Chapter 1

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I heard the car door close in the driveway. That must be Connor. I was so worried about him, he was my twin afterall. I could see what he was doing to Olivia, she was becoming thinner and thinner by the day. Drinking with him all the time. I heard her sneaking him up the stairs, and I opened my door when they were just outside.  “I knew he was using again.” I said, glaring at him. God what an i***t.  "Again?" Olivia asked. I nodded.  "He did a stint in rehab before you came here. Cocaine, meth, speed and heroin." I said. No point in hiding this. I wanted her the hell away from him. He was going to hurt my best friend.  "I only saw cocaine once before. Tonight he did weed, Coke and some pill." She said. f**k.  "Yea, guaranteed he's been doing it all when you weren't around. Liv you need to get out of this relationship."  I said. she nodded. Thank god, she must have figured this out for herself.  "Peyton he stole letters from Liam." She said, god what an asshole. She truly belonged with Liam. Even if she needed this year to grow and figure it out.  "Let's find them then." I said, digging through his stuff. She was in the closet and I heard something fall.  “s**t”. She said to quietly.  "You good?" I asked her from his dresser.  “Yea no worries, I just dropped a box.”  She said back.  I walked over to the closet where she knelt picking up envelopes. I scanned over her shoulder. She had found them.  Olivia Dawson  5000 34th St,  Phoenix, AZ  85018    March 26, 2017   Dear Olivia I really wish that I could get ahold of you in some way or another.  Like I have said in my last dozen or so letters.  Your dad told me you’re seeing someone.  I can accept you falling in love with someone else.  I just don’t know if I can ever accept you not being in my life in some way or another.  I can understand you needing some space and that is more than acceptable.  I would just really love to hear from you.  It’s so lonely here in this dessert.  I really needed to tell someone about an experience I had yesterday and I hope you will understand.  I was out on a mission in town.  I wish I could tell you which town.  But I was on a roof watching over the soldiers on the ground and I saw something that looked a little odd.  Lately, the terrorists have been using children as their pack mules for bombs and sure enough I saw these two young kids exchanging what appeared to be a grenade. I watched him through my scope and almost pulled that trigger.  Olivia I almost killed a child.  Thank god I didn’t He had a canteen.  He was dying of thirst.  One of the troops filled his canteen and gave him another.  It was enough to make me sit here recalling it and weep.  I have never cried over anything in war.  But today I sit here unable to contain my fear.  You were right olivia.  I need to be done with this.  I should never have re-upped.  I should be home.  No matter if I am just your friend.  I can’t do this much longer.  I hope that you don’t mind me writing you about this.  I really couldn’t tell my brigade that I sat in my barracks and sobbed.  I hope all is well with you.  I will continue to wait for a call from you.     Until We Meet Again     Liam   Damn…. She had really messed that one up hadn’t she. He was so perfect.  "Mother fucker." she whispered.   "You found them." I said. From over her shoulder. She jumped not aware I had been there. "Take me home?" She asked. I smiled at her. Then took her to her house. She had such a great life here. A fantastic dad. A great man who wants her. Why she chose to be with my brother I couldn’t figure out. Connor was damaged.  When I got home I checked to make sure he was still breathing. Then I went to bed, preparing myself for the conversation I was going to start in the morning.  When I woke I could hear people moving around downstairs. God dammit. I didn’t want to do this. But I guess I had no choice really. He needed help. I went downstairs.  “Where’s Connor?” I asked my mom. She looked up from cooking breakfast.  “He went to Olivia’s.” She said, handing me a plate. I sat at the island.  “Mom we need to talk.” I said quietly. She stopped what she was doing. Peering at me over her reading glasses.  “Connor came home high last night.” I said quietly again.  “No?” She said. It was a question but she was also pleading. I nodded.  “I think he’s been hitting Olivia too.” I said sadly. Looking down at my plate.  “Crap.” She said just as my dad came down the stairs. I left it to her to tell him what was going on. They decided to contact his sponsor. There needed to be a family meeting. My mom was crying when Connor came home. He glared at me, knowing that I had ratted on him.  “Stupid Bitch.” He said to me. Glaring in my direction. My phone buzzed.  Sleepover?   It was Olivia. Perfect timing. I jumped up and left. I needed to get out of here before the explosion. I had seen it before. I text her back.    Hell yes, I’ll bring pizza! I pulled up to Olivia’s there was Liam, holding her in his arms. God their so cute. My heart ached for someone like that in my life. But she was crying…. No doubt something to do with Connor. Norra was just getting out of her car, we walked up towards them together. Liam smiled at us and tipped his head as he headed home. God he was a piece of work that man. I smiled back at him. I wanted to say. Marry her, marry my best friend.  “Hey girls.” Olivia’s mom said smiling at us as we walked into the house. I waved at her happily. Pretending all was well at home.    “You girls having a sleepover tonight?  Tim asked us brightly.  We nodded happily.  After lunch we visited with Olivia’s mom and little sister Heather while Harry and Tim went out to the golf course.  “It’s so cool that your two dad’s get along like that!”  I said to Olivia as they left together.  Happily chatting about some sports teams.  “Tim has always been an extremely accepting man.  But it is amazing that they can be so friendly with each other.”  Her mom said. We spent the afternoon chatting about boys. I noticed the questions kept being directed mostly to myself and Norra.  "Norra is seeing Owen again." I said, it was new, Olivia hadn’t had a chance to learn yet. Olivia’s mom asked who I was with, I simply smiled. I didn’t really have an answer.   