CHAPTER 5 – Alan's new way of life- Luna Alison finds out the truth

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Alan When I arrived in Los Angeles, I found a small motel to stay in until I decided on something more permanent. The owners were both werewolves, living in the city after they retired from their pack duties. They were very excited that one of their kind was visiting their motel for the first time. It made it a lot easier for me. There were no explanations needed, nor hiding between us. I entered the room I was given and placed my bag on the couch in the room.  I lay on the bed and closed my eyes for a while. I was sleepless and exhausted. Not long after, I drifted to sleep. I slept like a log.  By the time I woke up, it was already dark outside. I went downstairs to the dining room and checked whether I could have something to eat. I was starving. The kitchen was closed, but the owner was kind enough to prepare something simple for me. I was very grateful to her. By the time the food was ready, I had made a list of what I should do the following day.  First of all, I should connect a new phone line. When Ariana called me while I was in my truck driving, I took the sim card out of the device and threw it out the window. So, I was with no phone for the time being.  Second and equally important, I should enrol as an architect student and make a fresh start for myself and my future. I needed to go and see where the Los Angeles Institute of Architecture and Design was and handle my enrolment procedure as a student of architecture. When I first got informed about the scholarship, I didn't even think about accepting it. Nor did I tell anyone about being given a particular position. I never wanted to leave Ariana's side or the Blue Silver Moon pack. I firmly believed that my Beta duties would keep me more than busy. It never crossed my mind that the same scholarship would help me out of a tight spot. And third, I should find a part-time job to help me with my expenses. Living in a strange city with no income would be very stressful for me. I had my savings with me, but it would not last forever. After I finished my dinner, I searched for the owner to pay her. I opened my wallet, and my eyes landed on a photo I kept inside like a small treasure. It was a photo of Ariana and me, smiling and hugging each other tenderly. Aiden took it for us on my last birthday. I smiled bitterly and closed my wallet in one move. I asked my landlady if she knew where I could apply for a part-time job. I explained that I would start studying architecture in LA, and I needed to cover my extra expenses. She promised she would look into it and let me know as soon as she heard of anything. I went straight back to my room and shut the door behind me. I had to do something, and I had to do it as soon as possible to avoid even more pain in the future. I took the photo of Ariana and me from my wallet. I looked at it for a long time before opening an old book of mine and placing it in between the pages. I then closed my eyes and let a single tear escaped.  I knew I should reject Ariana, so I could not feel anything when she finally mated herself with another. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Damien, my wolf, stopped me from doing so. "Hey, you jerk, if you reject her now, her wolf would not be able to come to the surface when she turns eighteen. Are you completely out of your mind? Do you want her to go through hell as her mother did before shifting to her wolf, Tania? Have you ever thought about that? Give her time, Alan. She will come around soon enough." I sat on my bed and held my head in my hands. "Okay, Damien. Just this once. I will wait for her to turn eighteen so that she can have her wolf. Then, I will reject her before she does it to me. Because she will not accept us, trust me on this one." The following day I woke up and left. It took me almost half a day to make the necessary arrangements for my enrolment. I would first undertake a series of inter-related studio projects to identify and visualize certain ordering principles and ideas that I would then interpret into systematic abstract constructions at a later stage. The whole theme got me very excited. The entire study would need my full attention, and I could use it to distract me from the thoughts that gave me heartache. I would start attending the evening classes in a week. That gave me enough time to adjust to my new way of life. I then visited a phone shop and bought a new SIM card. It hurt like hell that I wouldn't call my parents and let them know I was okay. I couldn't afford for anyone to find out where I was. I wasn't ready to face any of them at the moment. I needed time for myself. It may sound pathetic, but it was the truth. When I went back to the motel, my landlady informed me that she had found me a job. Her husband was working at a construction company, and they could use some help. It could even help me with my study, working in the same field. She and her husband even proposed I stay at the motel permanently, and they would offer me a better price for a long term let while I would be staying there. I thanked them both and smiled, feeling content with my situation. I thought that at least the Moon Goddess was helping me out at this stage of my life.  