1004 Words

“ Well, so you should be when you see success in sight. I am sure we are all indebted to you for your science and skill. I don’t think we could have held the place without you. Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to drink the health of Colonel Dresler, of the Imperial German army. Er soll leben—hoch! ” They all stood up and raised their glasses to the soldier, with smiles and bows. His pale face flushed with professional pride. “ I have always kept my books with me. I have forgotten nothing,” said he. “I do not think that more could be done. If things had gone wrong with us and the place had fallen you would, I am sure, have freed me from any blame or responsibility.” He looked wistfully round him. “ I’m voicing the sentiments of this company, Colonel Dresler,” said the Scotch

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