Chapter 79 – Silver Choker

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The day in the Falconthorn has an excellent view of the cumulus clouds from sky-high. It covers the city from the sun creating a very comfy, balanced temperature. Both of them went to the capital so he still wears his white mask to avoid unnecessary confusion. The whole Falconthorn would blend in chaos if they knew such a notorious criminal visited where their queen resides. The place in itself has a barricade of staunch walls. Each gate has ten valkyries, the five will examine the belongings of those who wanted to enter, and the rest are observing from a distance. Good thing Eris is none other than their commander and Laken was able to slip in without getting examined by removing his mask. The capital isn't much different than Eagleborn Town. The only subtle difference was that valkyries are everywhere and they have male partners they drag around wherever they go. They were both strolling the capital without any plans, Laken got engrossed from the lifestyle of the place as a whole. The more he sees the male partners of the valkyries, the more he feels a little bit uncomfortable for some reason. Until he noticed something that he doesn't get no matter how he looks at it. He saw a valkyrie and a man supposedly her husband walking down the streets together with a young boy. They may look like a happy family, but what he can't comprehend was that the husband has a collar, or presumably a blue choker around his neck while the young ones have a red choker. They didn't realize they were already in the plaza. Both of them walked down to the crowd but Laken suddenly felt the gazes around him is piercing his soul. Now that he looks at the partners of the valkyries, some male elves and humans had silver choker. They were pretty exhausted as if their soul was drained out of them. The malice around him permeated Laken's instinct when he realized he's wearing a silver choker Eirisse gave him. He couldn't control his curiosity so he grabbed Eris's hand and went to the shop stand in the plaza where there isn't a crowd of customers, and to also avoid the uncomfortable gazes from the vicinity. The way Laken held Eris's hand was forceful, and she misunderstood his intent. She let him do as he pleases until they arrived at a cakeshop stand. Concurrently he's having post-traumatic stress disorder from the cakeshop in Alfeiyn where Alice forced him to eat lots of strawberry shortcakes. Despite such an event, he promised to treat Eris so he had no choice anyway. They sat on an empty chair with a rounded table and a big umbrella beside it if ever they don't like the sunlight. Seconds after, a draconian valkyrie wearing a maid dress approached their table. She handed menu cards as she greeted the two of them, "Welcome commander Eris and sir!" When Laken met Eris's eyes, she's beckoning him to come closer and so he did by shifting his chair next to her on the other side. Eris came closer to him and whispered, "Are you sure about this?" "Sure about what?" Laken asked silently. "This is the famous cakeshop around Falconthorn. The cakes are good, but this place is known for its high price that's why only wealthy valkyries can visit here." Eris replied. If that was the case, Laken doesn't care about the price if they can avoid the looming gazes around him. "It's fine, it's my treat anyways right?" Laken said to her. Even if he's wearing a mask, Eris can already imagine the way he smiles as it makes her heart skip a couple of beats. "F-Fine if you say so... I would like it if you choose for me as well..." Eris was bashful because this place isn't what Laken imagined. The cakeshop where he's planning to treat her is the most famous shop across Archreverie. Aside from its overwhelming pricing, it's a place that is said to give good luck upon those who are newlywed. It's the reason there are only two chairs per one rounded table because it's intended for valkyries who only have one and only soulmate. Laken doesn't understand the cakeshop was meant for couples only. The moment Laken looked at the menu card, his mind almost went out of his head when he saw the prices of the cakes they are selling. Ranging from a hundred to three hundred gold coins; the most expensive thing they sell was a special cake made out of aquatic giant salamander's egg; a type of rare water amphibian from the eastern Arcadion Continent. These salamanders can be caught near the Millenium Shore's boundary. Their eggs are known for their sweetness without the use of sugar. Their species dwindled down to the point they were considered rare because of the irresponsible beast hunters. Laken can guess it's a rarity but the price is just too much as it costs a thousand gold coins. Nevertheless, he simply pointed out the blueberry cake on the menu card that costs two hundred gold coins so the valkyrie can see their order without saying anything. She took the menu card and went back to their stand. Now there's nothing that could interfere them anymore so Laken asked in a straightforward manner, "It's been bugging me this whole time, but what do the colors of chokers of the males mean here in Falconthorn?" It got her attention and said, "Seems it's your first