20. A Gift For My Parents

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Morning 5:20am Rosalyn wake up from the sound of bird's sweet singing. The morning sun's rays kissed her body and spread the warmth. 'Beach House' the words rung in her head like an alarm. She sat up straight. 6:50am Rosalyn was in the Self-Defense Teaching Center, she completed her class and bid them good bye as it was her last class before she resigned. Some were sad, some were crying and some wish her a good life. At the end they all leave but she stops a woman in her 40's named Gemma who was her student. Gemma: Yes Miss Heart...? Rosalyn: Hey, do you remember telling me about a house on sell about a month ago? Gemma: Ummm....are you talking about in the house in the village? Rosalyn: Yeah. Gemma: Yes it's still on sell....and even the price got lower too... Rosalyn: That's good, Can you give me the number of the seller? Gemma: Yes offcourse. But Miss Heart you said you got a new job in another town, so why did you want a house in a village? Rosalyn: It's for my parents. Gemma: Oh!... oh such a kind child you are. God bless you. Rosalyn: Oh thank you.. the number please? *Smile* Gemma: Oh yes... the number is******** the seller name is Derek Bowl. Rosalyn: Thank you for the help. Gemma: Oh you're always welcome. After talking to Gemma, Rosalyn resigned and went to take her things from her locker. To her surprise, all her co-workers were waiting their with flowers and chocolates. After taking her things she went to Miss Moly's house and took a bath, she pack her bags and went downstairs. Miss Moly was just completed her shower and was about to open the Bakery. Rosalyn: Good morning Miss Moly. Miss Moly: Good morning dear. *smiled* Rosalyn: I have to tell you something, so can you please sit down? Miss Moly took a sit and gesture for her to continue. Rosalyn sit beside her and said.. Rosalyn: I got a job with a handsome salary.... Miss Moly: Oh dear it's a good news, Congratulations dear. But then Miss Moly look at Rosalyn's expression, it was sad. Miss Moly: What happen Dear? *worried* Rosalyn: It's in another town..... Miss Moly: Oh......What...what about your family? Miss Moly said slowly..... Rosalyn: I've decided to brought a house for them near a village near the town. Miss Moly: Oh that's good then. Is that mean you'll not come in this town again? Rosalyn: I'll sometimes to visit you. A tear drop from Miss Moly's eye, she started sobbing. Rosalyn held her in her arms. Miss Moly said while sobbing..... Miss Moly: Now dear please live for yourself, not for others and please don't take anymore part time jobs and spend time with yourself. Get drunk, find a good man, fall in love. Live now my child. Miss Moly knows Rosalyn' family' s financial condition, she knows her family's behaviour. Rosalyn never told her. But once Miss Moly herself went to Rosalyn's house on Rosalyn's birthday with a cake to surprise her, she found her address from Rosalyn's resume. But witness the family's behaviour towards Rosalyn. The family didn't even remember it was Rosalyn's birthday. And Rosalyn was mopping the floor where her drunk brother just vomited. It was the day when Miss Moly offer Rosalyn to stay in her house. But Rosalyn politely declined. Rosalyn: I will Miss Moly. 10:25am Rosalyn was in the office where she resigned from her second job. They wanted to throw a farewell party but Rosalyn thanked then and declined. 12:40 pm Rosalyn called Derek Bowl. Rosalyn: Hello, is it Derek Bowl speaking? Derek: Yes ma'am how can I help you? Rosalyn: I wanted to buy a house in village close to nature for my old parents and I heard you were a selling a house in a village so I called. Derek: Yes ma'am, you called the right person, the house has 3 bedroom, a kitchen, 2 bathroom and..... Rosalyn: I'll visit the house tomorrow with my family, If my mother like the house we will brought it instantly. Is it ok with you? Derek: Ohhhhh.....yes.... yes ma'am. From the voice Rosalyn can say that Derek was very happy. Rosalyn: Thank you for your time Mr. Bowl. See you tomorrow. Derek: The pleasure is mine ma'am. Rosalyn cut the call. 'A gift you'll always remember mom' Rosalyn thought to herself. To be continued......
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