Hide and Seek

2302 Words

I was relieved that the run went so smoothly. Gwyn didn’t run off or seem to slip into her wolf mind. Some of the staff from the packhouse brought clothing out for us to finish training in. Gwyn sat on the sidelines and watched us. I worked even harder than normal. The game for the day was rogue hide-and-seek. Gwyn was on my team with Alpha Lucien, my dad, my brother, and about a dozen elite warriors. The rest were on Bellamy’s team. Even though we always lost when Dillon and Bellamy were on a team together, no one was deterred. They knew we’d win one day we’d get them. I explained the rules to Gwyn. “We look for people who are hiding while they try to make their way back to the field. If they get three-quarters of their people to the field, they win. When we find people, we fight. T

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