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NOTE: Please be aware of the chapters point of view. “Kuya, don’t let me go, please,” His familiar cries and teary eyed circled around my mind. He was small, pale skinned and attached to me. His almond weepy eyes stare at me pleading as the crowd goes bigger. A split second my hand suddenly let go of him as I immediately looked my eyes around. “Zane! Zane!” I called repeatedly but no one answered. I wander around the area to look for him as I continuously call for his name. The skies are starting to get dark and the only lights that are giving this place a bright appearance are the one from the rides inside this amusement park. I lost him. “Where is your brother, Liam? Where is he?!” Mom desperately questions me, raising her voice. It was as if my voice was stuck from my throat and the only thing I could do was cry. I don’t know what I should do nor what to think. I lost my brother in the middle of a big crow. I lost him because I didn’t hold him tighter. “It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault.” I repeatedly told myself as the tears streamed down to my cheeks. My chest and head are heavy. Tears won’t stop as the familiar pain comes back to my mind and my heart. It was as if I was back to that day. As if I have to keep feeling this way because… we don’t know where he is. The indistinct questions keep running through my head but I cannot understand them. They were shaking me to ask for answers. It was like we were in a mirror. They cry hard as I cry as well. Their eyes are full of hatred, worry and begging while my eyes are full of guilt and pain. It was too much… too much. Everything is starting to get blurry. Their faces are starting to get unclear from my eyes. Their pleading cries are starting to just echo and slowly disappear from my ears. Suddenly, my brother’s face and voice is the only thing I can see and hear now. It’s all my fault. “DON’T LET GO!” I screamed. Heavy breathing and heavy head is what I found myself in. The bright sunlight that enters my room is the opposite from what I feel. While it is in it’s shining bright agenda, I am in agony as that memory returns to my mind. Will the day come that I can forget about it already? It’s been years. I stood up from my bed as I walked to my bathroom to look at myself. I look a mess! There are tears on my cheeks and my eyes are puffy. My pajama top is wrinkled as the two buttons loosen already. It will always be like this. Me in guilt and in pain while him… I don’t know. We don’t know where he is still. “You are okay Liam,” I whispered to myself in comfort as I went to prepare for school already. My name is Liam Hale Thompson. I am 17 and currently a junior at Elite International High School where daughters or sons of renowned family studies. My life is not simple. I grew up in a wealthy family where my father owns TH Group that owns my current high school while my mother’s family owns a golf course and country club. Ever since I was born, I am already destined to be an heir of our family business so the pressure is on me. I never really care about any of it. I am already satisfied that I can have the things that I want without any struggle. That I live in a comfortable big house, experience comfortable rides whenever I go and attend a prestigious school that most students want to enter. But whenever I remember whom I lost before and the possibility of not letting his hands go, would everything be the same? Will I still be the heir of our family? I dressed up in my uniform. Putting on my white polo and grey colored pants to tuck my polo. Instead of wearing our navy blue blazer, I decided to wear a blouson jacket since we are allowed anyway. I chose to not wear my necktie today as well, instead, I just pinned my silver crown brooch on my polo’s collar since it’s what we can’t lose. I wore a white ankle socks and two tone black and white oxford shoes. After putting on a perfume and taking my bag and phone with me, I went down to the dining room where my parents are already waiting. I greeted them simply and went to my designated chair. We are not close nor close. We are in the middle. When it comes to business talks, my father and I would talk but if not, we just typically just stay silent. My relationship with my mother is a little shaky too after that incident. Maybe because it was the trauma and how I feel guilty that my relationship with them gets affected. I choose to just stay silent and remain my cold, blank face so they wouldn’t know what I feel. It’s better that way. “Liam, I want you to go to the company later after your classes. There are some papers that I want you to check then give your opinion to me.” Dad says before reaching out for his coffee. “I have a school project to do later dad. Can’t I just do what you want me to do tomorrow? Our project will require a lot of time to finish.” I said as a sigh escaped his lips. “If you can’t manage your time now, how can you in the future?” He questioned me without looking. Of course, it is my fault again. I stayed silent and did not answer anymore. It will be no use anyway. “Fredi, sent to his email the papers.” He told his secretary before turning to me. “I want your opinion before this day ends. Is that understood?” I stare back at his intense eyes as I already know I can never win. A sigh escaped my lips and just nodded in response. He will remain strong no matter what anyway. I finished my