Chapter 7: Cyrus

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Dravis left his house to possibly drink again or buy alcohol from the central market. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about what had happened earlier in the day. What the fvck crossed their minds? They want to see my face? Idiots. His eyes were focused straight ahead, seemingly oblivious to the people around him. He continued walking while still pondering over his words to the young woman. Was I too insensitive to her earlier? I just do believe she needed to hear those words. Her desires weren't that simple, and her life was now complicated. That night, it just happened that I was there, and it's not like I can do that again just because I saved her back then. Not all the time... I can save someone's life. Eula. He stopped at a bar where he often went to drink. Whenever he remembered the past, especially his ex-fiance, he wanted to drown himself in alcohol. He blamed himself for not being there when chaos struck in Erin. He wasn't there. He didn't able to save the people who were so important to him. "Oh, you're here," said the bald bartender. Dravis nodded at him and took a seat in his usual spot. He was approached by two attractive women dressed provocatively. They rested their hands on Dravis' muscular arm and flaunted their smooth and flawless thighs. "Hey, you're back! Do you want us to keep you company?" they giggled mischievously. "I'd prefer to be alone," Dravis replied, drinking his drink. "Oh, come on, we don't have any customers yet," one of the women with short hair flirtatiously enticed, trying to press her buxom chest against Dravis' body. However, it does not affect Dravis, unlike when Amara held his hand. He glanced at his hand, remembering that peculiar feeling. What was that!? What was that strange sensation!? "Hey! Leave Dravis alone. You know he won't pay attention to you," laughed the bald man who was talking to Dravis earlier. Dravis was well-known in the town of Erin, not just for his drinking habits but also because he was a former general of the kingdom of Emmett. The older folks in the area respected him greatly for his valor in the past, and they sympathized with him because they knew why he had suddenly changed. "I don't know why this gentleman ignores us. We're beautiful and enticing, aren't we?" one of the teasing women asked. "He prefers decent and modest women, not someone like you, so leave him alone," the bartender said. "Why don't you just flirt with me instead? Hahaha!" The ladies' eyes narrowed at the bartender, "You wish! Hmp!" "Speaking of decent and modest, have you heard the latest news from the palace?" asked the curly-haired woman with long eyelashes. Her question caught Dravis' attention, but he remained silent. "What interesting news did you pick up this time?" asked the woman on the right. "It's about the princess!" the curly-haired woman replied barely audibly. Still, Dravis could clearly hear it as he was between them. "Last night, I had a few soldiers as clients and overheard their conversation. They increased the bounty on her head! And it seems like they're determined to find her. The leaders of the major towns met in the palace, and they seemed to be trying to locate the former princess!" Dravis frowned in irritation, but the women didn't notice due to his long hair. He tightened his grip on the glass of alcohol, maintaining his composure. "Oh! I'm sure many will be interested in finding this princess!" one of the women exclaimed. "You're absolutely right! I heard bounty hunters are already swarming to find her! Poor princess. Well, it's her fault for killing the former king!" the curly-haired woman stated. "I heard the princess is very stubborn! She often fought with the king. According to the rumors, she wanted to have the final say in everything, which led to a conflict with the former king that ended in his murder. Even her mother and younger sibling got involved when they rebelled against her. They say she was helped by some traitor guards, but Lord Laxus captured them. She only managed to escape because she was cunning," the other woman explained. Dravis suddenly stood up, interrupting the conversation. The women looked at him with a mix of surprise and curiosity on their faces. "What a nonsense story," the young man coldly said as he placed his payment in front of the bald man. Dravis seemed to lose his mood from drinking, so he decided to return home and get some sleep. Dravis put his hands in his pockets and continued walking calmly. The central area was crowded at that hour. Erin was one of the prosperous towns, like Niall, and they had high-quality products that attracted many visitors. While walking, Dravis noticed a poster on the walls. He stopped in front of it and looked at the picture painted on it—it was Lady Amara. The poster stated that anyone who found or provided information about her would receive a reward from the palace. A thousand gold coins? They must be crazy! Dravis sighed deeply and crumpled the paper. He felt overwhelming anger because he knew it was unjust. He knew Amara was innocent! Meanwhile, at Dravis' house, Amara was happily playing with Dion. The young woman's condition had improved significantly due to the effectiveness of the medicine given to her by Lillian. The old woman claimed that the drug was made from organic ingredients by a skilled doctor from the town of Bronwen. "Lillian, do you think I could go to the town?" Amara suddenly asked, which surprised the old woman. "H-Huh? But wouldn't that be dangerous for you?" Lillian asked while sewing the fabrics they would sell the following week. A hint of sadness appeared in Amara's eyes. "Really? I was just thinking... how long should I hide? I can't stay here forever." Lilian smiled warmly. "Don't you like being with us?" "Huh? No! That's not what I meant!" Amara quickly clarified and expressed her true feelings about staying there. "I just don't want to be a burden to you. As Dravis said, my enemies are not ordinary. If they find me, you and everyone else will be in danger. I don't want you to suffer because of me." "Didn't I tell you that I'm strong? Don't worry about us, big sis! I'll fight for all of you!!!" Dion suddenly exclaimed, hugging Amara tightly. "D-Dion!" Amara uttered; her heart felt touched by the child's kindness. Lillian watched them and smiled affectionately. They understood the challenges Amara was facing. They knew the danger it could bring to their family, but they couldn't bear to abandon her. They also knew that she was a good person