name?" Abigail said as she looked up in his eyes waiting for an answer “Never mind…..sir" she said and dropped her stare to the floor thinking she might have offended him. “I’m Lucas" he said and move forward. “Oh…..Mr Lucas" she whispered as she follows him “No no… here we don’t use sir, the only one you use sir for is the prince, and so call me Lucas" he corrected her. “Oh ok.. Lucas" she let out with a tiny voice “Good" he said as he opened the door to a new room. Where could this be? Abigail thought to herself as she followed him inside.                                   “Give her a bath” Lucas commanded as soon as they entered the room. Give who a bath? Me? she thought as her eye balls got bigger She was grabbed by two people at the shoulders before she knew what was going on, she was placed in the bath tub and scrubbed with sponge and soap made from olive leaves. “Why am I being bathed?" She asked the person bathing her “Well you have to look presentable to the Prince" she answered and continuing her work “Can I know your name?" Abigail said in a tiny voice. “Hmm my name is Marie" she answered with a smile. “Oh Marie.." Abigail repeated the name with a nod, “I'm Abigail" she added “Nice name" Marie said complimenting her with a pat. Marie is one of the castle’s servants, she is two years older than Abigail but her stature doesn’t look fifteen, she has a beautiful smile and has brown eyeballs with moderately long hair. Though she’s a slave, she has the skin of a queen and she’s very hardworking. Her charm is being quiet but can't stand injustice. “Do you want to be my friend?" Marie asked staring into Abigail’s eyes “Can i?" She replied with another question ”Of course, you can!" Marie answered with her eyes lit. “I’m relieved then" Abigail said bursting into a smile “You are cute!" Marie replied with a smile.   “Is she ready?" Lucas said asked as he barged into the room again “Give us two minutes Lucas" Marie replied from behind the curtains as she dressed Abigail in an outfit neither of royalty nor s*****y. “She’s ready" Marie said as she brought Abigail out by pulling her hands “Let’s go" Lucas commanded turning around. Where are we heading to again? She thought to herself as she followed Lucas like a goat for sale “See you soon" Marie mouthed to her and wave “Ok!" Abigail signaled with a smile as she left with Lucas through the door.   “Your guest is here my Lord" Lucas notified Prince Magmus as they entered his study. “Oh I see!" Prince Magmus answered and lifted his head up “Hmm take her to the Head maid and tell her to assign her to where there is stress of her age" he commands "I understand sir" Lucas replied with a bow and left for the door We are leaving? Just like that? Why? Where am I going to? Will I not see Marie anymore? Different questions rushes through Abigail’s head as she followed Lucas to whoever the Head maid is. ******** “Hi welcome!" She heard from a voice coming from the bed as soon as she opened my assigned room’s door She packed her hair in a straight style and attached a small ribbon to the back of her head, her eyes were sparkling like clear water and her pointed nose did justice to her smooth round face. Her brows were perfectly shaped and neatly formed even though she never shaped it herself ever since she was born and her cheeks were slightly big and not chubby. Her lips were not too thin or luscious and her long black hair was full to all of her forehead. she is off average height even though she's not as tall as Leah but she was her shoulder length and her legs were straight as a line. “Wow, you are really beautiful! I’m Leah and I’m your roommate" the voice introduced with a smile. “Thank you, I'm Abigail" she responded and closed the door. “You are small but let’s get along though" Leah said as Abigail closed the door “I’d love to Abigail" replied and placed her small bag on the table across the room. "How old are you?" Leah asked further "Thirteen years" Abigail replied shyly “ding dong, ding dong” A bell echoed as Abigail took her seat “That’s the call to meet the Prince" Leah informed her as they both stood up and sprint out.   The journey of a thirteen year old slave starts now, what would she face in the castle? What is her fate in this new home that she was not familiar with?
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