Chapter Seven: The Clavita Bar

1133 Words
There were times when people is very lucky when it comes on living their life. There were times when people were born lucky, born with money, born with a family that can provide their needs and at the same time their wants. But not all family can end up having a lucky life like the Martinez and the Madden family. Some people are born to be poor, well, actually, not to be poor, but more likely born with poorness, not having enough money, people who couldn’t spend their money for the things that they want, and such things. Well, the opposite of rich is what you call it. But, are those people who doesn’t have richness within them considered as unlucky? Or that is just how things works in life, that is how life works, there were no lucky and unlickyness in life. Maybe they were rich because of their effort, maybe they are poor because of what their past, maybe their current life is depending on what they did on the past and what they are doing in the present. But, are you willing to do everything you can just to be rich? Can you risk everything just to be lucky again? Can you considered it as a life? What if, you are born to be lucky, born to have a family that is rich, who is providing you everything you needed and everything you wanted, but then, one day, everything turns upside down and your current life is turning, changing into something you don’t want. What will you do? The steamy shower burst into Lander’s skins as soon as he went inside and take a shower with himself. The hot warm water touches him that makes him feel relaxed, he felt like every stress that he have, every problems that is on his head is now all gone because of the shower that he took tonight. He look up while his eyes are closed, feeling deeply the steam water that is coming out from the shower head of his shower. After he takes a bath, he brushed his teeth and dried himself up. He looks at the mirror and smile there. He gets out of the shower and picked a smart casual clothes for the night. He is going to a bar where a there is going to be party being held by his friend, Jeremy. Today is his birthday and he wants to celebrate his 18th birthday to a bar with bunch of girls around him. Jeremy and Lander are very close friends, they’ve been friends ever since kinder garden, up until now. Their friendship is stronger than a pipe on the walls, nor stronger than anyone’s relationship. After minutes, he drove his Mercedes car to the Clavita bar where Jeremy’s birthday took place. He drove the car passed through the night. He could see the busy night, even though it is already night, the people are still busy, like they don’t want to have a rest. He remembers the time when his father is still alive, he spent his night with his friends on the mall, on the park, on his friends house, and he has nothing to worry about. But now? There are lots of things he have to worry, he had no time to do those things like before. He is stuck, making their family business run. He is lifting a big responsibility for his family , even in a young age, maybe that is why people admire him, people idolize him because of his sacrifices and his efforts. After a minute of driving, he finally arrived the Clavita bar and went inside. The music are too loud for him not to hear everyone. The lights are bursting so bright that he had to close his eyes because it gives him migraine, especially how the lights flickers like a Christmas lights on the side of the house, but the difference is, the Christmas lights are everywhere here. He looked around for him to find his friend Jeremy when suddenly, he bumped into someone that makes that person drop her purse on the floor. “I am sorry.” He said and he gets the purse without looking at the girl. “here.” He said and he gives the purse back to the girl, and when they meet each other’s eyes, Lander pulled himself back from the girl and just looks at her with his serious eyes, like every minute of this moment, he is going to attack her, anytime. “Alicia.” He speaks her name. “Lander.” The girl speaks his name too, the girl named Alicia. “I am surprise to see you here, I thought a person like you cannot be comfortable in this kind of bar. It is cheap and boring, ugly.” the girl said, like she was trying to pissed Lander, but it did not work, Lander work out his anger, he now knows how to manage his anger and control it. “Me too, I am surprise to see you here. I never knew your father allowed you to be in here, or, does he really knows that you are here?” He said. The two talks sarcastically, like they are trying to pissed each other, but who is this Alicia girl that Lander is having a conversation with her right now? Both of them seems like to know each other… It is no other than, Alicia Katherine Madden. The daughter of the man who owns a resort and a mall. The one that the Martinez family had a rival with. She was standing in her tall black dress. Her hair is curled and was leaning on her left shoulder while her lips are colored in maroon while holding a pouch that matches the black dress that she is wearing. If you look at her, she has this intimidating look just like Lander. She is a beautiful woman, she looks so matured even she was only born 19 years ago. Her jawline can be seen and her her hips shaped like a bottle of pepsi. She was looking straiht at Lander with her fierce eyes. She chuckles and they walked towards each other. “I am Just here for Jeremy’s party.” “Jeremy asks me to come here.” Both of them said at the same time. Alicia just chuckles and touches Lander’s shoulder before she whispered on his ears. “But this party is killing me of boredom. I’m going out enemy.” She said and Lander smiled sarcastically towards her. “Do whatever you want princess. I don’t care as long as you stay out of my sight.” Lander answred back but Alicia just left him without even listening to what Lander just said.
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