Chapter One-3

2010 Words
With my nose against the wall like an unruly child, I remembered a similar experience many years ago. I was in the fourth grade. A cute little dark-haired girl sat right in front of me. I sort of liked her, so I did what any little boy would do. I picked on her every chance I could. One morning I found a short piece of string on the floor. I tied a small loop on one end and carefully tightened it around the end of her pigtail. The other end of the string was neatly tied to the back of her chair. Every day we would have a milk break around 9:30 in the morning. After Linda finished her milk, she got up to put the carton in the waste paper basket. Immediately my little trap was sprung. She was yanked back into her chair by the string on her hair. “Jack!” she yelled. “Stop pulling my hair!” My laughter soon subsided as Miss Johnston sternly approached to survey the situation. “What do you think you’re doing young man?” she asked. “One of these days you’ll learn that you can’t touch a girl without permission. So until you do, get up there and stand in the corner.” She grabbed me tightly by the ear lobe and nearly lifted me from my seat, escorting me on my tip toes to the place of punishment in front of the class. I remember those words about touching a girl all these years. I guess Miss Johnston was obviously the dominate person in any of her relationships. Think about it – needing permission. I hadn’t realized that until now. As thoughts of that time continued, I realized several things. It was always one of the boys who got in trouble. Even when it was obvious, the girls never stood in the corner. The girls never got in trouble. It was Miss Johnston, not Mrs. Johnston even though she wore a wedding ring. I guess she was a lesbian and just disliked men. Everyone laughed as I made my way to the front of the classroom and took my appointed place. This was not the first time that I had spent part of the day staring at the concrete. I really didn’t care. I had a fiendish little smirk on my face as I approached the awaited spot of my punishment. Being familiar with her routine I placed my nose tight to the cold, hard corner, laced my fingers together behind my back and stood there with my feet slightly apart. Now it was just a waiting game. “The rest of you can line up and go down the hall to the restrooms,” Miss Johnston said to the remainder of the students. Then she turned to me. “Haven’t I warned you before?” “Yes Ma’am.” When the room was finally empty, she walked up quietly behind me and rested her hand gently on my shoulder. With a slight tap she let her hand slide over to the back of my neck. Gently her fingers entwined themselves in the hair at the base of my skull. Her voice was calm, but her hand shook violently, yanking at those tender hairs and lifting me to the very tips of my toes. She continued pushing my nose deeper into the corner and bringing tears to my eyes. “You’ll keep your nose on that very spot and not move an inch until I tell you. If you do anything but breathe, you can plan on spending the entire week here. Do you understand me little boy?” “Yes Ma’am,” I quietly responded while letting my feet settle down until they were flat on the floor. Again she yanked my tender locks until I again stood on my tip-toes. “No no! You’ll stand there just like this with your nose in that very crease in the blocks and remain like that until I tell you differently. If your heals touch the floor, you can plan on staying after school every night for a week and writing a thousand times that you will never touch a girl without her permission. Understand? It wasn’t long before the rest of the class returned from their break. Everyone saw how I was standing and snickered at me before starting their math. Time passed very slowly and I struggled to remain up on my toes. At eleven o’clock, everyone went to gym class except me, the corner guy. I remained at my post, staring at the joint in the concrete blocks that formed my corner. By that time I was starting to squirm. There was a desperate need to pee. I tried to switch my weight from one leg to another. I squeezed my knees together in sheer desperation, but the pressure in my bladder kept increasing. Miss Johnston relished in my suffering and allowed me no relief. The rest of the class returned as I continued to hold it. “Alright children, sit down and take out your reading books. We’ll go to lunch soon,” the evil witch said. It was terrible. There was no way that I was going to be able to hold it very much longer. I had to piss so badly. I wondered if the old biddy would make me stand there until I totally embarrassed myself in front of everyone. I could only imagine how humiliated I would be as the pee flow down my leg and pooled on the floor while all my classmates watched. I’d be the laughing stock of the entire class for the rest of my life. I wiggled a little as the pressure continued. Everyone watched me suffer. Finally the old battle ax spoke. “Okay Jack. Turn around and apologize to Linda and the rest of the class. Then you can go to the bathroom.” I wasted no time in turning around to begin. By squeezing my thighs tightly together, I hoped to avoid the inevitable. “Now Jack,” she said slowly, “stand up straight and tell Linda that you’re sorry and you won’t do it again.” Oh God! She had stalled me too long. I couldn’t hold it any longer. I could feel the pee leaking from the end of my little pecker. “I’m sorry Linda. I