Yet Again

1359 Words
CHAPTER 2 It started as a loud bang, the eerie feeling left a suspense, I struggled to get up from my bed, I kicked my feet in the air out of frustration, I hadn’t had any sleep since classes had been taking a whole lot out of me and now that I get a chance to rest… My sister is doing who knows what. The bangs continue and it echoes all around, it seemed Like she was being plunged to death, she screams and lets out a moan of pungency, I scoff at the sound of this ‘come on Damon, more' She exposes. ‘Damon' what would Damon be doing in the house and with my sister. I hurried out of bed and shoved the door out of the way, I ran through the halls as I got closer the moans had radiated shame and fear in my heart, I got to the second floor of my sisters room and opened the door a bit, just enough for me to peek in it, and there it was, my dignity, being rode upon, there was Damon, pounding my sister like it was the last day on earth. My eyes couldn’t believe what they had seen, it also couldn’t hold back the river of tears that began seeping out, my heart felt molested by the promises he made “never to hurt me” one he failed to keep, how could I be so naïve? My feet knocked open the door and they both halted like they had seen the grim reaper, but only my sister had a snide grin on her face. I could tell she enjoyed watching me suffer over and over again, she locked her legs around his waist. I could see the scars on his back followed by the blood, her claws had been battering “Bridget, what are you…why are you…I mean…wait, it’s not what you think” Damon gagged. I turned around slowly, leaving my legs to do as they pleased. I didn’t want to be in control of my body at that moment. He tries to free himself from the s****l captivity he enjoyed partaking in ‘let's just finish, she has already seen” Lucy, my sister said with much confidence I thought to myself, when could this have happened? When could they have gotten so close? They always seemed to hate themselves whenever I was around, was it all a lie? Still staring at them, I grabbed on to the door knob and closed it, to give them some privacy. I have had enough with the lies and the heart break. It wasn’t the first time that Lucy had done such, she always preyed on what was mine. I didn’t understand why, she was way better looking than I was and she had gotten everything she has ever wanted. I wasn’t the type to party or cheat, I just wanted peace and wanted to stay away from people, the people I called my family, the same people that saw me as a reject and a curse. It wasn’t my fault that I haven’t shifted or even felt my wolf. But it was made that way. I felt like I needed to end it all, so I strolled down to the kitchen and went to the top cupboard on the right where the knives were. I've always had trauma concerning knives ever since I turned four. I would stare at them with the malicious intent of using it on my sister every time she cheated me. I grabbed the knife… ‘What are you doing Bridget?, you have so many problems I don’t get why you didn’t just die instead of mother, it’ll be a lot easier than having a fourth sister' Jane contempt with the sight of me said. We were quadruplets but my sisters blamed me for mothers death because I was the last to come out, ‘I brought more pain and struggles to our laboring mother, it drained and killed her’ my father had told us. With a stern look she adds, ‘ I hear Lucy having a good time, with um… ‘Hypocritically’ Damon, was it? They were loud.’ She turns around to leave but makes another comment. ‘Damon?, isn’t that your boyfriend? I guess not anymore’ with a bitter smirk on her face, she giggles her way out. Obviously her concern wasn’t fooling anybody, I was the sister they never wanted, I would hide away from them in school, we hardly had any conversation so I’m pretty sure nobody would know I was their sister. They all blamed me for mothers death as I was too “malignant” and would take everything mother had to push me out. She definitely succeeded In pushing me out, and my sisters too. I don’t hate her, but what can I do? I also need someone to blame. ‘Bridge..’ Damon calls out to me while pulling up his zippers as he makes his way down the stairs, I glare in complete reverence thinking about what’s going to be his excuse. Shortly after Lucy follows from behind, grabbing his ass ‘That was made s*x, we should do it again sometime and soon' she added waving her hair at me. ‘Shouldn’t you be on your way to find a mate Bridget? You know, loyal boys are scarce these days and most of them wouldn’t even want to get with you if you play virgin Mary all the time, I mean…didn’t you see the scene back at my room with the puddle, he was so sweet, Lucy taunts me. Well, I guess you do like to be treated like an animal, I’ve always known you were a s*x fiend but yet again, I’m surprised about how gullible you’ve become. You are “supposedly” smarter than I am. But yeah, they call people or persons that open their legs when it’s not mating season to every man that walks past them…what's the word? B***h? Yeah, that’s it. I know, my words were sinister. It’s the first time I ever spoke back to her, but I’d have to worry about my insecurities later and face this one this moment. My words left an upside down smile on her face, it was an enticing view. ‘Rings’ it’s the doorbell. I excuse myself from the kitchen to answer the door. It was a kneaded escape. “the mail man had delivered letter inviting the white family and all dread pack member for a dinner party at the reign mansion” Oh my, oh my, Gerard is going to be there? He can’t handle his wine and he was an even bigger pervert, we’ve had problems from when we were younger. I became very anxious. Me and my three sisters along with father prepared for the dining event at the reign mansion, we arrived early, my father always wanted to be punctual, he says “it shows respect seriousness” he’d always been the type to lick ass, so I wasn’t surprised by his “philosophy” We got to the mansion and were escorted to the ballroom, my sisters dressed to kill with their tight gowns, off shoulder, the maskara looking deeper than black itself, high heels with a little slit on the side of each dress. They were the glamour triplets. “If dress could kill” dare I forget, the cleavages roared! I had on a pink gown which had a flare from the waist down, a purse with my strawberry gloss and my curly red hair radiated in the moonlight, and my white loafers. I did look like a ballerina, no jokes. We got into the room and we did cause chaos, I mean they did, I dare not walk with them for my own safety and bluntly I was fine with that, I didn’t want to be branded as the “white dreads” white was our other name and dreads was our surname. It made a lot of impact on people who heard it, the dread pack was a vicious one, known for our aggression…
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