Did she have a lobotomy last night?

1448 Words
I had barely slept, if at all. Every sound I heard, be it a creak in the floorboards or the window pane rattling (even a little), my eyes sprung open again. Normally. I would chastise myself for being so paranoid, but under the circumstances I felt my anxiety was more than justified. I still could not believe what i had heard the woman I have called 'mom' for twenty-one years had said about me. 'I've been putting up with the brat for years.' and that was not the worst things she had said. The woman I had been submissive to and always trying to gain the love and validation from all those years, did not give a damn about me. She was only going through the motions of being my mom to get some reward. Whatever 'reward' she was expecting, certainly meant more to her than I ever did, that much was glaringly obvious. But what now? I could not stay here, but where would I go? Who could I trust? That creepy man said I was being 'watched closely', but I was not even sure what that meant. A private investigator? The cops? I pulled back the comforter and looked at my backpack, which has been sat right beside my bed all night in case I had to flee in a rush. When i looked over, my bedroom door was still wedged shut with the chair, that was a relief at least. Standing up, I grabbed a clean pair of pants from my drawer, some underwear and a white sweater from my cupboard. Either way, I had to look presentable today, especially if I was going to see Erik again....and why was I thinking about a hot guy at this crazy time of my life! My literal life could be on the line, I may not be alive to be with said 'hot guy' if I don't get my act together, and soon. I sighed and brushed my hair into a high ponytail, then sprayed some anti-perspirant deodorant under my arms. I would definitely need this today - my nerves were already crying in fear of how I would react when I saw my mom. 'Act natural' I told myself, don't alert her to anything, 'just be cool'. Inside I was screaming and running about like a headless chicken, but on the outside, I looked relatively normal, aside from the black bags under my eyes. A loud knock at the door made me jump. "Just coming, hold on!" I ran and grabbed my backpack and a small picture frame of me and my dad from the side of my bed. Stuffing it in the front pocket, I walked over and tried to quietly move the chair aside, before unlocking the door. Slowly (nervously), I opened the door a tiny fraction. My mom was standing there with a cupcake and a small white gift bag over her wrist. "Morning sweetie, happy 21st birthday!¬" she said with a weird, unnatural smile. Two can play this weird game. I smiled sweetly back and opened the door fully. "Thanks mom, that is such a beautiful surprise. You did not need to go to all this trouble though." I took the cupcake from her and closed my door, ensuring the straps of my backpack was not stuck in the door. "How are you this morning?" I asked with a slight nervousness that even I heard. Mom sighed, then handed me the white gift bag. "I can't lie to you Kelsey, I felt so disappointed in you last night, but after a good night's sleep. I have decided we need to move on from that disagreement and enjoy your special day. I trust you will never lie to me like that again?" She crossed her arms and gave me the same warning look I had seen so many times. Time to play along if I was going to have any chance of getting out of here. "I am sorry mom; I really wish i had not lied to you the way I did. You have always been the best mom I could ever have hoped for and I regret upsetting you. I won't do that again. I promise." I threw my arms around her, catching her off guard. "Can you forgive me?" When I released her, I looked at her face. She looked stunned, but what was even more interesting, I saw something that resembled 'guilt' in her eyes. "Ahh...sure, let's forget what happened yesterday. I forgive you. Now, come get some food and then I will run you to practice. Oh...and that gift won't open itself." She smirked and walked on ahead towards the stairs. When I caught up with her, she was standing over a plate of pancakes with a bottle of syrup and sliced banana on the top. "i remembered you used to love this as a kid. Thought I would surprise you." She grinner and for a moment it almost seemed genuine. For some unknown reason I really wanted to cry, this is the mom I had always wanted, the kind of mom I hoped she would be one day iif I did what she asked of me. But now, she had tainted everything, I knew she was being fake, but yet, her gesture had touched my heart so deeply. "Thanks mom, what a delicious surprise, I do still love this combination." I pulled out my chair and sat down. "Will I open your gift before I eat?" Mom threw her arms up in a nonchalant playful way (also new). "Sure, why not." I pulled the white ribbon open and opened the small giftbag. Inside there was a red box. I lifted it out the bag and opened the lid, which was very stiff, like it had been closed for centuries. I half expected bats to fly out of it. Inside was a solid silver bangle with a diamond heart on it, it was really beautiful and shimmered when the light from the window hit the surface of it. "Wow, thanks mom. I love it." "Really? Well, let me put it on you then. I am so glad you like it." She walked over to where I was sitting and looked at the bangle in the box, her mouth open when she saw it herself, as if seeing it for the first time too. "It sure is pretty, huh?" She lifted it out and carefully opened the catch, then wrapping it round my list, snapped it into the place. For a few seconds my wrist stinged as if I had been stung by a bee, then it felt normal again. I had to admit, it did look really pretty. "Thanks again mom." "You're welcome, now eat your food and I will run you to the rink." Mom walked back to the kitchen leaving me to eat my food, and ponder what had happened to that cold hearted woman that has raised me for twenty-one years? Did she have a lobotomy during the night? We drove the twenty-minute journey in silence, neither of us speaking, just listening to the radio. As we entered the leisure centre carpark mom turned to me and smiled. "See you tonight, we can have a proper birthday dinner after you get home. I'm so glad you are wearing your birthday gift from me; promise you will never take it off. It would make so happy." "I won't mom, i gotta go, okay. Thanks again for everything. See you later." Much later I thought as I got out and closed the door. I waved her off as she reversed and turned towards the exit. Phew! I got through it, now to make my next move. Where would I go tonight, anywhere but home. And why did I feel so bad for running away? She disliked me intensely and was planning to harm me in some way for a reward, why should I care about hurting her feelings? I decided to go in to the building and use the restroom, just to give me more time to consider my next plan. Possibly the bus station? I may be able to find some inspiration there. As I walked through the sliding glass doors of the leisure centre, I noticed a tall, dark-haired man in a toilet attendant's uniform mopping the floor outside the rest room. he must be new here i thought as I got closer. I smiled at him as I walked past and into the lady's restroom. Before the door had a chance to close, the attendant followed me in and pushed me against a wall. "Just listen and don't scream, your life depends on it."

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