Ep. II: Ribbons and The ties

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The Lady Vs. The Genius (Battle of Campus Elites) Ep. II: Ribbons and Ties     Yurime's POV  [Hachiban University]               I ran as fast as I could. Getting a punch in the face on your first day in school isn't the best either. The government surely is making me pay the price of sending me to a science institute over the past years. I pant like a tired dog and found myself in a greener place with benches under a tree and lamps.               The school is so big I forgot where the exit is. Now I'm lost. I sat in the grass because my legs were burning.             "Excuse me?" someone asked me from behind. I looked up to see who. My eyeballs almost fell off the ground in fear.             "Hachiban..." I mumbled. I paused to swallow the saliva gathered in my mouth.             "It looks like you lost your way back to your classroom. Are you new here?" He asked.                     I stand up and pose in a fighting position, "What do you want, huh?" my voice is a bit shaky.               'What-are-you-talking-about' was written all over his face.               "You really followed me," I angrily stated, "And for what purpose? To bully. Why are you intimidating students who don't wear a bow of the same color as yours, huh? Because I'm new and I don't pay the tuition? This is silly!" I scolded him.               Instead of punching me in the nose, he just stood there and was obviously confused, "Ok. Um..." he cleared his throat, "I am not intimidating other students who don't wear the same bow as me, like ever. Also, this is the first time I actually saw you. To share with you, I have a twin brother," he giggled then slid his hands to me, "I'm Seiichi Hachiban. I'm Seiko's twin brother, and I apologize for my brother's behavior."             "Ok? You're apologizing," I said with a doubtful tone, "It must be true. You're not the Hachiban I have encountered earlier. But how can I be sure when you look exactly the same?" I asked.             "You're funny!" he laughed and was seated on the bench next to where we stand, "I don't know what to do to make you believe that I'm not my brother. Well, those guys were actually my childhood friends, but yeah, I don't "Intimidate" people who wear bows of a different color because if I do, I wouldn't be taking time talking to a lost girl."                He's right. "You should tell that to your brother as well," I said.               "Yeah, you can tell him that, though," he responds, "By the way, why are you outside? You are supposed to be in class right now. Or did you just skip?"— I'm glad he asked.             "Well, the curly-haired girl with your brother dismissed the class and sent the teacher out. So, I technically didn't," I answered.             "Ok. Make sense. But why are you outside?" this guy asks.             "Your brother held me up in my collars, so I pushed him and called him dog-faced that's why I run my a$$ out of the classroom," my voice decrescendo.            He laughed even harder this time like I'm sort of a clown, "You did that?!" he paused, "You're so brave."             "He's such a bully, and I have to fight for myself!" I defended myself.             "Right. Right," This guy stands up, "I'm going into class now. Would you like to go with me?" he offered like a knight in shining armor.             This might be a trap, and I mean, I can't trust people with a golden bow tie. I looked at him and thought again. "If it's ok with you, can you tell me where the guidance office is?" I asked.             "Guidance office?" He looked surprised, "Well, I can, but I think the next class will be with Ms. Horida, and you wouldn't want to miss her class."               Hmm... He's acting weird now. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.               "I think I can go back to the class by myself," I said, which is obviously sounded very unsure.             "Are you sure about that?" he asked again.             "Yes."— with fingers crossed.             "Alright. I'll be going to my class now," Hachiban walked steps away, "See ya!" he said aloud.               He was walking meters and meters away from me until I could barely see him. I need to go back to class as well. Since I didn't have a choice, I followed him until the surroundings became familiar again. As we came closer to the classroom, I noticed that he was not even looking or watching his back. He then reached the door; before he opened it.               Hachiban turned to me and asked, "Are you in 2-B as well?"               I got frozen in surprise, but I managed to give him a nod.               "Come here then," he asked with a hand gesture. He slid the door open, and it appeared like a slow-motion to me, like a thriller scene in the movies. He entered the room and heard the class greet him like he was a teacher or what.             "Come in!" he whispered to me.             My feet were stuck on the floor. I can't even move closer to the door. This guy grabbed my left arm and pulled me in, "Hi guys! This is my best friend! She belongs to this class. Be nice to her," he put his arms around me.               The class, just like me, is looking at him. He's smiling widely, "What's your name again?" he whispered.             "Hanazaki," I whispered to him.             "Hey!" the evil twin raised from his throne, "Take your hands off that rubbish girl. That girl pushed me!"               So it's true, they are twins!               "Huh?" He holds me closer, "What's wrong, bruh?" he walks us to the seat in front, "This is your seat, next to mine," he said aloud.               Some sort of assurance that I won't be hit by eggs or tomatoes crept into me. This is better than having everyone against me.               "Good morning 2-B," a teacher entered.             "Good morning Ms. Horida!" everyone greets her.               I'm not sure what's going on now. Earlier, that group of golden bow bearers dismissed the teacher's class, and now they look like well-behaved grade-schoolers. She's not so tall, skinny with eyeglasses and clean-up-do.             The teacher wrote her name on the board, "Just in case you have forgotten me," she said, "I see there's a new student in here. Hmmm. Let's have introductions. I'll start. I'm Midori Horida, your English teacher. My requirement for this class is your attendance physically and mentally. I don't want anyone to be absent-minded during class, or you'll fail my subject. Understood?"               "Yes, ma'am!" echoed the once chaotic room.             "Alright, I want the gold bearers to continue," she commands.               The curly-haired girl stands up, "I'm Ara Uehara. 17 years old. I've been studying here since kindergarten, so you probably know me already. I have a golden bow tie because my father is a co-owner in this school. Happy first day in High school!" then she sits down.             "Uno Yoshida, everyone!" the bald bowless guy stands up, "17, and I'm here since first grade. Like Ara's dad, you all know this man. My father is also a co-owner in this school. Happy first day of class." —Wow, so now he's acting so refutable.             "Good morning, guys! Seiichi Hachiban, 17 like most of you. And obviously, from my last name, my parents own this school. Thank you for choosing this school," he then bowed.             The dead tone with screeching of the chair on the floor, "Seiko Hachiban. 17. Enjoy your stay here, people,"             "Is that all, Seikun?" Ms. Horida asked, "I'm expecting something grandiose with your introduction, my little nephy."               Little nephy? Like nephew? That's why we can't dismiss her class. They don't have absolute power over this school, after all.               Evil Hachiban stands up again, "Seiko Hachiban, 17," his tone became livelier, "This school was founded when I was 2 years old because no school wants to accept me as a first-grader, so there. This school aims to train future leaders like me, as you all have heard the rumors, I'm the Lady of Cambridge's betroth~               Wait.                 WHAT?! I heard it wrong.                 "Cambridge?" I whispered aloud.                         "Yes, Miss VIP?" ~ Ms. Horida asked me, "Can you go next, please?" I responded with a nod.             I stood up like the rest did, "Hi, I'm Yurime Hanazaki, 17 years old from Kyoto Science Institute. The government decided to transfer me here, where my sister attends as well. I hope I can stay here with a peaceful exit. Nice to meet you." I bowed. The words came out from the nose and the insincerity, which I wish they didn't notice.             "Are you nervous, Hanazaki?" Ms. Horida asked.             "No, ma'am," I responded.             "Take your seat, young lady," she said.               The rest of the VIPs and Redsters continued, but I couldn't believe what the evil Hachiban just said. For sure, he's not kidding, but why it has to be Cambridge. There were other territories like Edinburgh or Wales. If he's the future duke, then he's... He's my--               I can't even imagine saying it. All I want to do is to faint.               The time gets us through until it's time to go home. I immediately exit so I can see Chiyo. This is a nightmare, and I can't believe what happened to me today. Just like earlier, the rest of the school was taken by their chauffeur. Chiyo headed us to the bus stop where the silver liners go.               "Why are we here?" I asked.             "Dad won't pick us up, so we're taking the bus," she replied.               