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Reina P.O.V I agreed to the Princes plan rather profusely, but regret lingers in the back of my mind. I do long for my freedom, but if I enter into the royal family, I will have less freedom than before, which means no games or time to myself, not my ideal way to live. I merely agreed to the princes scheme due to the time it will buy me until such an opportunity occurs to call off the engagement peacefully. The Prince is against the marriage also although he may never protest his Father’s wishes. I do not wish to go against him either. However, I do not want to be under the constriction of royalty any more than under my parents. There is too much responsibility that comes with being a royal. Candidly, it would be unthinkable to share a room, let alone a bed with someone I just met. 'No, this wedding is not going to take place, not if I have anything to say about it.' There are ways to avoid this whole event. I hope. “Ah-hem.” 'What? What happened.' I'm brought out of my deep thoughts by the Prince; I forgot about his presence. I feel a warmth consuming my hand. I look down and discover the princes body slowly intertwining with mine. I try to pull my hand away; instead, Jason tightens his grip and brings me closer with less than no room to move. He leans in adjacent to my ear and whispers, his voice tickling my ear. “Look around, don’t you realise where we are.” My eyes wander away from him. My efforts to move away cease as I peer around the room. 'Since when were we back in the ballroom, let alone the centre.' The music floods the room and couples begin to dance apart from those who are occupying the sides of the room, the others eyes are on us as the music plays. “Don’t embarrass me.” The Prince grabs my waist with his free hand, and we start dancing. One of the benefits of growing up in a wealthy family is that dancing was part of the education, though excruciating. The Prince starts dancing, and I follow his lead as best as possible. He had an expression of indifference on his face as we continue to sway to the rhythm of the music smoothly until it transpires. The princes body flinches, but his inscrutable countenance gives little away to our audience as he continues leading the dance. I admit dancing is not my most substantial area, I used to step on my dance tutors foot a lot, so my heel landing on his foot is not entirely unexpected. I admire the prince indiscretion, but one cannot help where his serious demeanour came about. His character is opposite to his parents. From my brief encounter with them, I am under the impression that his parents are kind and cheerful, so it is quite mysterious, then again I could be overthinking this, and he could just be annoyed by the forced engagement. Warmth rapidly leaves my body, removing from my inner thoughts. The Prince has backed a step away and bows towards me. I curtsy in return and he kisses my hand and walks in the opposite direction from me. I sigh a feeling of relief at our current distance. “Excuse me.” I twirl my body around nearly slipping in surprise. I encounter a beautiful looking woman in a maroon, high neck, sleeveless, long dress. I would like not to let her know of my amazement and amply regain my composure. This woman has a dignified presence around her; indeed, she is the daughter of another nobleman. “Lady Dernum. I’m Selena Docklim.” She holds herself high and continues. “I’m afraid I haven’t given you my best wishes on your engagement.” She continues to smile and clasps my hand to shake it. 'Ouch.' She keeps squeezing it as if trying to break it. I conduct myself and try not to show my pain to her. I have the feeling she doesn't approve of me. Selena lets go and walks off, without a word. I believe she may be an admirer of his, which means that she’s going to cause trouble for me. “Pardon me Ms.” ‘Again, when will I have some peace.’ The man in the suit with ginger hair from earlier came up to me. “Yes?” “Her Majesty Queen Mildred wishes to have a word with you in private.” “Oh, of course.” The Queen would like a word, well she seems friendly enough. He nods his heads towards me with a blank look on his face. “Come with me.” The man starts walking, and I follow him from the ballroom, and through the halls. As we walk through the magnificent hallways, I wonder about what the Queen would like to discuss with me, most likely regarding marriage arrangements. The handsome Butler stops and opens the door. He gestures for me to walk in and closes the door behind me. At first glance, I'm lead to the drawing-room. It is a beautiful room with white furniture lit with the glow of the fireplace. I walk over in front of the fire and take in the family portrait hanging above with two cheerful parents in formal attire and, a smiling child with bright hazel eyes full of joy. It's uncanny, the eyes and dark hair bear a remarkable resemblance to Prince Jason. However, I look closer not believing what my dull green eyes are seeing. “That painting was created when dear Jason was just a boy.” “Your Majesty. I was just...” I'm quite surprised at her sudden appearance. In an attempt to cover up my surprise, I bow to her. "Oh, no. There's no need for any formalities considering you’ll soon be my daughter. Just call me, Mother.” I flinch at her statement as I fix my posture and grin in her direction. I don’t know if I can. She comes over and sits on the white sofa. “I would like to get to know if you would allow me. Take a seat.” “Oh, um. It would be an honour. Your Majesty.”  "Ha-ha. Don't worry my dear; I don't bite." I walk around the small glass table and take a seat by her side. She turns her head around. I follow her gaze, and at the back of the room, the good-looking guy is here standing by the door. “Davin.” “Yes, Your Majesty.” “Please bring two cups of loose leaf black tea.” Davin bows graciously to her and answers swiftly. “At once.” He leaves the room, leaving me alone with the Queen. The Queen faces back towards me and opens her mouth to speak. “Now then. Are you enjoying the party.” "Very much, your majesty." If only I could be truthful, I cannot inform her that this whole evening has been a nightmare for me. “I see.” A knock sounds at the door and Davin walks in with a silver tray. He walks over and places the plate down. 'That was hastened.' He is good at what he does. “Will that be all, your majesty.” "Yes, Davin. Thank you. You may take your leave and enjoy the party." "Thank you your majesty." For the second time, he disappears out of the room. The Queen and I grasp the teacup and spend the time talking. “Reina.” "Yes, Your Maj..." Her expression morphs into a frown, so I discontinue my address. It's harder than I thought to abide by her request, but I will try to accommodate her. I open my mouth to speak once more. "Yes, Mother." Her smile returns onto her paled face at my newly added name for her. I managed it this time, but I am unsure if I can keep calling her that due to the fact we're not family yet.  “I would like to ask your opinion on your engagement to my son.“ Since she brought it up, I don't suppose I can try and convince the Queen to call this off. I  think it over because I can not oppose this marriage in front of the Queen, so I formally answer her. It is a blessing the King has bestowed upon us." "I see, that's good to hear." She seems to buy it, as she continues to smile and drink her tea. "I'm okay, Mother. This engagement was an unexpected blessing." I almost chuck up my tea from my sentiment; thankfully, she doesn't seem to notice. I am dishonest, there are penalties for lying to the royal family, but I can not think to voice my truthful opinion, due to the pact I made with the prince, "Act the happy couple". I'll find my way out before the wedding; I have to. She looks at me, I am unsure if she believes my response, but the queen seems to "Where did you first learn of the engagement." I nearly choke on the sweet tea. However, I can not let it out, so I quickly swallow it.  "From my Father. He informed me of this important decision a few days ago." Her cheerful disposition has a hint of concern for which I may be able to use after I've gotten closer to the Queen. "You may have been surprised by this sudden request."   "I may have been at first, but I feel if it helps better the people of Finnera, I cannot object" I keep my voice formal and passive to help my standing with her Majesty  "My husband is pleased on getting a daughter-in-law with an exceptional family background, and finally passing the crown to our son." I smile as much as possible at her, however inside I am burning. I won't give up that easily to procure my freedom. If I have no other option, I will run away and start a new life elsewhere. However, let's make that the last resort option because I have nowhere to go, although it is an excellent alternative to a forced marriage. "You know my dear. This engagement may be sudden, but I also look forward to the day where Jason can find some happiness in his life." I sit there quietly and finish my sweet-tasting tea, taking in her words. What does she mean by that? Jason is a prince who has a loving home and family. What happiness could I possibly give him? He has made it clear how he feels about me. I have seen Jason's real character, so maybe, she is onto something. “Sorry to intrude your majesty but Ms Reina’s parents are looking for Reina so they may leave for the night.” ‘Davin. When did he arrive.’ Everyone is sneaking about tonight and startling me. I have to say it’s getting bothersome. “Looks like we’ll have to end things here. I hope we can do this again.” I stand up from the sofa and bid farewell to her Majesty and follow behind Davin. I am shown back through the hallways but this time towards the Palace entrance where I see Mother and Father waiting for me. They latch onto me and guide me to our limo, so we can leave for home as soon as we've returned home. I'm brought in the study by Father. I should have foreseen this he is about to lecture me. I wish he would make this quick I'm in a hurry to be alone. Father stands at his desk with a dull smiling expression. “Reina I need to discuss something with you.” "What is it, Father."  I require a straight answer. I’m too exhausted for any games. “I want you to do something for me. Make this work between you and the prince.” "Why? You set this up without my knowledge. Why should I accept it?" My question is valid. Why should I not merely refuse even if it is a royal order? He strides over to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “I’d like to see happily married to someone who can provide for you.” In ordinary circumstances, this is an acceptable response., but this situation isn't something that occurs every day. “Are you sure it’s not for your happiness Father.” His smile falters, but rapidly it's regained. 'I knew it.' He squeezes my exposed shoulder, and I cringe in pain. “That’s enough of your jokes. You may leave now.” He releases my shoulder. Without another word to him, I take my leave. I rush up to my room and collapse face-planting on the bed into my pillows. “Ahhh.” I yell into the soft pillow so the rest may not hear my voice of the manse. I'm so tired of this drama. I wish I could be free of it all. Free from this wealthy lifestyle and live like an average person. I will have that freedom someday, I swear it.                    
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