12 Grand God Seal Formation

1144 Words
He sure was proud of his son but the celebration was just about to start and his son was in a deep sleep. As a father he was being worried as he realized that his son have used up his magic reserve. Which means that his son would be in this state until his magic energy is restored in his body. Though he was a ruler of dragons he knew nothing about the ways to replenish magic energy in a short time. He slowly lifted his son in his arms and went to his wife. His wife Theresa was one of the greatest healer in the entire kingdom. Just as he reached his wife he was harshly scolded by her. But Ruberth explained the situation to his wife and even she was amazed. She then used her mana view to see inside of her son. Finally as she conferred the things she was amazed. But her expression was one that of conflicted rather than that of happiness. Ruberth realized that something was off so he asked "Honey is everything alright?" Theresa tried to hide the truth but the concerned gaze of Ruberth made her to spill the truth. "Our son really is great for being able to reach such a level but he cannot get further strengthened. His magical prowess is limited to what we saw just now." Ruberth was shocked as he exclaimed "What!" As a parent how could they not feel pain when their son was having such a serious problem. Out of curiosity Ruberth asked "Honey is there no way to help our son?" Theresa thought for a while and replied in a little heavy and trembling tone. "I am not sure but his magic seemed to have been sealed using 12 grand God seal formation." "12 grand God seal formation!" Ruberth exclaimed "But why was such a heaven defying formation was used to seal our sons magic." Both of them were feeling agitated. It was not just a simple matter anymore as this thing concerned their son. Ruberth remembered something as he asked "Won't the great ancestors be able to help?" Theresa immediately denied about it as she said angrily "Do you want my son to be tortured the way you were by that old geezer? Don't even mention about him again in front of me. You got it." Ruberth didn't knew what to do and just nodded hus head. Theresa added in "Don't let our son know that we know about his magic or anything. I am sure when the time comes he will reveal it to us by himself." Ruberth nodded his head in agreement to his wife. Theresa then healed hre sin and restored a bit of his magic. Just enough to wake Ricardo from his deep sleep. After about an hour Ricardo woke up and felt a little embarrassed as be saw his parents staring at him. He felt a little awkward as he didn't know what to say. He even thought that he wax found out but his parents expression told him otherwise. Seeing him wake up both Theresa and Ruberth felt at ease. They gave him a gentle smile. Ruberth then speak in a gentle manner as he said "It's about time for you to greet the people of our kingdom who have come to visit you on this very auspicious day of his birthday." Ricardo felt even more embarrassed as he blushed feeling a little bit guilty for being late on his own birthday. Soon he walked along with his father and mother and reached the balcony of the castle. The view in front of him was mesmerizing. Entire kingdom was shining brightly and there were many people gathered on the courtyard of the castle. Soon the King made the announcement "My people I am grateful for you giving your time to pay a visit on the very day of my son's birthday. Let's us all celebrate it with utmost joy." The crowd of people cheered fir him and the celebration finally started. Ricardo was feeling blessed to have been born as the child of such a wonderful parents. He also started to enjoy making the place even more lively. There were people coming to wish him and many parents were provided/gifted to him. Soon the birthday came to an end and everyone went back to their places except the few honored guest from other kingdom. Ricardo also went back to his room. His room was completely filled with gifts. He started to open them one by one. Some of the gifts were hand crafted by his people. Some were from the royalty of other races. He couldn't hide the surprise and awe as this was the first time he received so many gifts. Soon his curiosity was pulled by and odd wrapping of the gifts. This one particularly was not wrapoed extravagantly. It was wrapoed in a simple manner. As he picked up the gift he was surprised as the nsme said 'from the god' he wondered for a while and opened the box. There was a note and a jade ring. He read the nite and found out about the few things which amazed him "Ricardo congratulations for learning about magic. This is a storage ring that I present you as your birthday gift." "You can store necessary materials on this ring. Thus ring also posses the way fir you to unseal your magical prowess. But I must warn you that all these places have life threatening danger. You would need to face them to unseal your powers." Since he was born in thus world tgd only thing that kept on bothering him was his piwer bring sealed and having no idea about the way to unseal his powers. But this note made it easy for him. But there was still a problem that he needs to face life threatening dangers in order to unseal his powers. This put him in a dilemma. He didn't know how to explain thus encounter. Was it a blessing or a curse. He pondered for a while then he finally decided. As per the common perspective of thus world New born child will start to feel magic after the age of 8. But due to his memories if his previous life his mindset was unlike any child. His thought process was completely similar to that if an adult. Because if which it made him easy to understand and comprehend the magic. Ricardo tried to improve his flame maguc but he was unanle to do so rven after trying for do long. He then thought something and started to learn wind magic. Unlike with his flame magic he was able to improve his wind attribute slowly. This aroused a suspicion within him 'Is it because of the seal that I cannot improve my flame attribute anymore?"
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