breakfast and told them that I will go to school already. But before I could even leave the dining room, dad called me again. “We found your brother.” Those were the only things he said. I went to school with my mind clouded about what he said. Everything around me is like an invisible wall. The noises they make are not heard from my ears and whoever greets me are just like shadows that I don’t really notice. The only thing that is running through my mind is... they found him after 11 years. Hearing that should make me happy… but I don’t know if I really have the right to. I was the reason why he disappeared from that crowd. That day in the amusement park, I didn’t mean for things to happen. It just happened that it was too crowded because they had an event in the place. Although we have people guarding us, it wasn’t enough because people are kind of everywhere. I told him to not let go of my hands but destiny was not with us. Ever since that day, I am already afraid of what to tell him once we see each other again. I know one day will come and he will come back in our lives… but I don’t know what to tell him. I feel responsible because of his disappearance. I feel scared that he might… hate me. But that is not the only thing that hinders me from being happy now after hearing the news. With his return… will I still remain as our family heir? “Liam!” I heard someone yell at me, bringing me back to my senses. I quickly glared at the guy standing in front of me now. He looked satisfied with what he did but quickly back off when he saw me glaring. “Don’t give me that look! I have been calling you for how many times now and you won’t even respond. Do you know that you almost hit the wall earlier?” “I may be day dreaming Asher but don’t treat me stupid. Do you want me to hit you on the wall instead?” I argued as he immediately raised his arms in surrender. “Woah! Dude! Chill out!” He exclaimed, letting out small laughters. “Why are you so grumpy and lost today bro? It’s only in the morning. Did you get an earful from tito again?” “Have about you? Did you get an earful from your sister after she caught you playing with girls last night?” I fired back as his face immediately became sour. A small smirk forms on my lips as I opened my locker to change into my other uniform for our extra class. “She put me on grounded so we can’t hang out for a while.” He says with a pout. I just shook my head and removed my jacket, following it with my polo before hanging it nicely inside the locker. I wore my black polo shirt, tucking it in on a black trousers, before putting on a belt. I removed my oxford shoes, putting it on my locker before reaching out for my black golf shoe to wear. Asher is taking a long time to change his clothes so I just took my equipment with me already and walked out of the room. Being a prestigious school, our school offers extra classes such as golf, swimming, horseback riding and many more. We can choose whatever class we want. Golf, tennis and swimming classes are held inside the school because they created an area for it while horseback riding and other classes are held in another place but just around the corner. With golf being the sport I like, I took it. As for Asher, he is part of the swimming team so instead of taking swimming class, he took this one as well for a change. We just hit some balls and swing the golf clubs for the whole hour. It’s not basically teaching. We are just almost playing like how we normally do. It’s almost like we are just wasting some time. As much as I want to skip these extra classes, I cannot because it’s part of our curriculum. “Whether this is just a project, we still need to do this properly as if we are really proposing a business deal already!” I argued with our classmate. I handed back the hard copy of the paper he showed me. “If we are just planning to see this project like a simple one then we should just settle for a lower grade instead!” There it is again. My habit of perfection. I always like everything to be organized and planned perfectly. I never want things to be just simple or just right. I want everything to be perfect! Many already said that this kind of side of me is what annoyed them the most, even Asher says that I am too caught up with being perfect. I wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for my father who expects so much from me except for disappointment and failure. Even though I admit that personality of mine within myself, I feel annoyed hearing it from others. Is it wrong to want everything to be perfect instead of just being satisfied? We live in a world where there is no space for failure and imperfection. They should have known that everyone in this school strives to be perfect in their parents’ eyes. Maybe not all of us are like that but mostly want to be one which is the reason why most of us even have tutors besides our regular classes. Suddenly, a plate of food was placed on our table. I raised my head to see a familiar face who has deep eyes and small lips. “I heard you exploded again?” he said, sitting on the empty chair next to me. “He just yelled at Mr. Dancer, Will.” Asher jokes before taking another bite of his food. “He should be interested in academics as much as he is interested in dancing. If he is here to just play around and dance, he should just enroll in an art school instead.” I argued. William shook his head with my answer. “Then should I just transfer to a music school?” He