We took the bus to get home. I really don’t know how I can stay in that school, every second I’m there feels like my life span is getting shorter and shorter. When we reached our home, I went straight to our room and changed. I looked at the mirror and took a canister.               The girl I see in the mirror is made-up, but this has been the armor I'm wearing to protect whoever is inside over the years. I began taking off the dark brown contact lens, revealing my green eyes. I'm starting to get emotional whenever I see this person in the mirror.               "Hey, dinner is up!" Chiyo knocked, "Dad's still on a meeting with his boss."               She noticed that I was checking out on my roots, so she checked it too, "This doesn't look good, you know? I have washable black hair color. You can use it until we get to take you to your hairdresser," Chiyo took a bottle of spray can from her closet, "Here. I saved it for an emergency," she handed it over to me.             “Hair emergency..." we both chuckled, "Thanks, though." I took the bottle and shook it a bit.             "Yeah, whatever. Let's go." Chiyo went back downstairs.                                                                  •>>>O>>O>>OSeiko's POV [After class]                 My brother and I went inside the car so we could go home. As usual, I put my headset on and turn up the music- my favorite Mozart composition on the playlist is symphony no. 40. He's browsing through his phone constantly, but this time he's smiling. It got me dead curious.               "Seiichi," I called him up.             He just looked at me, "What?" he went back to his phone.             "Who are you looking at?" I asked. He showed me his screen; it's a manga he's reading.             "That's it?" I asked.             "What? Should I be looking at a girl's photo?" my brother responded.             I almost throw my phone on him, "Id1ot. That's not what I meant. Tch."             "Anyways, about Hanazaki. I hope you will be nicer to her," he requested.             I snorted, "Huh?! No way. What did you see in that girl, though? She looked damn plain. Have you gone mad?"             He chuckled, "Dude, someday you'll gonna thank me for telling you that."             "You're freaking me out, bro," I told him, but he didn't even listen.                 When we arrived home, the maids took our things and took them to where they should be.               "Your parents were here, monsieur," our butler Kazehaya said.             “Wow! I thought Mom and Dad would be staying in London for a couple of weeks. Hmm, I wonder if they got me something," Seiichi said and headed to the dining area.             "Where are they?" I asked.             "They are currently in the conference room, Monsieur. The duke's representative is having a meeting with your parents. He's the Duchess's brother who's also taking care of your Lady," our butler went on.             "Taking care of Lily Anne? Now I'm dead curious about it," I told him, "Prepare me my bath and the recreation area. My friends are coming over."               I must admit, I don't like the idea of tying the knot with someone; I only got to know the name. I mean, Lily Anne Vaughan-Cromwell, has all my care in the whole world. Everything in me has decided to marry her for an unknown reason. At the same time, she'll be very useful for the clout and all that. She's a duchess to be, and that makes me even more powerful. In my imagination, she's an average-looking London school girl with half-tied brown hair and charming green eyes. I wish that she's intelligent because I hate dumb girls.               The stairs are harder to climb when you're tired from being elsewhere. I just need to finish the bath before anything else. On my way to my room, I saw a man with my parents. I bowed right away so I wouldn't be scolded.               “General Hanazaki, this is our son Seiko. You met him when he was 5 years old in Kensington Palace, if you can remember," my mother said.             "How can I forget this brainy young man?" he giggled and bowed, "Nice to meet you again, your grace," He called me 'Grace,' and I can't be happier.             "I'm excited about your upcoming coronation. Please take care of our Lily Anne," he said.             I bowed, "I will." that's really cringing, but, yeah, whatever.               They proceeded downstairs doing chit-chat– they must be talking about the upcoming wedding. I'm too young for this silly tradition the royal family adheres to. My room was only steps away, so I could get in and go straight to the bath. I can't forget about that girl who called me dog-faced. She really needs to learn her lesson.     [To Be Continued]  
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