Chapter 8

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He was surprised to find out that he now have a sister and she is already 2 and half years old. He checked on himself and found that the clothes he was wearing have become too short for him. He pondered for a while and realized that it's almost his 8 birthday. He felt touched to see the care and gentleness in his mother eyes and not just his mother everyone was shedding tears of joy. In the midst of all these people there were only two who remained their cool. His father being a ruler tried his hardest to restrain his emotions. Another one was his sweet and innocent little sister who didn't even know about the current situation. He enjoyed the embrace of his mother after a long period of time. His father rushed in and asked "Are you alright. Do you feel uncomfortable or pain?" Ricardo sighed internally as he shook his head. He was really touched by his father's concern and care. He hugged his father and the ruler of the dragon race shed tears. It was an embarrassing sight to see. He gently patted on the shoulder of Ricardo as he said "It alright as long as you are fine." The reunion continued for a while. After a while of chatting everybody left him. Ricardo then ordered his maids to bring new set of clothes as he couldn't feel comfortable in his old clothes. The maids heed his call and immediately brought the most luxurious set of clothing. The clothes were shinning brightly in its crimson red color. He went to take a bath as he needed to wash himself up. He went to the bath. He opened the tap and sat below it on a crossed legged position. He meditated and checked his condition. He fount that the seal on his fire element have weakened considerably but it was still on enough. Hence he started to gather mana on his mana pool and condenses it even further. Finally the seal cracked open and his fire element rose to intermidiate level. The out burst of the energy of his breakthrough was astoning as the water coming down to his head vaporized and disappeared into the thin air. It was really unexpected. His power have now doubled. He could now exert more pressure. He then finished assimilating mana and stabilized his condition and finally went to change his dress. The clothes were made up of fine fabrics and they were pretty light. The most eye catching was the crimson fur coat. It was obviously made by prossesing a monster. He felt comfortable and as he looked at his own image he felt envy. Only now did he realized that his look have changed entirely. His hair were crimson red his face had more glow than before. The most outstan2was the change in his eyes. The golden pupil of the eye now have fine lining of red and black color. This was an unexpected change he thought. He then went to the dining room as he was quite hungry he needed to fill his stomach. He was in a state of hibernating for almost 3 years. After filling his stomach he got up to leave but was soon stopped by his mother. "son you are not in a hurry to practice again right." Hearing his mother rrmark Ricardo froze in his place. It was actually what he intended to do as he was curious to know how much effect would his hell fire have after reaching intermidiate level. Seeing him act like that his mother sighed inwardly and calmly replied "We have something to tell you so just listen yo us and rest for today." Ricardo didn't dare to retort and nodded his head as he sat back in his place. He was in a dilemma but he thought that he really needs to rest once in a while. Furthermore a small hand was reaching to his finger and those eyes were so cute that he couldn't reject. It was as if even his sister was asking him to rest or rather play with her. After conversing with his parents he got many knowledge regarding the outside world. One of which was the competition between the young generation of different clans and nations. It was to be held within the next 3 years. Furthermore the content of this year's birthday of his was also discussed. According to his parents many noemen would arrive this time. But the most instresting thing was that the vampire princess would also be coming and it seems as though the two nations plans to form a relation by marriage. He learned that she was the she was just about the same age as his but the shocking news was that she have already reached high tier level and she seems to have multiple elemental affinity. Among which wind and light was known. His parents also told him to act courteously this time. Ricardo nodded his head as he sighed internally. It was still a week before the celebration so he wanted to venture outside world so that he could hone his skills. The main reason was that to increase his dark element level. He figured out that dark element cannot be improved by the natural means of meditation. To improve his dark elemental affinity he needed to collect the essence of dead, which meant that he have to kill to improve his abilities. He didn't intend to do something like that but he had no other way around as his dark element was advantageous form him to break the seal. It was for that reason that he made up his mind and spoke to his parents. "Hmm.. Hmmm.... Father mother I have something to ask of you?" He spoke rather politely. Ruberth chuckled and his mother Theresa followed in as she said "my child speak your mind you don't need to be so concerned by us." Ruberth also nodded his head in agreement. Ricardo felt relieved and he finally answered "I want to go out for hunting and gain some real battle experience." As soon as his parents heard his request they frowned which made him shiver. Ruberth soon maintained his cool and replied "It not as easy as you think. Outside world is more dangerous where one like me could even loose my life without even noticing." His words were quite heavy Ricardo felt sad but he knew all of this was done for him so he couldn't refuse it either. He was just about to reply but was soon interrupted by his father as he said" I will grant you the permission but only under one condition." Ricardo didn't know what his father was implying about and made a bold decision." I agree " He then accepted the condition. It was simple to hear but hard to execute. His father replied" If you could beat one of my guard than you will be allowed to venture the outside world but not alone." "There will always be two people along with you." Ricardo felt even more troubled now. It was because of two reasons the first reason bein that he didn't want to reveal his strength and the second was that it was not easy for him to win as the guard have extraordinary skills and was more experienced.
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