won’t do it again,” I said as fast as I could. Without hesitation I rushed out of the class room and ran for the lavatory, but it was too late. A wet spot had already spread across the front of my jeans. I only hoped that none of the other kids saw what I had done. The real pressure at hand awakened me from my dreams. It was déjà vous. I was standing against the wall rather than in the corner, but I still had to piss. Luckily I was next to the property fence with grass and bushes and not in front of a class of cruel fourth graders. God, we all know how vicious kids can be. If they saw me wet my pants, I would have been the laughing stock of the entire school. It never would have ended. They would never have let me live it down. Back then I sat in the toilet stall through the entire lunch hour. After blotting my wet spot several times and letting it air dry I finally made it back to class. Well, I actually made it back to my place in the corner where I stood for the remainder of the week. Now I stand against this damned wall, but at least I can pee whenever I want. And so I did. I let my muscles relax and the piss pooled at the base of the wall and slowly leached into the ground. No one saw me, not even the neighbors. I wasn’t going to be picked on by anyone. To pass the time I thought about the things that got me into this situation. I had the world by the ass and all the money you could ever want when I placed a personal ad in the newspaper. I was looking for a beautiful, sadistic, demanding woman to make me her life-long slave. It wasn’t worded exactly like that but it caught someone’s attention. Samantha answered my ad. She immediately took complete control of my life. She gave me the pain and discipline that I so strongly desired. I immediately fell in love with her even though she humiliated me in public, tortured me unmercifully and denied me any s****l satisfaction, and that was just on our first date. For an entire year my Mistress made me keep my body shaved, dress in women’s lingerie and worship her magnificent p***y several times a day. Without actual castration I was totally emasculated. I was her maid and housekeeper, servant and provider. My only satisfaction in life has been pleasing her and never giving a thought to my own needs and desires. Actually I’ve given a lot of thought to what I needed, but it didn’t make any difference. She owns me completely. I am her slave, and I love it. The sun slowly moved across the sky and soon a shadow covered my sunburned flesh. It felt so good, but my body was feeling the toll of its position. The muscles in my lower back were tightly knotted from the strain of my leaning position. My shoulders were hurting from my hands being cuffed behind my back, and both my thigh and calf muscles cramped as the constant pressure continued. The discomfort increased but that was the least of my worries. Off in the distance I could hear the distinct rumbling of thunder. Obviously we were going to have a summer shower. The sky darkened and a cool breeze blew through the trees in the back yard. I could feel the temperature drop. The thunder was louder and I could see an occasional lightning flash in my peripheral vision. I remembered the old adage about counting the seconds between the thunder and the lightning. “One, two, three, four…” The storm must be about four miles away I thought. Suddenly a few cold sprinkles of rain hit me. The wind pushed the trees back and forth, and the rain moved in with a powerful force. I kept my nose tight to the wall as a steady downpour began. It was a ferocious storm. It rained so hard that if you were driving down the highway, you’d have to pull over to the side of the road and wait so you can see where you were going. Bang! The lightning struck close by. I could smell the ozone in the air. That was close, but I couldn’t move. I knew that no matter what, I would stand my ground and wait for my Mistress to return. No matter what the weather or what happened around me, I would obey her command. A steady storm continued for well over an hour. Sometimes it pounded down upon my naked flesh with a vengeance and other times it was just a steady drizzle, but I was drenched and chilled to the bone. It reminded me of the time I spent in bondage under the icy cold spray of her shower when she caught me jerking off. The cold rain water dripped from my body as I continued to hold her panties against the wall. Finally the storm passed. Occasionally a muffled rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. The wind stopped blowing, and the sun warmed the air once more. After enduring the sun and the rain, I wondered what else could happen. I inhaled deeply but most of her scent was pretty much washed away. There was nothing left to stimulate me except the knowledge of what these lovely treasures once touched. I would just have to wait. And waiting I did. The hours stretched on almost endlessly. My stomach growled continuously and pangs of hunger consumed me. It was just another addition to my extreme discomfort. Other than a bagel for breakfast, I had nothing to eat all day other than Marcy. Certainly a p***y has no real nourishment other than feeding one’s s****l urge. Soon I noticed that the sun was going down. I figured that my Mistress would be home in a while. So much for thinking. Night was quickly approaching. It would be dark shortly and yet I stood at my appointed post.
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