Chapter Three

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Olly shrugs on his blazer and ran out the door, his phone pressed against his ear and his leather briefcase in his other hand as he ran down the street. He silently prays he hasn't missed the bus and lets out a loud sigh when he sees the bus just pull up. It's Monday and he's going to be late. Rami's laughter was pouring in through the phone. "You almost missed it didn't you? What would you do without me?" The man laughed and Olly pouts as he smacks his card against the scanner. He finds a seat near the window and leans his head against the glass. "You don't get to laugh. Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Olly berates his friend. Rami scoffed. "I woke you up before I left for my shift and you said you're fine. What was I to do?" "Anything!" Olly whisper-yelled, glancing around to make sure no one was looking at him like he sprouted another head. The coast was clear so he focused on his friend. "You don't get to yell at me! I did wake you, Eden even called you. So before you go spitting crap, check yourself!" Rami yelled, it was so loud it made Olly flinch. He checks his watch and bit his bottom lip in worry when he sees its seven thirty. He had thirty minutes to get to work and he had to be at most, five minutes early. He could already tell today wasn't going to be his day. As if the gods were in agreement, his thirteen minute trip to 5th Avenue became fifteen. "Look, babe, you've got to chill. It's a new day of your dream job, remember how long it took you to get this promotion, so calm yourself. You can do this." Rami said, his voice calm and soothing and Olly finds himself nodding. "Thank you, Rami." Olly said sincerely as he gets down from the bus. He gets moving immediately his feet touches the ground. He clutches his bag as he made his way to the Café Shamir, it's been three years since he first met Rami and two since he met Eden and they've both become people Olly could rely on. They stayed by his side, helped him search for jobs and a good apartment. Six months after Olly moves from his parent’s house to his new apartment, Rami and Eden both move to New York to start new lives. Rami opened his café and Eden got a publishing deal. Inseparable, is the best word to describe the three of them and to top it off, Liam liked them both and that's saying something since Liam only liked Martha, Olly and new episodes of Supernatural. Olly ran into the café and made his way straight to the till, ignoring the murmurs of disagreement from the crowd, to where Rami was waiting with a tray holding two to-go cups of coffee, both iced Americano. Rami had on a white shirt tucked into neatly pressed iron pants. "You're wearing white in a coffee shop?" "Good morning to you too! I slept well, thank you for asking." Rami sassed as he hands Olly the tray of drinks. Olly laughs and leans over the till to press a kiss to Rami's cheek. "Thank you, babe." "Call me during lunch, Eden said she's got something planned." Rami grinned, wiggling his brow at Olly who groans. Every time, Eden said things like that it meant she's got something huge that involved drinks and scantily dressed men. "I'll see." Olly said. "Bye." Olly waves and walks out the door. He shift the tray to one hand and checked the tie, he smiles when he sees he's got eight minutes to get to work. He was still staring at his watch and doesn't see the man until it was too late. Without watching where he was going, Olly trips over a stone and falls, coffee first into the stranger. People sidestepped the two of them, other murmured and pointed at the both of them but continued on their way. Olly feels the surge of tears within him and he knows he should apologize in the least but he’s already late as it is. Without looking up, Olly could point out from his shoes alone, how wealthy the stranger was. He takes in the black suede Versace shoe, ripped jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt tucked into said jeans and staring down at him was half a face shielded by sun glasses, just as the man raises his hand to pull off his sunglasses, Olly runs. Without looking back, he lets his legs take him as fast as he can towards his office building, his heart jack-rabbiting. He's too scared to look back and make sure the stranger hadn't followed him and to top it off, he was scared of being late and staying behind to help a stranger was a no-no and he wasn't sure if the stranger would have punched him so staying was also a huge no-no. He liked his face the way it was. He ran up the stairs and into the reception, heading straight for the elevator and made it in time to get into one before it closed, ignoring the looks he was receiving from the three people sharing the elevator with him. His breath came out harshly, his heart was beating so fast and his legs were starting to feel like jelly. He reached forward and pressed the button labelled fourteen and ran a hand down his face. What even is his life? It was in the uncomfortable silence that Olly finally noticed his shirt was stained and so were his pants. Today just wasn't his day. Olly felt like crying out of frustration, the three people got off on the tenth floor, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He taps his pocket to make sure his phone was still in there and checked his briefcase to make sure it wasn't damaged or worse opened. When he gets to his floor, he makes his way to Miss Hopkins office to announce his arrival. She doesn't tolerate tardiness. Just like he was expecting, she scowls at his clothes and told him to change ASAP. "I don't care if you wear a bin bag! Just make yourself presentable!" she scolds and Olly could only nod in reply. With his head bent low and shoulder sagged, he makes his way to the elevator, out of the building and heads to the first clothing store he finds. He gets changed into a blue blazer, white shirt and black pants rolled up at the ankle and a pair of new Adiddas sneakers. Money to Olly Segel was not a problem but he's feeling so down, his first day at his promotion and he shows up like he just crawled out of bed. He wants to call it a day, go home and crawl under his duvet and maybe cry. He makes his way back and stands in front of the building. He's been working for Petrie Games for a year now and it has got to be the best place he had ever worked at. He started off as a secretary for the business operations department, not everyone had been