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King Leo a peace loving king, loved by his people but adored by his family came back to meet an ugly incident in his house while away for a business trip. The second wife Queen Franca was about to go out in his brand new RAV4 jeep when she saw strange substances on her burnet, she quickly used her handkerchief to dust it out thinking that the car was not properly washed or maybe she thought ,it came from the roof of the car port. Having dusted it of she climbed into her  car ready to drive off, she felt her eye lash flutter and a single lash fell into her eyes, in a bid to remove it she absent mindedly used the edge of the handky to wipe her eyes and that was the beginning of her blindness and she cried out "Help me somebody, i cant see ooo,  Jude, Frank, who is around?" They children quickly  ran to her and helped her to her quarters. " I saw mummy sprinkle some powder on top of that car this morning when she asked me to go and buy her recharge card" That was Tricia, Queen Beatrice third daughter, she has four girls and blamed it on the king and the other senior wives, saying that  the change her baby in her womb and made them girls and she despised even her own children. "Stupid girl" Beatrice shouted, i will kill you today. when did you see me? i will teach you a lesson" Princes ugonma who is now eighteen years, hyping her voice as she tries to protect her stepsister said "She is your daughter, if she says she saw you, she saw you. I equally saw you today and when you tried the same thing on my mummy's car last week but i quickly washed it away before my mum could use the car, wondering what you where trying to do? "Ugonma be quite, i wasn't talking to you, one off this days i will teach you a bitter lesson that you will leave to regret" Beatrice threatened her. Just then the king walked in "What is going on here " he asked . " can't one rest in this palace again?"  "Ask her majesty Ugonma" Queen Beatrice mocked as she bowed down to Ugonma smiling with wicked twinkle in her eyes.     The king after inquiring of what has happen decided that he has had enough of Beatrice and her antiques, he said that first thing tomorrow morning he will decide Queen Beatrice fate. Upon waking up first thing in the morning Ugonma went to remind his father the king of his promise to deal with Queen Beatrice only to see two of them cuddling and upon seeing her, the father was angry and scolded her," You this girl, your mates are all married and your here making trouble, your lucky you have finished you studies in medicine and waiting foe housemanship, any way i know what to do with you" To say that Princess Ugonma was shocked will be an understatement, she could not believe what she just heard from her own father. As she turned to leave in disbelief, she heard her wicked step mother laugh in derision "This is just the beginning she said. Princess  Ugonma rushed out crying and weeping bitterly but not just for herself but for the whole family for she knew that this is just the beginning of what she has long been telling everyone but no one paid attention to her. Her mother on the other hand was not feeling well and some how Ugonma felt that something is wrong with the mum as she only broods and eat what ever she was given and never utters a word.   One morning, Ugonma woke and saw the guards and house keepers gossiping about what is happening in the palace, " She is manipulating every one with her witchcraft" one of them said " i knew from day one but she threatened to kill me if i ever opened my mouth" the other said. "me too" they all shared their  experiences. " The only one she has not been ale to manipulate is Princess  Ugonma" the chief maid concluded. " Do not put yourselves in trouble" one of the security guards said as they all dispassed. .Princess Ugonma has had enough she has now understood why all the palace guards and maid pretended not to know or see what was happening, they were under oat. She refused to eat anything from the palace and prayed and fasted that God will open the eyes of her father to understand and see what this witch is doing to his family. As she  search her soul for answers, she decided to go to her uncle, the fathers younger brother. unknown to her, he has been bought over as Queen Beatrice lover, " Uncle please i want to discuss something with you" " What is it my princess" the uncle replied. " Uncle don't you find the recent happenings in our house strange?, I mean my fathers house a bit odd?"  she asked  " What do yo mean my daughter" he asked feigning ignorance. " My mother is like a vegetable, Queen Franca is blind, my fathers business is crumbling and all administrative works are being handled by Queen Beatrice, my brothers are dropping out of school, the other day, Kingsly had an accident and is bed ridden and my dad does not care. Recently he threatened me with marriage to one old king because according to him ,he is owing the king ten million dollars and..."   "Enough my child, i have heard you, i will go and see my brother and resolve all this issues, everything will be all right, you can leave now" " Please uncle do something"  Ugonma pleaded with him. " I have heard you, do not worry, i will handle it, ok?" he said. 
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