Passed Down Difficulty

1384 Words

The moment, the doctor declared that Rhea was free to leave, she prepared to return to the office of The Dialectics. Aron visibly seethed at the sound of the doctor declaring her fit to work right away. In his eyes, the woman looked, ‘too thin’, ‘too pale’, ‘too tired’ and a little too irritable; in short, far from fit to do anything but rest in her home, if not in the hospital. He inquired about the results of every test that Rhea went through in detail and his expressions grew calmer as the doctor explained how her statistics were normal and her immunity was strong. However, he refused to accept that the severe attack that Rhea received that morning was so easily recovered. Hence, he did not try to hide his disagreement with the doctor’s assessment, at all, when she remarked that Rhea

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