and that she was innocent. "Alright then, I'll fetch water for you to bathe," Lillian said, about to stand up, but Amara quickly stood up. "No! I'll do it myself. Just rest here, Lillian," Amara insisted. "She's right, Grandma, we'll do it! I'll accompany big sis!" Dion enthusiastically said, holding Amara's hand. The two looked at each other and smiled. Lillian agreed since they were only going to fetch water from the small river behind their house. Amara carried a bucket in her left hand while her other hand was holding Dion. They were swinging their hands happily while singing a song as they walked. When they finally reached the river, Dion immediately waded into the water. "I think I'll bathe here," Dion excitedly said, already taking off his upper clothes and splashing around. "Be careful, Dion! The middle part of the river is quite deep," Amara reminded him. "Don't worry, big sis! I know how to swim!" Dion grinned widely. "Still, be careful!" "Okay, my lady! Your wish is my command!" Dion replied, pretending to be a palace servant. Amara's eyes grew tender, and a bittersweet smile appeared on her face. She realized that she had missed being called that. Not wanting to dwell on her sadness, she took a stroll and admired the beauty and tranquility of the place. There was a familiar feeling she couldn't quite recall. She looked into the distance, pondering what it could be. "Hey, you!!!" Amara heard a bold voice calling her, jolting her from her thoughts. Amara turned around to see where the voice was coming from. She saw a handsome young man standing there, holding a small axe in his right hand. Her eyes widened as the young lady noticed the intensity of his gaze. She felt a sense of unease but remained standing. "W-Who are you!?" "I should be the one asking that! Tell me... are you the missing princess!? Answer me!!!" the young man shouted at her, tightening his grip on the axe. "W-Wait! I-I am..." Amara didn't know what to say because she couldn't hide her true identity. She quickly stepped back as the man suddenly lunged at her. "I know you're the princess! I saw your picture posted in the village!" the man yelled again, launching a series of attacks on the young lady. What!? My picture!? No!!! The young man repeatedly attacked Amara. Fortunately, the young lady's legs had quick reflexes, allowing her to dodge his attacks. "For heaven's sake, stop it, you fool!" Amara pleaded in frustration. "Why should I listen to the person who killed our beloved king!? No! You can't deceive me!!!" the man retorted and attacked Amara once again. What the hell! This guy is so persistent! But what can I do? He's just a good town citizen whose minds were poisoned by Lord Laxus! I can't fight him!!! As Amara continued to retreat, a large tree blocked her path, and she leaned against it. The confident man grinned, feeling assured that he would finally eliminate the young lady. "Don't even attempt to escape or resist," the man said, raising his axe. "Accept your punishment—" "H-Help!!! Help!!! Big sis, help me!!!" The man was caught off guard in his attack on Amara due to the child's scream, resulting in just a scratch on the young lady's face. The axe lodged into the tree, and they both looked towards the source of the crying voice. "Dion!!!" Amara panicked when she saw the child drowning. She kicked the man in front of her and ran to save him. Sitting on the grass, the young man stared wide-eyed in astonishment as he witnessed the former princess fearlessly dive in to rescue Dion. He seemed confused by what was happening since he believed she had no heart and only cared about her own well-being. "Is this true, or is she just deceiving me?" the young man questioned himself. After a few moments, the princess resurfaced, carrying the unconscious body of the child in her arms. "Dion! Dion!!!" Amara called out anxiously, but the poor child did not wake up. Overwhelmed with worry, Amara ran back to the house with the child. She was followed by the man who had attempted to take her life. "Lillian! Lillian!!!" Amara screamed as she approached their house. Lillian was startled when she saw Amara drenched and carrying Dion. Dravis was also there, quickly taking the child from Amara's arms. "Dion, oh dear!" Lillian exclaimed with concern. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry I couldn't watch over him! He fell into the water, and..." Amara sobbed, watching Dravis trying to revive the child's life. Soon, Dion coughed, and the water he had swallowed came gushing out of his mouth. "Dion!!!" Amara and Lillian smiled when they saw the child regain consciousness. They immediately thanked the merciful heavens for sparing his life. "B-Big sis," Dion weakly called. "D-Dion, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!" Amara pleaded for forgiveness once again. "No! I should be the one asking for forgiveness," they all turned to look at the man behind them. He was the man who had rushed to Amara near the river earlier. "Cyrus," Lillian uttered the man's name. Cyrus? Did they know him? "I didn't know she was with Dion! I thought he was here to cause trouble for you!" Cyrus admitted truthfully, still puzzled. "Forgive me, beloved princess!" Amara smiled at him and waved her hands in the air. "Don't worry about that! It's all right! I understand! And please, stop calling me princess!" Dravis looked at Amara and noticed the scratch on her face. He approached Cyrus and asked, "Hey! Did you cause that scratch on her face?" Knowing that Dravis and Cyrus had known each other for a long time, Cyrus felt fear of Dravis's annoyance. "Y-Yeah! B-But..." Cyrus couldn't finish his sentence before Dravis's fist smashed him on the head. "Aww!!!" "YOU FOOL!" "Dravis!!!" Amara exclaimed in surprise, covering her mouth in shock. "T-That hurts! I said sorry!!!" Cyrus said, almost in tears. However, his pitiful expression was amusing, which made Amara, Lillian, and Dion laugh. "Big sis," Dion called to her again. "Huh?" "Your clothes! You're soaking wet," Dion pointed out, and Amara noticed her look just then. Amara's eyes widened when she realized that her drenched clothes revealed her undergarments and the contours of her beautiful body. She glanced at Dravis and Cyrus, who were both staring at her. Dravis quickly averted his gaze, but Cyrus continued to stare intently. "Sh*t!!!" Amara suddenly cursed and quickly sat down, hugging herself to cover her body. Dravis smashed down Cyrus's head once again. "Don't look, you perverted scumbag!" "Aww!!! That hurts!!!"
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