2 : Pearl Sora

1385 Words
Pearl’s Pov I can't help feel like im being followed. Like there's a pair of eyes watching my every move, waiting, before jumping out to scare me. And it doesn't help at all that it sends a massive wave of shivers crawling down the pit of my spine. In any occasion, I’d check my surroundings, and today wasn't an exception. Lifting my head up to crane over my environment , apart from the dog taking a piss, everything appeared to be just normal. Then again. What is normal to me? "Pearl!" Stell shouts from a few feet behind before catching up with me. "Where the heck were you yesterday? I went to the library but guess who welcomes me with open arms? A boring isle of books." I stay silent for a few seconds, going over what had really happened yesterday. Noticing my lack of respond, Stell snaps his fingers in front of my face with a pout on his lips. "Hey. Either you tell me where you were or I take you right here right now." And that's when I decide to hold back my look of disorient. He was obviously joking though. I recall his question again, laughing inwardly. If only he knew. "You'll end up in the ground." He lifts an eye brow. "Be serious for once, Pearl. Where were you yesterday?" He must have been worried. Given that I disappeared without telling him. I've known Stell ever since we were in diapers. He's been that friend I could lean on and share my problems with. Now back to the matter in hand. I was actually there, and I saw him. But the boy had been too occupied with his phone to even notice me ran pass him. So whose fault is it now? Obviously not me. I clutch the strap of my bag, adjusting it before sliding into my seat. "Dad needed me to run an errand for the shop. Sorry." Stell thoughtfully hums, taking his seat beside me. I set my bag aside and fish for my books. It's a few minutes of silence as we both settle on our perspective seats, Stell nudging a flirtatious chin towards a random girl before turning back to face me. I hold the urge to roll my eyes. It's a sight I've seen way too many times. And the more I see it, the more I feel like I'm this close to getting a new set of eyes. "That's fine. It's not like I was waiting for hours looking like a complete loner." He says. "I feel ya bud." I pat his shoulder with fake sympathy only to earn myself a childish glare in return. Stell Hudson. I've been friends with him since forever. And as far as I'm aware, he's known as my university's playboy. Apart from the total change of attitude when he's with me though; gullible, cherry, sometimes over protective, innocent. He isn't doing a good job preventing all the girls he's hanged out with from opening their mouths. Yes, I admit that he has the looks, and i give him credit for that. But if I were to start listing out every little secrets his only ever told me. That wouldn't be of any help either on lessening his popularity. The male in subject exaggeratedly exhales, the bottom of his lip forming a cute pout. At this point, I can't help but fist my hand and send him a hard beat on the back. In shock, Stell whirls to show me a look of horror and disbelief. "What was that for?" "I just felt like it." I shrug innocently, batting my lashes at him. Author's POV At the very same time, Zicarius' standing beside the doorframe watching the girl with curious eyes as they interact with her supposed destined soulmate. So she knew him. And he just had to be a ginormous flirt. This is as far as he's observed. And the relationship between these two appear to be nothing but platonic. He can practically see a flash of electric surfing between the two bodies and it shows emotions and feelings circling the concept of friendship. As students start filing in, literally passing through Zicarius' skin like ghost through walls, her eyes suddenly crazes the tiled floor only to land directly on him. Breath hitching, he staggers on his feet, almost to the point of falling from the unexpected surprise. A look of suspiciousness had flashed deep within ger brown eyes, as if she's examining him inward and out in a slow torturing motion. It can't be. He thinks to himself. But with the way she had dragged her eyes across his features, it probably was. Can she...He thinks momentarily to himself, pushing away from the wall. And at that very moment, she beamed him a smile. Not a bright one, neither was it dim. It wasn't fake. Just a simple one. Zicarius head's currently exploding with the possibility of her seeing him, but the moment he raises a finger at her, a little body passes through him and there he tells himself that she wasn't actually looking at him. "Of course." Zicarius lifts his hands up in conclusion, turning to bang his head against the wall for thinking the impossible. "She can't see you Zicarius. Get that into your head." Harper suddenly comes barging in like he's been chased by an unknown creature. Layers of sweat had lingered his forehead if one were to examine him closely. Also, the rhythm of his breathing seemed way far from the normal pace. With an empty vial in his hand, Harper decides to give no regards to the questioning look Zicarius was shooting him from the side. He stomps his way through the crowded room, avoiding the obstacles of chairs and desk despite being able to walk through them. In Zicarius eyes, he looked like a complete i***t. "Harper, what do you think you're doing?" Zicarius groans after the guy, students oblivious to the scene of Harper pulling out another one of those blue colored vial from his pocket. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Hisses the latter in responds. With the cork now popped out from the tip of the content, Harper reaches for the thermos poking out from the bag of the girl Pearl had been waving at. "I'm trying to do my job. I've been doing this all day but I swear either this girl knows what's up or she doesn't get thirsty at all." He doesn't waste a second crouching down to pour the liquid substance into the container, humming in satisfaction before standing up. "There. Let's see if you can escape that." Zicarius watches with a judging face. Harper proudly claps his hand, turning only to find Zicarius staring at him nonchalantly with crossed arms. "What?" "Nothing." He says. With a huff, Harper drops his hands so that they dangle on his sixes. Then something hits him hard like a truck. Harper's doing his job, while he was yet to pull an arrow out. She's sitting over there, conversing with Vaeri - as to what he had heard Pearl refer the purple-haired girl - with her partner literally a few breathes away. She's so close, but Zicarius can't seem to find the will to drag his arm back for an arrow. Call him a party popper or whatever, but she seem way to young to have that kind of person in her life. Not to mention one that's playful it's almost a pity. Harper snaps his fingers in front of Zicarius, waking him up from his trance. "She's gonna see you if you keep staring at her like that." "No, she isn't." Zicarius scoffs out a deny, not the slightest bit offended. In return, he receives a miserable groan from Harper who was now dashing out the room to chase after a thermos-clutching-Vaeri. The girl Harper's in charge with had ran out of the classroom with a thermos between her fingers. And after a few seconds, he hears a low shriek coming from non other than his partner in love crime, Kim Harper. "Are you freakin serious? That's the seventh one already!"
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