questions back. “Don’t even think about it,” I threatened that made him laugh. Asher is my best friend while William is our other friend. I usually stick with Asher because he does follow me around, pestering me, while William prefers to stay in the music room playing with instruments. He prefers to be in a quiet space just like his quiet personality. The three of us have different personalities that is why whenever we are together, students around us mostly wonder how we get along. “Will,” That familiar soft and small voice. Instead of looking, I kept my eyes on my food as I could feel these two guys eyes on me. “What is it, Eli?” William responded. “Can I stay at your hide out later?” She questions as I can see this guy nodded in my peripheral vision. “I’ll just wait for you at the art room.” That was just she said before leaving our table. I raised my head as my eyes followed her until she was out of my sight. Will we even have a proper conversation again? “Is it time of the month again?” I questioned as I heard William hum. “Her mother clearly knows it but she still insists on hosting parties with reporters in their house.” Asher commented as I just heaved a sigh instead of answering. Indeed, all of us have our own worries. All of us have our own fears in this big world ahead of us. We will deal with it sooner or later but I just don’t know whether I can really be ready for it. I parked my car in the guest parking lot. There aren't many cars around here maybe because most people are at work. I entered the lobby, giving the security guard a nod. It’s like I’m already a local in this building already because of how often I come here. “Damn, I really hate it when I come here and you are in your earphones.” I complained when William opened the door of his unit. This big unit is solely dedicated as his hideout. He got visitors here most of the time. Though the visitor depends on his mood. When he is in a good mood, we can come here whenever we want and he wouldn’t complain. If he isn’t and we came here without notifying him, he wouldn’t hesitate to kick us our. Only the ones he is close are allowed to come. I know his hideout password but I still prefer the doorbell. “Then you should have given me a heads up, dumbass,” He argued. He sat back on his chair as I lay myself down to his couch. I can feel his stare at me while I close my eyes as what my parents say before I left runs through my mind. “What are you doing here anyway? You don’t come without notifying me unless it’s urgent for you to hide.” He isn’t my best friend but he knows me well. Maybe because we grew up together. He is my childhood friend who knows almost everything about me but Asher knows more. Asher knows everything while William mostly knows about my family issues. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I opened my eyes. My leg is folded up while the other is just laying down. My one hand is covering my eyes from the lights in the ceiling while the other is resting on my stomach. “They found him…  two days ago.” “It’s surprised me that it took them 11 years before finding him.” He pointed out. I cannot disagree with him. With my family being well connected, it’s easy for them to ask for help just to find my brother. They even ask William’s parents to suggest the best private investigator but it still took them years before getting information about him. “Where did they find him?” “Dad only told me that he is living with a family who found him after he got lost in a dark street after he managed to get out of the amusement park. I don’t know much information but he said that he goes by a different name now.” I explained as he kept my eyes on me and did what he is best at, staying quiet. “Nathan Tuazon. It’s what the people who took care of him named him. I don’t know why he got a new name but… that’s how things went.” Nathan. Did he lose his memory? Did something even worse happen after I let go of his hand? Being the son of TH Group, it’s not new that we had to be protected. When we were kids, we were once almost kidnapped by the people who wanted to take advantage of our riches. They would ask for money in exchange for us which is the reason we have people to look after me and Zane but… even them, they lose him as well. “If your parents already found your brother, what are you here for then? Shouldn’t you be with them when they went to see him?” He questioned. My eyes went to him when he stood up and picked up his guitar. This hideout is probably almost like a music store already. If I didn’t know he owns this and made this a place where he can run from reality, I would really think he is selling musical instruments. He has a piano, acoustic and electric guitar, violin and many more instruments placed neatly on one side of the room. He really manages this unit well. “Should I be happy that they finally found him?” I questioned him as he stopped strumming his guitar suddenly. “Or should I feel bad for myself because I am seeing the person who became the reason why I keep blaming myself? Or should I feel threatened because after years of being content that I won’t have a competition for the heir title anymore, he will suddenly show up now.”  “Why do you think he will steal the heir title from you? You are already proclaimed.” He pointed out as I nodded. “I may be proclaimed but things can still change. There really is nothing permanent in this world we live in.” I sat up on the couch, standing out before going to his book shelves. I ran my hands on each book until I found the perfect book for me to read. “Everything we think we will have in the future is never permanent. Maybe now we think we fully grasp it but… one day will come then suddenly, it’s already taken away from us.” I walked towards the door but stopped midway when he talked. “Where are you going?” “In the coffee shop downstairs. Asher is there. We’ll come back here in a few.” I told him as he nodded. I was about to head out already when he called for my name. I look back to him with a blank expression as he reaches for his violin this time, putting it on top of his shoulder while his other hand holds the bow. “You need to remember that no matter how much our parents planned our future, it will always be unpredictable. How we act right now can always change what is in store for that planned future.” Those were what he said before I heard the clear and soft sounds of his play. He has always been good with instruments ever since then. But now, he sees them as his way of helping him cope up. My eyes roam inside the shop as I try to find Asher. It landed on the guy who is busy with his laptop, sitting alone at the outermost of the room next to the glass wall. He looks so focused and smart in his agenda right now. So focus that he looks so unfamiliar in my eyes. “Did you order my drink already?” I asked him. He raised his head to glance at me before it landed back to his laptop. He only gave me a nod as my brow raised up curiously. “What are you doing anyway?” “I’m checking the video of our practice earlier. I need to know if there is something I still need to improve with my stroke.” He answers while keeping his eyes on the laptop. The shop is not crowded today which I am glad because I wanna read in peace. I kept my focus on my book until a tall waiter guy arrived at our table. I am not prone with accidents but it just had to happen today! The water spilled in my pants. He is lucky that it’s just the water and not  what we order or else, I would really cause a scene here. He looks in panic while he tries to wipe the stain from my pants. It’s a black jeans so there is nothing really to worry about. I can just get change in William’s unit. “Pissed?” Asher simply questioned as I shook my head. “He is lucky it’s just water.” I answered as a soft and short chuckle escaped his lips. “He is indeed in luck today,” He says before keeping his eyes on the laptop again this time. When I went home that day, my parents were still out so I just stayed in my room and rested already. I thought I will have a peaceful day the next morning until they told me that they are planning to bring my brother back here in this house because this is where he belongs. So for the whole week, I was distracted. I don’t know why but I had the feeling that I need to be aware. Until the day comes and kuya Nico already told me that my brother moved in our house already. I tried my best to avoid him because I don’t know what to say when I met him. Should I say sorry for losing him or should I frankly ask him if he is after the family heir title. I planned to keep myself almost invisible from him but I know it wouldn’t last long. I can feel his eyes on me during our silent breakfast. He even jumped a little when I looked back to him. I have never heard mom talk too much as she did before during breakfast but now, her mouth doesn’t seem to just stay shut. Zane would just keep nodding and smiling at her while giving her small replies. To: Asher Hey! Convenience store, got it? I texted him while walking out of the house. I couldn’t bear to stay in a small space with my brother right now. This is the first time we typically had our first encounter, that day in the coffee shop is not counted because I didn't really know him back then. So I just remained silent until we got out of the village and kuya Nico stopped by the convenience store where Asher and his car were already waiting. “Sir, your father said that I should drop you off with your brother at your school.” Kuya Nico carefully says when he spotted Asher. “I can handle myself. Tell him if you want, I don’t care.” I only said while taking care of my things. I took my bag and my phone with me before turning to Zane who looked curious from the guy leaning on the car and confused with what was going on. “I’m sure you can handle on your own. It’s not like you are commuting anyway.” I didn’t let him finish anymore and just get out of the car already. It feels suffocating being in there. Asher glances back to my family car as I approaches him with brows furrowed. “Take me with you in school. I don’t want to go there with him.” I told him as he glanced at my back before a small smirk appeared on his lips. “I smell a not so good brotherly relationship already.” He teases as I glare at him which made him stop. “Hop in now then,” We made our way in school while I kept my silence. Asher just closes his eyes probably because he stayed up late again. My eyes immediately found the crowded area just in front of the building entrance the moment we hop off the car. When we walked near the crowd, I saw my brother in the middle looking all confused and lost. “Is that him?” William suddenly appeared next to me wearing a navy blue bomber jacket. “Yeah,” I nodded as Zane’s eyes met mine. That familiar pleading eyes, asking for help appears again after years. “My brother,”
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