Meeting the Family

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While slowly drifting away into the light, Leo was calling for me to come back. I was feeling some warmth on my chest. Like my heart was starting to start again.   “Girls, stand back because this could be ugly.” I overheard Leo tell the girls.             Wait the girls? Could it be the one and only, the charmed ones that I have heard so much about. The ones that are my family, my cousins. The most powerful witches of all time other than me.           Just then when I had opened my eyes, I took a huge deep breath, hands in the air blew up a nice chandelier in the air, but froze it before it could hit me, then moved it somewhere nowhere near me. But it did break I heard it though. I sat up real fast, put my hand on my chest, my necklace was gone. Saw the girls for one second then turned to Leo when he touched my other hand.   “Heather,” he said, as he touched my hand. “Oh my god! Leo!” I said as I started to cry. I put my arms around his neck as to hug him. “It’s okay, Heather. Your safe.” He told me. “I know but that’s not that. My necklace. It’s gone. The demon took it.” I started to cry more. “You mean this necklace?” one of the girls said, as he held it up. “I found it on the ground a few feet from where you were when the demon went up in flames.” She told me as I blinked my eyes for my necklace. I brought it flying over to me. “Thank you so much.” I told her. “What’s so special about that necklace anyways?” Another one of the girls asked, the one with red hair. “It’s just a necklace.” “Who cares about the Necklace, how did you do those powers. All of them.” The one with black hair said. “You done Piper’s blowing up and freezing powers then my telekinesis power.” “Well this necklace isn’t just any other necklace. It protects me from anyone with powers or whatever is coming my way.” I told her. “Piper was it?” I asked. “Yea,” she said, the one with brown wavy hair. “Try to blow me up.” I told her. “Wait what? Blow you up but Leo just saved you.” the one with the short brown hair. “I know, just do it.” I said. “Okay, but Leo move away from her.” Piper told him. “He’ll be fine next to me.” I told her.             Piper put her hands up to blow me up or at least try to but failed at it because my necklace blocked the blow. It sent a forcefield like in front of me to protect me from her power.   “Wait how did it do that?” The one with short hair said. I was about to say something when Leo spoke. “Her mother made this necklace for her when she was little and when she turned 16 she had given it to her.” He told them. “How did you know?” I asked. “Because I am the one that helped your mother with it. The elders gave me a spell to give to her.” Leo told me. “Wait you helped her mother?” The black hair one said. “Yes Prue. I was her mother and grams white lighter like I am yalls. And now Heathers as well.” Leo told Prue. “Was?” The red hair woman said. “Yea, Paige.” Leo told her. “My mother died in my arms when I was 16 right when she gave me the necklace. A demon came out of nowhere and killed her. And while back my grams had died in from of me as well. And watched the angel of death take her in front of me and I couldn’t do a damn thing.” When I said that, my telekinesis and empath work together and blew up the coffee table next to me.             We all jumped, and I started freaking out, crying a little. Leo sat front of me on the couch grabbed my hands.   “Heather calm down. You know your powers go crazy when your all upset.” He said. “Sounds like Piper.” The red head one said. “Shut up Paige.” Piper told her. The short hair woman came over to me. Bent down put her hand on my arm. “I’m so sorry about your lost, Heather. What about your father where is he?” she asked me. “He’s human and walk out on us, because of what we were. And I don’t think I’ll see him ever again after what I had done to him.” “That sounds like someone I know,” Prue was saying. “Prue!” Phoebe said. “What it’s true, Phoebe. Our father had walked out on us as we were kids too.” “But he came back and showed effect in being in our lives.” Phoebe said. “Guys stop it, let Heather finish what she was saying. This isn’t about us anymore. It was long time ago Prue get over it. Your suppose to be dead with mom and grams but you’re here. So, shut up!” Piper yelled at Prue. The she turned back to me. “Sorry back to what you were saying.” “I used my powers on my father to get him out of the house because I didn’t want to go with him, since he had nothing to do with the whole witches, demons, and powers stuff.” I told them, then thought about what Piper said about Prue. “Wait your suppose to be dead, Prue?” I asked. “Yes, I died a few years back from a demon. I was gone for about a 3-4 years. The angel of destiny brought me back about a 1 ½ ago. Saying that ‘You sisters, will need the power for a greater evil that is upon us all. Stick together and the power will be near us all soon.’ But nothing has happened until now with you.” Prue said. “But you can’t be the greater evil, your one of us, a witch.” Paige said. “Yea, but not a very good one though. I’m just now coming into all my powers. My grams said I was very powerful just like yall. But stronger with all of yalls powers together. No witch has ever consumed all of the powers together like this. That’s another reason why my mother gave me this necklace, to protect me from anything that comes my way.” I told them. Piper came over to me and sat down on the table in front of me. “Look, we had to learn that hard way. Prue, myself, and Phoebe. We got our powers after our grams had died.” “Well actually, Piper I had triggered them by saying a spell after a few days me being back from New York.” Phoebe said interrupting. “Still after grams had died, Phoebe. Not the point, though.” Piper said then went on. “We had no one to help us with our powers. Me with mine it took me forever to get my freeze power under control. I would freeze thing when I was scared or nervous. Then I didn’t get my exploding power til about a 2-3 years later. And that took forever to control too, because I didn’t know if I was gonna freeze or blow you up.” “Same thing with me as well with my telekinesis or my astral projection.” Prue said. “And me with my premonition, levitation, empathy, psychic reflection.” Phoebe added. “Hell, it took me 6 months to a year for get all my orbing right; telekinetic orbing, orbing, healing, sensing, orb shield, you name it.” Paige said. “Matter of fact it took me about 3 years to heal people. That was the first time I healed Henry, my husband. We were dating at that time, but still. We all didn’t come with a manual/book to help us. I mean we did but didn’t. Piper showed me how to do everything the 1st year living with them because of the source of all evil was coming. Oh, and we had Cole to help us as well.” “Cole?” I asked. “My ex-husband, he was a demon that I-,” “A demon, you married a demon!” I asked shocked. “Yes, I married a demon because I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me as well. But when we got married he was human. I stripped his demon half away from him until we killed the source of all EVIL.” Phoebe said. “What happened when yall killed the source of all EVIL?” “Cole became the source of all EVIL. But we didn’t know at the time until about 3-6 months. Paige was the one that found out. But I stuck with him through it all became the queen of the underworld.” Phoebe said. “And you were pregnant with a fetus of all EVIL, as well.” Paige added.             I looked at her all stupid like, what the hell are you even saying. I was getting all very confused all of a sudden like this was too much information all at once.           Like is this really truly my family, Phoebe married a demon, got pregnant by him and became evil as well. She doesn’t look evil, but still I don’t really know them that well. They all seem really sweet and nice.           Still a little confused on the whole Prue part, how are you even here when your suppose to be dead. What does the world think about that, like what had happened to you, you had died, we saw your dead body in a casket.           I shook my head and took a drink of the water Phoebe had given me a while ago to clear my head. I think they knew I wasn’t handling this well. I got up and started walking around in the living room, looking at all the photos that were hung up on the walls. It was beautiful seeing them all together like a happy family. Paige with Henry on their wedding day, Phoebe with some guy on their wedding day, Piper and Leo on their wedding day, some kids standing together; must be all of their kids, a photo of a lady and a man together; it must have been their mother and their father. I touched it and started tearing up a little.   Phoebe came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “That was only good picture we have of them. It was right before she died.” She said. “Oh, its cute they looked happy together.” I said. “They were, until our mother had died.” Prue answered that as she walked over to us. “Little after that he had left us. But I forgave him for everything after a while when he came back into our lives again.” I smiled at that. “Phoebe who is this guy with you at yall wedding day.” “That would be Coop. He’s a cupid as well.” She told me. “Shut up, did he use his little bow & arrows on you.” I look at her. She smiled at that. “No, they don’t do that. He was helping me find love with guys as he was falling in love with me. But as we were falling in love with each other before we even asked each other out, when Piper and Leo’s sons’ came back from the future and saw us together and kinda spoiled it for us by saying uncle Coop. That’s when we just knew it, it was meant to be. True love at 1st sight.” She said. “After so many dates, so many years of looking for the right one to be with and help me have my little girl with, he was right there all along just didn’t know it until the end.” “Awe how romantic.” I said.             I moved along and saw a photo of some old lady but not that old though. It was above the fireplace. She looked just like my grams. I started crying. I grabbed the photo and traced it.   “What’s the matter?” Phoebe asked. “She looks like my grams.” I said. Leo came over and looked at the photo as well. “Penny was Suzan’s 2nd cousin. Your great grandmother was naming all her girl children with S’s and as was Penny’s family was naming all her girl children with P’s. Suzan was the 1st to stop naming after S’s just like Piper had done with Wyatt. But we’re the 1st to have a boy in the family not a girl.”             Good, I look not look good with a name that started with a S. I smiled at that. Then looked at the girls. My new family that I wasn’t expecting to have but now I do. Then started frowning again. Because they have everything. A family of their own. They still have a father that comes around them. Where I have nothing. My own father doesn’t even love me anymore because of what I am.   “I can’t do this, I got to go.” I started to run out the door of their house when Paige had orbed outside on the other side of the front door. “You’re not going anywhere. We’re all family now. We have to stick together.” Paige said.   