1472 Words
JAKE's POV [BELL RINGING] DISMISSAL! Finally, class this morning is over. I'm so f*****g bored with the whole class. I mean, the professor is so boring! Grabbing my bag, I exited the classroom with my friends, Gab, Zed, and Tobi. We are on our way now to the school cafeteria. As usual, the girls we meet in the corridor are secretly screaming. "Oh my! H...Hi, Jake!" A sophomore girl greeted me. "Hi," her friend exclaimed when I returned her wink. "Oh no, did... Did he just greet me?" "Oh my god! Yes, b***h! He took notice of you!" "Oh no! I'm jealous!" I just smiled while listening to their reactions when I noticed a woman greeting me until we got to the school cafeteria. This scenario is not new to me because I am just Jake Darrell Velez. The popular top student, hot guy, and soccer varsity at this university, as well as the youngest son of the owner of PK Car Incorporation. From the title that my parents have, yes, I am rich. But damn! My dad is so f*****g strict, so the money he gives me is just right. I also don't have my own car with me. I've asked him several times to buy me a car, but he still hasn't done so. I’m turning 19 soon. "Your birthday is so close, maybe you can ask your father to get you a car this time," Zed suggested as we ate lunch. Tch. I don't think he can grant my wish this time. I'm so tired of asking him to get me a car. "After all, you'll be 19 next month. You are now legally permitted to drive," Tobi added. "But if he still won't give it to you, just steal the cars your father is selling," Gab said while laughing. Zed and Tobi laughed as well. "Right! That's a brilliant idea, Gab!" Zed smiled broadly, exposing his gums. I laughed at them sarcastically. "Very funny, asshole!" I said, rolling my eyeballs. "Just kidding! I'm just making you laugh. You looked so troubled... Ops! Your queen is on her way!" Gab said, which made me turn my head around. From the distance, I saw Queenie walking in my direction. "You better get a car, dude," Tobi whispered. "Jake!" Queenie beamed as soon as she approached me. She gave me a short hug before she sat down on the chair next to me. "Hi, guys!" She greeted my friends. "Hi, Elle!" My friends greeted her back. Elle is her nickname. Queenie Louella Locsin, my childhood friend and long-time crush, but she didn’t know that I liked her, not because I was afraid to tell her how I truly felt, but because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I'm afraid that she will turn away if I tell her that I like her. So, I'll keep it in the meantime. My friends are aware that I like Queenie, but of course, they have to zipper their mouths if they don't want me to beat them to death. Kidding! "Hey, have you eaten?" I asked her. "Nope. I'm on a diet now. I've got to keep this sexy, curvy body of mine." She giggled. She is so cute. "Don't worry about getting fat, Elle. Jake won't mind," Gab said in a teasing voice. What the? I gave him a death glare. "Really? Will I still look good if I gain weight?" Elle asked me, which made me look at her. "Huh? You are, of course. You always look good, so don't be too self-conscious." I replied while smiling. "Really? But I don't think I'm attractive with a fat body." She pouted. "What? No! Obviously not! You probably look attractive with a fat body, Elle. Right, dude?" Tobi asked me, smiling mischievously. Zed and Gab, too. Seriously! Are they really teasing me right now? "Yeah, yeah. Of course..." I stuttered, smiling, secretly giving my friends a sharp look. "Aw! That's why I love you, Jake! You're so sweet!" Elle gave me a short hug. "Anyway, I still have a class. I'll see you guys later. See you, best!" Elle said goodbye to us as she stood up. "See you around, Elle!" Tobi, Zed, and Gab added their voices to the chorus. "See you," I said while smiling at her. "Yup. Enjoy your lunch, guys!" She waved her hands and walked away. As soon as she leaves our place, I turn my gaze to these three assholes. "Seriously, guys? What were you doing? You know, you can't tease me in front of her. Tch! She might notice." I scolded them, shaking my head. "Come on, Jake. How long do you plan to hide how you feel for her? If someone has taken her?" Tobi. "Tch. I've already explained the reason." "Dude, standing up for your cause makes you feel pointless. How do you know if you have a chance with her or not if you choose to keep quiet? Come on! Do something!" "Tobi is right, Jake. Besides, I believe Elle likes you as well; she's just waiting for you to confess to her." Zed added, taking a sip of banana milk. "Yeah. My instincts are telling me the same thing. You're the man here, Jake. You should be the one to make the first move," Gab added. "Let's take it slowly," I said, grabbing my plate and standing up. I walk away. "Dude, you're already moving at a snail's pace. Hey, wait up!" They followed me. — "That's all for now. Please prepare for a long quiz tomorrow. Have a nice evening, everyone. See you tomorrow!” The professor said and exited the room. All of my classmates packed their things and left the room one by one. "Ah, another lengthy quiz. I’m so sick of it.” Zed complains. "We should get used to it," Tobi said while shaking his head. "Just be patient; the semester ends next month." Gab chuckled. We stood up and walked out of the room. “So what? The drawings have three units. Simply put, she is still our Professor until next year. Ah, I was planning to watch anime tonight, but I need to study for the f*****g long quiz. Annoying!” He let out a breath of annoyance. I just chuckled. Zed dislikes the engineering course, so he is the one who frequently complains when there are quizzes or other activities assigned by our professor. The course he really wants to take is computer science, but his father does not want him to take it. They had just continued their conversation when my phone suddenly vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and looked at who was texting me. It was my sister, Jasmine. /Is your class over? Come out. I’m waiting at the front gate./ Oh damn. Why is she the one to pick me up now? I rolled my eyes after reading her text message. Why didn't Dad just buy me my own car? “Hey, dude. You OK?” It was Gab who asked me, tapping my shoulder. "Who is that? Texting you." Tobi added a question. “Tch. It’s your crush,” I replied. "She’s the one who's going to pick you up?" he asked. His tone sounds excited. Yeah, he has a huge crush on my older sister. "Yeah." I lazily said, scratching the back of my head in annoyance. I get annoyed even more when they laugh at me. "f**k you, guys!" I stated roughly. "Calm down, man. You don’t have to be shy. We understand your situation.” Zed. "Don't worry about it. You'll have the car soon." Gab. I just shook my head. When we exited the building, I saw Jasmine, waiting inside her car. She should have called our driver to fetch me. It would be less embarrassing on my part. She waved her hand at me when she saw me. She even waved her hand at me, huh? "Your sister is really babying you, huh?" Zed said while smiling mischievously. "Babying, my ass!" They laughed again. Assholes! “Go. You should go. Don't make her wait." Tobi said. His tone is giving me chills. "Stop being concerned about her. She's not interested in dating," I explained. "You mean in Toooobi?" Gab laughed it off. “Hey! Shut up." “Why? It’s true anyway. Jasmine is far too lovely to like you." Tobi huffed in annoyance. “Are you saying that I am not attractive?” “Yes. You're not attractive at all." Gab continues teasing him. "Oh, really? I'll make sure to kick you a$$ when she becomes mine!" Tobi stated confidently as if it would happen. “Tss. I'm leaving now." Then I walked into my sister’s car. "See you tomorrow, dude!" "Tell your sister I said hi!" Tobi's voice out loud. ---
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