2037 Words

And then it was that, for the first time, the suspicion that Lord Linchmere was a lunatic crossed my mind. He followed me into my bedroom, when our host had retired. “ Doctor,” said he, speaking in a low, hurried voice, “you must come with me. You must spend the night in my bedroom.” “ What do you mean?” “ I prefer not to explain. But this is part of your duties. My room is close by, and you can return to your own before the servant calls you in the morning.” “ But why?” I asked. “ Because I am nervous of being alone,” said he. “That’s the reason, since you must have a reason.” It seemed rank lunacy, but the argument of those twenty pounds would overcome many objections. I followed him to his room. “ Well,” said I, “there’s only room for one in that bed.” “ Only one s

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