Chapter 64 – Valkyrie in Heat

1569 Words
The Eagleborn's townsfolk are quite lively than what Laken seems to imagine. He takes double precautionary so that people won't notice him as a strange element while he blends in the crowd. For them to efficiently finish their little purchasing detour, Eirisse directly went through the east district to buy a new pair of eyeglasses while Laken scurried towards the merchant quarter after passing the north plaza. He knows the ropes since he asked some of the townspeople. Laken couldn't believe such a large place is called town when it's prominently prosperous and well known. The streets are paved with circular-carved flagstone and the houses were quite spacious considering their lands are vast and widespread. Though the town may have accepted whatever gender or race they came from; unfortunately, the Eagleborn is the only town across the lands of Archreverie where such diversity exists. The Falconthorn, which is the capital is essentially strict towards the populace of males and doesn't care about the outside of demographic for reasons. Laken fully understands that the only reason Eagleborn accepts varieties of races is to ensure Archreverie's rightful prosperity. The valkyries carefully pick a proper partner amongst those worthy they met in this town and after that, the partner can totally doze off living on the high grounds of the capital. Most of the males, regardless of race, are considered to be necessary only for mating and tension reliever for the valkyries. Their jobs are entirely switched, men are those who take care of domestic work while the valkyries take care of protecting their territory. In some instances where a valkyrie gives birth to a boy, it's either the newborn will be a slave or he'll be swapped to another child for the valkyries' future benefit and also to avoid blood-related relationship or i*********e if it comes to it. The valkyrie then will raise the boy so he can become her another ideal spouse. Laken always grimaces whenever he thinks why the Archreverie has fallen to such wicked orthodoxical tradition. There are also gossips that the Balakh Empire sometimes enters a bargain to the Archreverie concerning human males in exchange for golds. The higher ranking valkyrie uses their goods as a personal slave of some sort to gratify their womanly desires. Either way, rumors will remain outside the truth. He couldn't expect to change their concept of living. It's unlikely that they are hurting someone or somebody, but if ever they dared to interfere on his path, likewise, he shall obliterate and reduce them to ashes. When Laken reached the merchant street, he was led by the scent of the grilled corn that Luciella will surely love. He approached the merchant and simply gave him four gold coins without saying anything. "Come back again!" The merchant briskly gave Laken a few packed grilled corns to where he pressed them on his leather sack. He never liked any kind of flavors to his drinks so he didn't get luscious lemonade and preferred free water from the inn. After buying all necessities like mana and health potions, of course, he won't forget purchasing fresh apples, which is Alisa's favorite fruit when they were still a child. It didn't take him that much time. He might as well buy new serrated knife considering the one he's carrying became dull. However, the obvious person that has been trailing Laken's behind since he left the inn is still following him. Laken is really bothered and It seems there's only one that is stalking him. The pursuer is cunning and secretive. He'd gladly give whoever it is props for the ability to completely hide one's presence. He may surely know someone is tailing him from the beginning, but he can't determine the subtle difference of the ubiquitous demeanor of the townsfolks to be suspicious or anything and he had a hard time finding who is it. Nevertheless, Laken has a plan up his sleeve and he changes his route. He entered a secluded street towards the alley next to the south plaza. He slowly secured his track, each step echoed across the alley. Laken even entered on his preemptive stance in which he will swiftly strike those anyone that got near from his vicinity. Laken began to change the phase of his footstep and he deliberately halted at the center of the lane. He closed his eyes and listened to the voice of the wind, felt the vibration of the ground, and started to hear even the speck of changes on the spatial matter. The maverick stands at the peak of his uncertain footing. He roughly knew that his next movement would decide whether the pursuer will catch him alive. He slightly flinched when a tiny small pebble quickly passed on his vision below the ground causing him to cut it into two with sleight of hand swordsmanship. Laken thought it was a fluke though he considers his pursuer is just crafty. He tried to run and lowered his guard exchanging to equivalent speed when something hit his fingers, causing him from dropping his sword. If only the enemy was on the ground, he surely covered most of the sword-based technique for parrying but he did not expect an asrial attacked from above. Laken inevitably tried to fight back as the asrial used some advance martial arts style and blocked his knock using one's knee. The asrial used the chance to grab his hand and quickly pin him down to the ground. "Unhand me at once!" Laken threatened whoever it was who had the strength to pull such a trick. "Keep calm please!" Surprisingly, the asrial's voice came from a female and Laken surely recognized her conjugate. She removed her white hood and remembered the lady guard they spoke with when they entered the town was the one who was chasing him all along. Laken took a precautionary reckoning and considered the lady asrial was pursuing him for another reason. He took the bet and act in accordance, "What do you want?! I am innocent and did nothing wrong..." Laken retorted and played the victim. She instantly let Laken off when she noticed he's being hurt and even help him to stand, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to harm you..." The lady constantly apologized and she was actually a decent person. The way she squirms when she gets embarrassed and the style where she accentuates her glistening long white hair perfect match for her majestic wings was obvious. The fact she approached him concerns only one thing on Laken's head; she wanted a partner. The Eagleborn is quite famous as a place to get a hook up in just a matter of a day, and the reason was that the valkyries are the ones who take the initiative. Laken figured she didn't know he was a wanted criminal and only approached him because of love interest. He doesn't have time for such trivial affairs and would like to return to the inn as soon as possible. He kind of talked it out and he sees if he can brush her off, "No, I'm also sorry. I just flinched when you attacked me out of nowhere." Aside from their passionate drive, valkyries are known not only for their mastery of the sword but also for their martial art expertise. Laken regrets underestimating her and truly hesitated from hurting her. He keenly scans her stature from head to toe and can't seem to find any weakness or spot to knock her down as his form is guarded in ironclad pretty well. "Anyways... I'm Eris Mithienye... and I..." She's fidgety and can't properly word out what she wanted to voice out. Laken is oblivious and only seen her as a typical valkyrie searching for a one-night stand partner or maybe someone they can live with. He resolves to go with the flow for the meantime and let her do as she pleases since he still has time to spare. "I'm..." Laken paused at the breath when he's going to say his name. He changes the plans as he certainly doesn't want to be near her. He forgot that if he tells his name, it's equivalent from freely removing his mask. "You're...?" Eris's eyes sparkle from curiosity. The moment Laken got his weapon back, that was the time he took a step and sprint towards the end of the alley to escape from her at all costs. Eris won't just stand around and hurriedly chased him again. "Wait! I won't bite I promise!" Eris flew around the sky. She noticed him going to the fourth street next to the east plaza. She swerves the course of her wings changing altitude as she chases him again. Her partner guard, Reya saw her from below. She figured Eris started her hunt of chasing another man again. Laken thought he can easily escape so he looked back and unexpectedly, Eris pounced her behind locking him again. This time she won't let her prey escape. She acts desperate and forcefully made him face her, "Just let me see your face please...!" She confidently removed his mask before he could move only to realize that the man he was chasing all along was none other than Laken; the notorious wanted man across the continents who is known for his atrocity. Eris couldn't move nor say a word. She's undeniably twitterpated to his pitch-black hair and sapphire eyes, something they could call love at first sight. She casually brought back his mask as if nothing happens. She faced behind from embarrassment not sure how to react or respond to him. Now that the situation got worst, Laken had the idea of how to escape from her clutches before it's too late.
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