time here. I know you'd have a culture shock if I tell you so trust me, it's an orthodoxical tradition and there's nothing wrong with it." "I am well aware of different cultures and beliefs, so you may continue." Laken is open-minded when it comes to such cases. It's the least trait of an adventurer to understand the world as a whole rather than judging one's traditions. "The blue choker means the legitimate husband of a valkyrie; meaning no one can touch him," Eris told him. "What about the red and silver?" Laken asked again. "On the other hand, the red choker means he's a slave and other valkyries can touch him with the permission of the owner." Laken gulped buckets when he discovered their culture. Though he must agree it's normal for them and there's nothing he can do about it. "Then..." He didn't continue his interjection. "I know it's actually bizarre for me at first, but those who had silver choker are called swap-slave. They don't have permanent home and valkyries can take turns every day to have... you know, the thing they do at night..." Eris was bashful to continue what she's saying. "Okay, it's fine now. Don't tell me anything more." Laken tried to forget what he just learned. He can't believe such kind of s*****y exists. That's why he now knows why those males that had silver-choker looked very dried up. It doesn't matter anymore and the blueberry cake they ordered arrived. It's pretty big in size than what they sell in the Alfeiyn cakeshop. Laken cut the cake into eight pieces with the table knife, and he serves it onto Eris's plate and his. While he's doing so, he's a bit uncomfortable the draconian maid and Eris were whispering to each other. "I would like to ask commander Eris... is he an elf or merfolk? What's his race?" The draconian maid asked by whispering to her. "Why? He's a human." Eris replied. "He had remarkably bulky muscles under his expensive armor, and he's the one who paid for your date despite him being a swap-slave. I bet he's handsome without his mask. What about a deal then? I'll hook him up for tonight." The draconian maid was persistent. "Huh?!" Eris was startled, "I think you have the wrong idea. He's not available!" She also just realized but now that she notices it, Laken had a silver choker on his neck and it's the reason they were garnering every valkyries' attention. The draconian maid didn't give up and resorted to seducing Laken. She strangled her scaly tails around his waist and allured him, "What about a night with me sir knight? I'll make sure I can satisfy your desires." Laken nor Eris didn't even taste their blueberry cake yet but things are going in a risky direction. He's holding his mask onto his face just in case if ever the maid tried to remove it forcefully. Driven by the idea of a valkyrie assaulting him because he had a silver choker, he had no choice but to fight back, "I'm sorry. I should turn down your invitation." They needed to get out of the sticky situation, Eris covered him up by grabbing his arm and pulling him closer to her, "I'm really sorry, he's mine." She's dead embarrassed to her acting as she's only hiding it through simple laughter. "What's the big deal commander? He had a silver choker so we can at least relish him for ourselves. Don't be selfish." The draconian maid yanked Laken snitching him from Eris's embrace. "What?!" Her threshold is nearing its limits, "He'll accompany me tonight!" Eris couldn't control herself and made a scene that attracted the crowd from the other shop stand. They both got carried away about who gets to have him. Since Laken doesn't want to attract more attention, he stood up and said, "I remember I have something to do. Take care you two." Laken secretly gestured Eris to follow up and that was the time he darted out of the scene to escape the draconian maid's clutches. "I need to follow him. I must go now." Eris takes flights and fluttered her wings to follow him from above. "Wait you two! I'm sorry so at least get your blueberry cake packaged." She called out for them but it was too late as they were already gone. They met together again at the training spot after what happened. Laken sure runs faster than a horse. "I apologized for such an unforgivable experience. It's just swap-slaves are those males that willingly became like that. So the valkyries take it for granted and they misunderstood your position." Eris says all her worries without holding back. It doesn't matter to him anymore as what's done cannot be undone. Laken pats her head and said, "I should be the one apologizing because I left you out of instinct. I promise to treat you next time again." "Really? I'm looking forward to it!" Eris ecstatically exclaimed as she can't contain her excitement. Every second, she falls in love deeper with him. It's the least emotion within his heart that she can't possibly deny. After all, it was the first time someone promised to her so she'll never forget it until the last day of her life. They continued to train their way of the swords with diligence and pride. Laken awaits the tomorrow that shall twist the fate of their choices, and the darkness that holds the deepest secrets still looms behind their decisions.
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