25. The Plan

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Rosalyn stop the car in front of a calling booth and got out of the car. She went inside the booth and call the police. Rosalyn: Hello, I'm calling to give information about a family selling drugs. The family members are Jimmy Heart, Analise Heart and Edward Heart. They just came in this village this morning. The address is *******. They used to live in *** town and recently brought a house in ****** near the beach. They also have a daughter named Rosalyn Scarlet Heart who tried to reach the police but the family torture her multiple times and warned to kill her and even in this morning they beat her. Also in ***** town a young woman named Lily Heart lives, the address is ****** she also sells drugs, you can find it in her house behind her fridge. *said in a deep heavy voice* From the other side of the call: But ma'am who are you? Rosalyn: I'm someone who seeks justice. Go to the house you'll find drugs there. And she cut the call. 12:00pm Rosalyn was out of the village, she was going towards the mountains, she always loved snow. It will take her 4 days to reach there with car, but she decided to leave the car and went by bus. The plan was simple, she knew her brother was close with Lily and Lily will surely know something about her family, so she went to the club where Lily always goes. She found Lily there and as expected Lily was drunk, she took the advantage of her situation and saw the pin code of Lily's phone. Lily knew about her kidnapping as she expected. She smartly took Lily's phone and call her brother who never stays in his right senses, so she easily get the information about the beach house. She destroyed Lily's phone because she doesn't want Lily to tell her brother anything about Lily's meeting Roselyn, after that she resign to her jobs. She lied to her colleague and students about getting a new job in another town, so that no one could doubt her leaving. She seduces Kevin to distract him, and found the drugs. She knew Lily wouldn't tell Kevin about Rosalyn's kidnapping because Kevin always had a crush on Rosalyn. She left a woman's underwear in bathroom so when Lily returns she had a fight with Kevin which will keep her mind out of the missing drugs. To make sure she doesn't get suspect by Lily she left smaller size underwear so that even if Kevin told her it was Rosalyn's Lily wouldn't believe it. Rosalyn always took the responsibility of caring others so she knew her siblings very well. She knows when they stays home and when they leave. Her intention was not to kill her family, her intention was to ruin their lifes, so she make a perfect plan to destroy them. She scared them too much that they turned against each other for their own life. She make them feel what she felt when they betrayed her for their greed. Then she win their trust again and took them to the new house, she put the drugs in their rooms, and left with the money after that she called the police. She knew when the police will went to the house they will found the drugs and arrest her family, as the house was in a small village the news will not get spread and even if the news got spread her ex-students and ex-colleagues had some ideas about her family's behaviour towards her as they all know she works multiple jobs since she was a teenager so they will be tell the police about it if the police question them. She also told the police about Lily's house so that Lily also get what she deserve. She lied to them about her getting torture because she wanted them to see her as a victim. The plan was simple. After driving five hours she reach an old motel near a bus stop, she spend the night there. She didn't want anyone to see her so she covered her hair and face with a scarf and she stayed in an old motel because the motel was so old that their was less people and they didn't have any security camera there. She didn't want to give anyone any chance to find her. Morning 5:00am She drove the car into the forest nearby, she left the car there and breaking it's number plate she took it with her and walked. After walking for 23 minutes on the road she saw a pond she throw the knifes that she used last night to scare her family into the pond with the number plate. She walked 15 minutes and reach the bus stop. She throw the box of patties in a garbage bin near the bus stop and got into the bus. To be continued......
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