Chapter 2

1069 Words
Silence filled the air, occasionally pierced by the hallowed breaths expelling from Ellie's lungs. Everything stood still, as though looking at a photograph in time. No one moved, not even blinked. All stood frozen, unmoving, and silent. All except Ellie. Wandering from person to person, Ellie peered at their static faces. Emotions frozen in time, words halted in mid-air, breaths stolen from them as they halted in place. It was as though all movement had failed them, and time had stopped. Yet, Ellie was moving, unaffected by the motionless space of the high street. Something felt wrong, and not just with the people. Ellie felt a strange stirring in her mind, a power she had not felt before. As an Omega, she has no abilities whatsoever, other than giving birth and attracting Alphas or Betas, Omegas are powerless. Nevertheless, Ellie could sense that something strange was occurring in her mind, as though her body had unlocked an unknown ability locked away deep inside her. A power that needed to be kept hidden. Her mind raced as her heart thundered frantically in her chest. Nothing made sense, but Ellie knew she had caused this. She didn't know how, and she wasn't sure why, but she knew this was her doing. Somehow she had caused this. Moving between the bodies, she felt something rushing through the air. Returning to her spot, she believed that whatever power she had over these people was about to break. Whatever she had done couldn't have been normal, and if she suddenly appeared in front of people, they would know it was her. In a panic, Ellie rushed back over to the shop window and waited. Something was bound to happen. She was sure of it. Expecting the silence to end, her mind became overwhelmed with a sudden, pounding pain that throbbed its way through her head. Gripping it tightly to try and numb the pain, Ellie bent over double and clutched her head. She tried to resist the pain, to push through its power, but soon she gave in. Something gave way in her mind, as though a release had been given, and in that moment, everything started once again. People started moving, their laughter and conversation as merry as before. Footfalls continued and the noise resumed. For a moment, Ellie felt a wave of relief wash over her and she relaxed. Leaning against the shop window, she revelled in that feeling. Knowing she would soon return to the hardships of life, and the confusion of her newfound power, Ellie let herself breathe before she started to think. However, the world wouldn't allow her that chance. "What the hell!" Someone exclaimed in front of her, their expression suddenly shifting from relaxed happiness to sudden shock and fear. They looked about themselves as though checking for injuries or missing items. "Did you feel that?" They turned to look at their friend standing beside them, also looking as dazed and confused as the other was. Their friend nodded in agreement, and soon the fearful confusion rattled throughout the crowd. In an instant, a mass hysteria filled the crowd as people discussed the confusing sensation running through their bodies. People exchanged theories, others blamed the Alphas dotted within the crowd. Some contained on their way. It was clear that Ellie's power had not gone unnoticed, and the common side effect had taken over. The realisation of control. "That must have been an Alpha, right? No one else can mind control like that." One person suggested to another, whilst Ellie faded into the background, attempting to pass by unseen. "No, that was no Alpha." One man announced loudly, his old, wisened voice capturing Ellie's attention. She found her footfalls slowing as she craned her ear to listen. "That was an Enigma." An Enigma. The name caused chills to ripple through Ellie's body like a tidal wave, panic rushing through her veins and poisoning her blood. Her throat ran dry and Ellie stumbled on her feet. Quickly searching for a wall to lean upon, Ellie clutched at her chest as the word roamed around her head like a cheerful child, teasing her. It was no ordinary name, not like an Alpha, nor a Beta, not even an Omega. An Enigma was an accusation. It was a curse. To be an Enigma was to paint a massive target on your back, and Ellie had just painted the biggest in her entire existence. There was a reason so many Enigma's laid low. Their powers could be overwhelming if revealed in public and grew beyond the capabilities of any normal Alpha. What Ellie did was no massive feat for an Enigma, but for an Alpha it was impossible. Ellie started to realise this as her mind cycled back to her last conversation with her mother. The last day she saw her alive. "You are special my dear, far more special than you know. One day, you will realise this, and when you do know that you are loved. Others won't easily understand, and they will hate you for it, fear it. But know that this is not a curse, it is a gift. Hide it, conceal it, don't let them take it. Just run. Run fast, and run far." All this time, her mother had known and never thought to tell her. Not even on her death bed. Instead, Ellie was left with this growing power inside her, manifesting itself into something so strong that it tore itself out of Ellie. She was in trouble, Far bigger trouble than she was willing to endure. Without wasting another minute waiting around to be discovered, Ellie ran. Not home to Amy, despite how much comfort her friend could offer her, Ellie wasn't sure how her friend would react to such a revelation. Instead, Ellie thought of the last place she believed she could find solace and safety. Her home, her father's home. She needed to get away. Anywhere away from there. Anywhere as far away from there as possible. It was all she could think to do. Her father lived out of town, far out of town. It was her only option, and almost always her final option. But at that moment, hearing the panicked voices fading away as her feet carried her along the high street, it was the only option she was willing to take. She needed to talk to her father.
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