The first day I went to work on the construction site, everyone was impressed by my muscular body and how easy I learned all the essential tasks. I was solid and fast, and the supervisor was very pleased with my performance. The first week went by very quickly. When I got paid my first week's wage, I was more than excited. The company had paid me much more than what we had agreed in the first place since they were very pleased with me. The first time I attended my evening classes, I met a couple of werewolves from other packs who participated in the same categories. We were pleased to find like-minded friends. My life slowly came to the point that I had no time to think about anything else but my studies and work. I worked at the construction site in the mornings and attended my evening classes afterwards.     Ariana Life was not the same without Alan around. Aiden was very angry with me and took a long time to talk to me. I begged my mother several times to try and locate Alan with her extraordinary powers, but it was impossible. His parents decided they had to give him the time he requested because something pushed him to leave. My mother was trying to find out exactly what had happened the night before Alan decided to go, and my strange behaviour had aroused her suspicion. I felt terrible that I could not talk to her, but what could I say? That the cause of Alan's disappearance was me? When Aiden finally decided to speak to me again, he informed me that Alan had returned to the ballroom that night and told everyone that he was only fooling around with me. He convinced them that he had not yet found his destined mate, so no one mentioned anything the following day. I tried to explain to Aiden why I firmly believed that Alan wasn't my destined mate. I even mentioned my dream that night involving the stranger that I had felt a strong attachment and connection. Aiden laughed at me and told me not to count on my dreams to find my mate. He insisted that Alan was telling the truth and I should accept the mate bond. He even warned me that there might be a day I would regret my decision. "Don't forget that our grandmother, the Moon Goddess, never does something without a purpose. Are you sure you want to go against her wishes?" Aiden asked me thoughtfully. "What if our grandmother made a mistake? When Mum and Dad mated, they were both Alpha bloodline werewolves. Come on, Aiden, admit it. You know Alan is weaker than me.  How on earth will he help me run a whole pack if his rank is lower than mine? And I am still not convinced that he is my real mate. You said it yourself. He is in love with me. Maybe he did it so that he could claim me before I encountered my true mate." "You know what, little sis? I am sick and tired of your behaviour. Do whatever you like. Just don't come crying to me if things don't turn out the way you expect them to. All mistakes come back to us in the end, requesting redemption, mark my words." Aiden left my room frustrated. That sounded familiar to me, but I didn't pay too much attention. I focused on trying to find ways to bring my best friend back. Nothing I thought of seemed to work, though. It was as if the universe was against me and the way I dealt with the whole Alan situation was always at a dead end. That was until my mother found out what happened the night Alan left our pack and disappeared. She somehow managed to trick Aiden into telling her. I lost it at first. My mum stormed into my room, demanding an explanation. I tried to explain that I felt nothing more than brotherly love for Alan as simply as I could. He was probably trying to claim me as his mate because he had feelings for me. My mother was fuming with rage and mind-linked my dad to join us. The minute my dad showed up, she attacked him verbally: "this is all your doing. If you haven't spoiled her so much, she would be more reasonable and sensible when dealing with situations like this." "What do you mean by that, honey? What happened?" Dad was clueless and was stunned by my mother's reaction toward him. "I mean that your daughter is a copy of you, my dear husband. Do you have any idea why Alan disappeared ever since that night? Well, ask your most precious daughter for a reason. Or even better, ask her if SHE is the reason for Alan leaving since she probably refused their mate bond," she fumed, full of anger and disappointment.  Axel The minute Alison insinuated that Ariana was responsible for Alan leaving, my mind went blank. Bad memories came back to the surface. I remembered how I rejected Alison back then and the way she reacted. I remembered how much I suffered until Alison finally accepted me as her mate. I turned to look at a crying Ariana, and my heart clenched with pain. I knew she had a long path ahead of her. If Alan never came back, she would be in great pain, although she may not realize it right now.  I walked towards her and sat down on her bed beside her. "Hey baby, let's talk, shall we? Is your mother, right? What happened between you and Alan that night? Did you deny the mate bond between you and Alan?" I caressed her hair and waited for a reply. Ariana looked up and said in a sobbing voice, "Dad, how could I be mated to a lower-ranked werewolf if I am going to run one of the biggest packs in the USA? How will he be able to help me do that? Don't you think that grandmother made a mistake mating me with Alan?" The minute I heard those words coming out of my daughter's lips, I closed my eyes in despair and prayed to my mother-in-law, the Moon Goddess, to put some sense into that brain of hers. Please, Mother, don't blame her for being ignorant and selfish. I feared that my mother-in-law would punish my child for her attitude, and that was something I couldn't deal with, even if I were the almighty Alpha Axel Northwood.
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