The others ran into the hallway as well.   “I don’t belong here though. You guys have families to worry about. I’m nothing. I see why my own father don’t even want me. I lost everything that I ever loved. My mother, my grams, my father. All I have left of them is Lilly and this necklace.” I told them. “Who’s Lilly?” Phoebe asked. “My puppy; my familiar, that grams got for me to help me along the way right before she passed away.” “Awe, we had a cat name Kit and he end up being a girl and human. Well she got turned into a human after she left us.” Phoebe said. Then she added. “Why don’t you stay here with Piper, Leo, the boys, and Billy. There’s an extra bedroom here. Piper can help you learn everything you know, and you can help out with the boys as well with Billy while she’s gone away at school. Yall can trade off on shifts.” She said laughing a little bit. “Yea stay with us. It will be great having another girl in the house that I can talk to. After all we are family now.” Piper said. “But I can’t help you with anything around the house. I don’t have a job, the money I have left is running low.” I told her. “It doesn’t matter, you can still live with us. Hell, you can work at the club, P3. When I can’t be there as a manager you can go there for me, like my sisters do for me, when I can’t. Also be a waiter there until you find another job for whatever.” Piper told me. “Let me well us help you. What is family for anyways.” She said last.             She was right about that. we were family and what is family for anyways when they help each other out. I shook my head to agree with her on their offer as to moving in helping with the boys and working at the club.   “Great then, I’ll go fix up that room for you and I’ll call the club and let them know that you will be working there for me and I’ll call up Billy and let her know what is up.” Piper said.   That is when some girl came walking in dropping her bag and walked past us in the living room. Look like she was going into the kitchen.   “Billy!” Piper called out to her. “I was getting ready to call you.” “For what.” She said as she was still going into the kitchen. That’s when I heard water running. “Can you come here please.” Piper asked her. “Yea, one second.” She said. Paige looked at us for a second then looked up at the ceiling. “Ugh, well gonna fly. I’m being paged. Later.” She said as she orbed out of the room. “Well Ima do the same. I have a lot of work to do, so Ima head to the condo love yall.” Prue headed for the front door. “Later Billy.” “Later.” Billy said as she was walking into the living room.             That’s when I saw her, a very good look of her because I knew her. I went to high school with her. Billy, Miss queen bee at homecoming and prom. But she was nice a little weird though.   “Oh, hail the miss queen bee, Billy.” I call out to her. “Heather is that you.” Billy said. “Wait yall know each other.” Phoebe asked. “Yea we went to high school together. I was a few grades before Heather though. How’s grams.” Billy asked. “She died while back.” I told her. “Oh, damn I’m sorry. I knew she was only one left after your mom.” “Yea, she was.” “But now she has us.” Phoebe said. “What you mean, she has yall?” Billy asked. “We’re her next to kin by blood. We’re her cousins.” “Wait if yall are cousins that means you’re a witch as well right, Heather?” Billy asked. “Yea, I found out when my mother died.” I said. “What 4 years ago when you found out?” “Yea.” I said. “Anyways Billy, Heather is moving in with Leo and us. So, while you’re in school she’s gonna watch the boys for Leo and me, while he’s working at magic school and with his charges and I’m at the club or doing other things. And when I can’t go to the club she’s going to work at the club for me and waitress as well.” “Oh, that’s great. I was getting ready come here and tell you that I have a lot of schoolwork to do with big tests for the end of the semester, big projects, you name it. I’m kinda little behind with all the demon hunting lately.” Billy said. “Oh, well get you ass back to school and do your schoolwork. All you had to do was tell us, that you were behind. We can take care of the demon hunting. We got Heather, here now.” Piper patted me on the shoulder. “We’re gonna teach her more about what a witch is all about.” Piper told her. “Oh, thanks Piper. And thank you Heather.” Billy said. “I’m get going now. Got to get to the school library before it closes.”             Billy waved us goodbye and ran out the house with her school bag, like a bat out of hell. I actually can’t believe she’s a witch or she’s in college. Actually, I kinda can see her in college though with the grades she had in high school. She was in honors class, had all A’s maybe a few B’s or C’s. She was dating one of the HOTTEST boys in school other than me, but she couldn’t pull off the football quarterback because that was all mine until I had started having trouble with everything. We became distance with each other he broke it off with me, which was for the best. We both agreed on that because my mother just passed away.           I actually kinda miss him. He was a good guy; I’ll never find another one like him. But now its all me with the charmed ones learning how to do everything all over again, the right way.   “Well that covers it then,” Piper said making come back to life. “Yea,” I hurried up and said. “Heather why don’t Phoebe take you home, get some stuff packed and come back here and you can rest for the rest of the day.” Piper said. “And tomorrow I can take you to P3 and show you the ropes.” “Sure,” I said, as I looked at Phoebe.
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