welcoming and nice but Olly was able to get on with majority of the employees plus the pay had been great. When he got the promotion as a personal assistant to Miss Hopkins, he had been so excited. This all happened because of that stupid stone he tripped over! He was going to make in record time, looking presentable but no, no, no, he had to trip over a stone. "Now you look like my assistant." Miss Hopkins said when he goes back to her office. She points at a large stack of document on the table. "I need you to make a bullet-point list of the important things I need to know and hand it to me in an hour. Mr. Petrie is coming by to discuss them with me by eleven." Olly's eyes widened. "Mr. Petrie himself?" Miss Hopkins gives him a droll look and purses her lips. "Get it done fast, Mr. Segel." "Of course, ma'am." Olly makes his way to his desk located just outside Miss Hopkins door and stared at the pile of documents. He had half the mind to walk back into her office and ask her why she didn't do it himself. He turns to her door and sticks his tongue out at it like the adult he is. He's thankful Miss Hopkins office was the entire floor, so if he wants to make faces at her door, he can and no one else would see. The document was about the development of a new game, the art department had asked for more time so they could fix some characters. Olly does make the bulletpoint list in record time and hands it to Miss Hopkins who just waves him off. He sits and stares at his computer, not sure what he should do. He thinks about going to the office cafeteria to get a latte but changes his mind when he remembered Miss Hopkins had said, Mr. Petrire himself was coming over. Olly had worked here for years and had never seen the man, he had googled him but the images were either blurry or the man had shades on. He hadn't been to any office function, not even the Christmas party last year. Only a handful of people have seen him, so Olly's curiosity was at its peak. He takes a few calls for Miss Hopkins and makes a couple of appointments. By ten thirty, his phone began to vibrate and he pulls it out of his pocket. He blanches when he sees its Eden calling him and looks at Miss Hopkins door before picking the call. "You never called me back." She states just as he said hello. "I woke up late and I sp-" "Rami and I called your sleepy ass and you brushed us off. You kept saying you've got this. So what's this I hear about you yelling at Rami?" Olly let out a breath and shakes his head fondly. "I didn't yell at him, I just laid emphasis on a few words." He could literally feel Eden roll her eyes. "Well let's forget that s**t. Did Rami tell you about my plan?" Olly leaned forward and rests his elbows on the table. "I don't think I can make it, Eden. I can't afford to be late tomorrow and knowing you there'll be drinks and me being reacquainted with your toilet again." "Olly bean. Olly." She tuts. "I just want to introduce you to my new sponsor. He's really cool and loaded and I was thinking maybe you'd be interested." Olly lets out a sigh. "Eden..." "You don't have to say anything now. Just think about it for a few more hours." "Eden..." "I'm not taking no for an answer. Just think about it and prepare yourself. He's hotter than chilli." Olly snorts. He was just about ready to decline when the lines goes off. He repeats her name a few times but the dial tone answers him instead. He lets out another sigh and places his head on the table. He lets out a groan and pushed his fingers through his curls. Could today just be over quickly? As he sits and reminisce about his day, he sees what Garfield hates about Mondays. The sound of the elevator doors puling open alerts Olly and he sits up but nothing prepares him for what or...who was making his way out of the elevator. Still clad in his jeans, a new shirt and shades was the stranger Olly had spilled coffee on this morning. To his horror, Olly could feel heat spreading through his cheeks and he stands up from his seat. His palms suddenly feels clammy and he wipes them down on his pants and tried to find his voice and he does find it within the steps the stranger takes from the elevator to Olly's desk. "You..." the man said and Olly feels he's being glared at behind the dark lens. "I-I am so sor-sorry for the coffee. I can take care of drycleaning an-" "You want to dryclean a two thousand dollar shirt?" Olly thinks he detects amusement but who on earth buys a two thousand dollar shirt? Olly's bank statement reflects in his mind and he lets out a small whimper. So instead of asking the stranger what the hell he was thinking when he was buying the shirt, he pulls out his work card and hands it to the stranger. "This is my card, it's got my number on it. If you need to send the shirt to me for cleaning, just give me a call or shoot me a text and I'll send you my address." The stranger takes the card but doesn't smile or look relaxed in any way and Olly's feeling more and more nervous. "Fine." The stranger said. The door to Miss Hopkins office was pulled open and she steps out, she stops mid-yell and lets out a gasps when she sees who was standing beside her personal assistant. She walked as fast as her tight pencil skirt and heels could carry her to Oliver Segel. "Mr. Petrie." She breathes. "It's nice to see you again." Olly chokes on his spot and breaks off into a fit of coughs. Of f*****g course, he spilt coffee over his boss' boss. The man in question doesn't look away from Olly but still nods in response. "He's your personal assistant, right, Mellissa?" Mr. Petrie asked and Olly's eyes widened. His nerves had heightened and his heart beat was steadily increasing its and it goes cuckoo when Miss Hopkins turns her gaze to him. "He just started today, Mr. Petrie." The man still didn't look away from Olly and directs his next question to him. "Where did you work before?" "I was a secretary to the business operation team." "I see." Mellissa buts in then, gesturing to her office, she said to Mr. Petrie. "I've gone through the documents, if you want to take a look at it and discuss a quick solution." Mr. Petrie turns away from Olly and turned to Melissa and nods, a small quirk to his lips that made Olly feel like clouds of impending doom was rolling his way. His gaze followed Mr. Petrie as he walked towards Melissa's office and when Mr. Petrie pulls his shades down and winks at him, Olly knew he was in trouble.
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