Chapter Four

855 Words
Elliot The girl was obviously stinking drunk. Like, fall down on the floor, vomiting drunk. In fact, the stench of vomit hung to her even if she was trying to mask it with gum. Turning I stared down at her, and her heart shape face wasn’t turned to me but I could just make out the slight point of her chin, the wide glassy eyes. Yeah definitely wasted. There was a sheen to her skin, illuminated by the flashing coloured lights. “What do you say?” She slurred and still, my little fondler didn’t turn her face up to me. She was pretty, ish. Probably would have been more pretty if she was sober. “Carl?” Her fingers tapped on my chest, small jerky movements as if she didn’t know what the hell she was doing. And that just made her attempt as seducing me even more adorable. But she wasn’t seducing me, was she? She had mixed me up with someone called Carl. Carl was a lucky guy. ”Riley?” I called her name softly. Time to end this. The poor girl would be mortified she had felt up someone by mistake. Or maybe she wouldn’t. Maybe it would make her day and she could see her story to the press. The night I drunkenly fondled the best know ass in history. It had a nice ring to it. ”That’s your name, isn’t it? Riley?” I tapped her nose and finally, her face rose to meet mine. Round eyes blinking rapidly. There was a smudge of black under them. “Ah there you are, had a bit too much to drink huh?” Stepping away, because the threat of having my picture snapped was always there. There was no way I wanted any misunderstandings. She swayed, took a stumbling step and my hand curled around her elbow. “Easy chicken.” Steadying her. “You’re Not Carl.” Heat crept up her neck, tinging her pale cheeks red. “No, I’m not.” I chuckled. “I felt….” She clamped her hand over her mouth and I had to bite back a laugh. “Felt me up, asked me to go home with you. Yeah, all of those things.” She stumbled again and my hand tightened. “You’re Not Carl.” “You are very drunk, so I’ll forgive you for this mistake. Who are you with and I’ll make sure you get back to them. It’s not safe for a girl like you to be wandering around alone. Not in the state you are in.” Her lips thinned. “I’m not that drunk.” I was pretty sure that’s what she was trying to say but what came out was “imma na tha junk.” “So you feel guys up all the time huh? Or was I special?” I asked as my eyebrows quirked. “Where are your friends?” Time to end this once and for all. I needed to get back to my own table and more importantly, I needed to get home. This was more than enough acting like a normal guy for one night. I wasn’t like these people. I didn’t understand these people. “Thought you were Carl.” She mumbled again and I frowned. Already got that sweetheart, not the best boost to a man’s ego. “Why is it so hot in here?” Suddenly her already pale skin turned chalky, she swayed and only my hand on her elbow kept her from stumbling and falling. Her other hand slammed down on the wall. “Are you going to pass out?” This wasn’t good at all. Had she just drank too much or was something else going on? There was no way I could be seen with a girl who was on drugs it would ruin my reputation. Digging my phone out of my pocket I made quick work on the text I was sending. I needed help. I couldn’t just leave her so… Barry appeared with his usual flourish. ”What the hell Elliot, you go to the toilet and come back with a drunk girl.” “She needs to be taken home.” I manoeuvred my arm around her. “I can get her a cab,” “Take my car, make sure she gets in her front door.” I paused. “I don’t even know where she lives.” “I got it, boss, I’ll have a nosey through her purse for an address.” With practised ease, he took her from me. “How are you getting home?” ”Cab, ” I shrugged. ”Let me know when she’s safe.” I didn’t even look back. Yeah, that was more than enough normal people for now.
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