Chapter 1

596 Words
Prologue... Thousands of years ago, the world lived in harmony. War was a foreign concept. Why would they need war? Everyone got along just fine. The Vampires only fed on those who offered. The wolves protected those who needed it, considered honored guardians. Even the elusive ancient and solitary Fae helped with the growth of crops and healing. All the Fae asked was for the others to leave their sacred lands alone. There were certain trees that could not be cut down, land that couldn’t be built on.  It had truly been a time of peace. But peace never lasts. There is no good without evil, no light without dark. It started when a human became obsessed with a Fae woman after she healed him. He had been sick and his wife, a Lycan, had come to the sacred grove to beg for her help. Having lost her own mate, Era knew how the Lycan woman was feeling and agreed. Not long afterwards, Era had heard from the forest that the same man she’d healed had murdered his own mate in a fit of rage. He believed that he was in love with his Fae savior and his mate was standing in his way. He looked for her everywhere but the Fae were experts at staying hidden. Angry because her magic hid her, He decided that he needed to even the playing field a little bit.  He happened upon a vampire and a werewolf together. He took them by surprise and killed them both. He then combined their blood and drank it. The combined blood changed him. He became faster, stronger. He was the very first Hunter. After a time of searching, he finally found the Fae. She was praying at the base of a gigantic tree. The Fae called it all mother or the tree of life. The delusional hunter threw the Fae woman to the ground in front of the tree. There he brutally raped her and then killed her, her silver blood spilling all over the ground; he violated the Fae’s most sacred ground. He’d raped and killed a descendant of the All Mother. The wind started to howl, the ground rumbled. Rivers and lakes flooded as all the Fae mourned and screamed for the loss of one of their own. Humans screamed as nature turned against them. Their crops withered to dust. Creatures rose out of the waters and began to attack everyone. The Fae turned on everyone. They tied the wolves to the Lunar cycle and cursed the vampires to darkness. Never again would they be allowed to walk in the light and humans? The Fae stopped healing them and they became susceptible to horrible illnesses. No matter how much the species begged, the Fae refused to help them. They wanted the man who’d committed the atrocity. Only then would the All Mother calm in her fury. And so the species hunted for the man. A Witch found him bunked out in a cave. Witches were the offspring of the Fae and humans. If a child was born with the likeness of a human with the powers of the Fae, they were a witch. She dragged him before everyone and together they took him to the Fae. He begged the Fae to let him live but they had no mercy. The species could hear him screaming for days before he went quiet and all the chaos stopped. The Fae faded into the forests and the oceans and haven’t been seen since. The history of that horrible time is still told to this day.  
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