Chapter Nine: All for nothing

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PRESENT Lander's POV Kneeling down on the green short grass is what I was doing. I felt, empty inside, I felt nothing any more, I don’t know how to talk to her anymore, like I failed her, ever since she walks on that aisle to be on the altar with me, like, everything is gone. The love, the feelings, everything. I put the flowers down on the grass and look at the name that is carved on the gravestone. ‘Elena Martinez’ The name of my beloved mother. I wipe the sweat on my forehead, I could feel that my hair is wet because of sweat, I mean, why not? After running many miles just to make sure I escaped, just to make sure I am very away from that house, who would not going to end up sweating right? I have no idea if I will go back in there, how will I face them? After that fight? All the drama? It’s been 8 months now ever since my mother died but the pain is still fresh. But even though there is pain inside of me, I still felt empty, so numb that the only thing I could feel is the pain. Next to my mother’s grave is my father’s. Every time I remember that they are both dead, I remember too that I am all alone, I have no one left except for myself, but it’s been months and I already feel like I am losing myself. “I am sorry mother, father… I know what I did is messed up. Marrying to the family’s enemy? That is not a bold move, but what am I going to do then? I am going to jail for something I did not commit. I see an opportunity, I take it. I apologize for it. Now… I just made a mistake. I mean, it is not a mistake. I just fight back for my right, like you all told me. Fight back for what is right, don’t let the enemy step on me, especially if I did nothing wrong… But… Why do I felt like it is my fault? My wrong?” I am still not finished of what I am going to say, I heard a siren from behind me that stopped me from continuing and when I turned around, I saw that it was a police car and one familiar car, that stopped from the cemetery. I slowly stood up as I realized that the police are coming towards me. I have this feeling that something is not right, I have this feeling that… Something will happen. “Are you Lander Martinez?” One of the officer asks. “Yes? Why? What is going on?” They don’t even answer my question when the other officer handcuff me immediately I was stunned to what was happening to me now, I felt like, everything is going slower. I felt like, everything is fading, the sound of my surroundings slowly faded and the only thing I could hear is the beat of my heart that is slowly pounding. “You are arrested for attempted murder, copyright disclaimer, and robbery. You have the rights to remain silent. Everything you said will be used against you in the court.” They said and dragged me towards the police car. “What? I did not do such thing!” I tried to fight back but I can’t or it will be use against me in the court. As we were walking on the ground ,I can’t help but to look at the people around me, the people that are on the cemetery too that are looking on what was happening, especially to the person who just came out of the car, the familiar car I just mentioned earlier. It was no other than Katherine Alicia Madden, who is watching me got dragged away from everyone, for me to be in jail. I looked at her, wishing that she would tell the truth that I did not do anything, making an eye contact, giving him a sign of begging, but nothing came out of her, and now, I just realized that why would she saved me, when it was obvious she was the one who called the cops and showed them where I am. All these months, running away form jail, that I had to agree to marry Alicia just to not be in jail because of the crimes I did not commit, only to end up at last to be in jail by just not following Harry’s rule, makes me think that I sacrificed for nothing, everything I did is for nothing. And I will probably spend the rest of my time in jail paying for the crimes I did not even commit… Everything is wasted, everything just got wasted….
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