At around eight her mom took Heather to bed and the girls and we headed to Olivia’s room This had become our thing.  We munched on popcorn and chips and laughed with each other.  It was myself who finally brought the somber talk.  “OK girl.”  I said looking at Olivia  intently.  She couldn’t hold my gaze. “Tell me what is going on?”  I said.  She sighed, she knew that I could read her like a book.  “I’m pregnant.”  She sputtered out embarrassed.  I almost gasp out loud. That was not what I was thinking.  “It’s Connor’s?” I asked me ignoring Norra’s outburst.  She nodded shyly.  Crap. I was hoping by some miracle it would be Liam’s. “I know he’s the dad, but I honestly don’t think it’s wise for him to be in your life and if Liam is willing to accept you and a baby that's how it should be.  This secret goes no farther.”  I said, looking at Norra, who nodded in agreement.  "You done drinking?" I asked her, looking into her eyes. "I haven't had a sip since I found out." She promised.  "I mean, you can't be partying like you were with Connor. I was starting to worry." I said, grabbing her hands.  "Liv, you were needing to have a drink. That's a bad thing." U said seriously. I nodded. She nodded at me.  "Peyton, I'm fine." She promised. I hoped deeply she was right.  “It’s just the four of us that know right now.  We wanted to wait so that it wouldn’t be something anyone would guess.” She whispered. Both of us agreed with her. Then Norra said,  “Ok, now what’s going on with you and Liam.  You were crying when we got here.”  I was impressed with Norra’s calling her out. She never spoke up.  “Anna texted Liam last night and honestly it really bugged me because I thought he was sleeping with her while I was with Connor. But he say's he wasn't”  Olivia blurted out.  I glanced over at Norra. We were in agreement I could see it.  “Oh Liv, get over it.”  Norra said, surprising me once more.   “What?” Olivia said, probably as taken a back at Norra’s outburst as I was.  “Liam adores you, he does nothing but dote on you. If he said he wasn't with her he wasn't. He has never lied to you. You’re the one who dumped him did you expect him to just sit back and watch you be with Connor?”  She said quietly.  Olivia knew it was right.   “You’re right Norra, I know.  I gotta have a shower I smell like a campfire.  I’ll be right back.”  Olivia said suddenly getting up and leaving. When she left I looked at Norra.  “This needed to happen. Maybe not a baby, but it’s going to force her to stay clean. I was seriously worried sick.” I said. Norra nodded. I wasn’t one to talk behind someone back but I had to say it to someone and I didn’t want to hurt Olivia’s feelings. She was my best friend after all.  When Olivia came out of the shower she had great news.  "I'm coming back to Phoenix for school." She said. Norra clapped her hands and jumped up and down.  "Well actually I haven't been accepted yet. But I applied here." She said. I smiled at her, I was so happy about this news. Norra stood up and walked over to open the french doors for some air. Suddenly she dropped to the floor and peered around the curtains.  “What are you doing?”  Olivia asked her.  She just waved us over towards her.  She tried to pull Olivia onto the floor beside her but she just pulled her hand away.  Anna’s car was parked in Liam’s driveway.  Seriously? Homewrecker. But I didn’t doubt Liam’s integrity one bit.  "I am going over there." She said angrily turning to march over there.  "Wait!" I said, pulling her back. we watched in horror as she appeared in his bedroom. Anna you b***h. Then she walked over to the bedroom window and pulled the curtains wider.  What the f**k. Was she taunting Olivia on purpose? “Get down and watch.  You’re so worried, let’s see what happens.”  I said.  I dropped down beside Norra.  As Anna pulled off her shirt, throwing it on the floor.  Then she opened the bathroom door.  I could see Liam in the shower, his back to her and she left the door open. “She knows that I can see her.” Olivia hissed. I could feel her rage.    “That whore.” Norra spat, surprising the both of us again for the third time tonight.  She was naked now and she opened the shower door, Liam jumped when her hands touched him. I watched his hands throw up as he pulled away from her.  He crawled out the other door wrapping a towel around himself.  But not before I got a good look. Holy s**t. I don’t know if Olivia realized what kind of treasure he was. “Damn, Liv.  Good for you. He's hung like a horse”  I said, commenting on his manhood. She blushed and I giggled. It was true. She tried to stand but I pulled her back down.  “Damn it Liv.  Get down and watch.” I said, He was yelling at her. He bent over and grabbed her clothes then thrust them into her arms. Good boy, I thought to myself. He pulled on a pair of pants and then headed out his bedroom door. She dressed quickly chasing him.  Olivia cracked open the door so that we could hear the conversation about to ensue.  They came out the door shortly after.   “Liam please.”  She begged. Chasing him.  “I told you this was never going to happen Anna. You said you were just my realtor. You like Chuck." He said loudly, even angry he was so polite though. He walked out onto his lawn and pulled up the for sale sign.  "I told you that when she came back I was hers and yet here you are trying to ruin that for me?”  He said. He put the sign into her back seat.  "Just give us a chance please Liam." She begged.  “Get in your car and leave.”  He said louder.  I smiled proud of him. God he was a keeper.  The rejection in her voice made me giddy with happiness.  “I shouldn’t be happy right now, I almost feel bad for her but she should never have come here. She's trying to be a home wrecker.”  Olivia said and we agreed together.  Then Olivia stepped out onto her balcony.  "Liam," She shouted across the road at him. I watched his face fall. He was worried she would be mad. But she leaned on the railing and yelled.  “I LOVE YOU!” His face lit up, she didn’t give him a chance to answer she just walked back into the house and closed the door.  We chatted happily about how Anna had been rejected until we all drifted off to sleep, curled together in Olivia’s bed.
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