Prologue Part 2

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Elijah sat on the seat that was assigned to him and his lab partner. He gritted his teeth as he glanced around and saw all the paired students talking, laughing, and flirting with each other. He sighed inaudibly and raked a hand through his gel styled hair. He knew he couldn't do that with his lab partner. There was no way in hell he would flirt with 'the de Silva girl'. He has sworn on it, not even if she dressed up for him and begged him for attention. She was the one girl in the school who downright hated him and degraded him in front of other chics. He was aware that all those girls who ditched him on dates were under the influence of this Miss de Silva only. And now he had to endure her for an entire semester. He looked up wondering what he did to deserve such punishment. And suddenly a cheerful voice filled in the disinfectant smelling laboratory, "Good Morning Sam", he looked up towards the voice and found her walking leisurely into the class with a thousand watt smile on her face. She was chatting with a girl wearing pigtails and glasses merrily, and after a second she passed another girl whom she greeted with the same enthusiasm. He groaned inwardly, what's with her cheery attitude? Who does she think she is? – Miss Sunshine? He thought with irritation. After greeting a few more classmates she strutted towards him with a small smile. Now, why the hell is she smiling at me? He thought with a suspicious look. *** Sang gave a lot of thought to her situation and decided that she will try and befriend Elijah. After all how bad can he be? She thought. As her previous night's thoughts flashed in her mind, she projected a small friendly smile to Elijah and walked towards him. He was frowning at her with narrowed eyes, and if she didn't know him any better she would have thought he looked cute with that expression. She quickly shook that thought and greeted him, "Hey" as she placed her bag inside the cabinet underneath their experiment tables that was provided for them to keep their bags and books. He nodded at her once as an acknowledgement to the greeting. Sang gritted her teeth to control the anger that was bubbling within her. Couldn't he even reply with a 'Hey' or 'good morning'? She thought grimly but shook her head at his childishness. "Let's get one thing clear Miss de Silva", Elijah's voice made her snap her head towards him. She raised her eyebrows, to say 'what now?' "It's obvious that we don't like each other. You tried to sabotage all my dates, I never wanted to be your lab partner in the first place, our parents hate each other, our companies have been rivals since.... Forever, did I miss anything?" he asked after ranting all the reasons why they hate each other, Sang pretended to think for a moment and then said, "You missed the part that you are a huge asshole who uses girls like tissue and I am the nice person, who tries to save girls from getting their hearts broken. And yeah, I hate you too", her patience was wearing thin. How bad can he be? She snorted at her own thoughts of earlier. "Right", Elijah spoke with gritted teeth. "So, why don't we both mind our own business and talk only if its work related. You can keep your cheerful big mouth shut and I will mind my work. And by the way don't worry about the lab; you don't have to do anything. I will finish all the work myself", he said with finality. For a second Sang was mesmerized with the authority in his voice. He reminded her of her father when he was in a meeting. She knew, at that moment, that he will be a great business man. However, this was not the case. She was his lab partner, and she hated him more now. **** "Okay class, let's begin our titrations", Professor Ched said snapping the book close as he finished his demonstration. "Remember this is an individual work, though you have been assigned a partner. I will be checking all your final values and end results. So, pay attention". He said and moved towards the aisle between rows of experiment tables to keep an eye on the students. Elijah and Sangavi got to their work immediately. They had their lab coats and gloves on. Ruthford Academy prided on everything. Wearing lab coats and gloves would not be considered mandatory in most of the high schools in the country but not in this Academy. Everything happened in an order and systematically. This is one of the main reasons why Sangavi admired her academy while Elijah found joy in breaking that system. He caught the playful wink of Natalie Reed as she excused herself and sashayed her way out of the lab, swaying her wide hips left to right. He waited for a couple of minutes and slowly walked to the teacher's desk where Mr. Ched was looking through a manual and cleared his throat, "Excuse me Mr. Ched. I need a digital thermometer", he said knowing very well that there is one in the chemistry store room, above this floor, to where Natalie just left. Mr. Ched sighed rubbing his forehead with his index finger, "Go. But be back soon", he said going back to his manual. "Thank you Sir", Elijah mutter with a smug look and trailed the path Natalie just left. *** Mr. Ched was a forgetful person, almost all the Science faculty lecturers were. May be being a science geek did this to them, thought Sangavi as she glanced at the 'missing lab partner's place' beside her. She saw Natalie leaving the class room and she knew the look that Natalie cast Elijah's way. It was something very hard to miss. And the look with which Elijah left the lab a few minutes later, might fool anyone but not her. She could read that hungry lustful look on his face any minute now. She sighed and shook her head. It would be a lie if she said she felt bad for Natalie. Because Natalie Reed was among those few girls who grew up before their age. She knew what she was getting into, the moment she laid a finger on McCoy. It was obvious that it meant nothing serious, and Natalie knew it. So, Sangavi never bothered to warn her, and she neither cared to befriend her as well. For some unknown reason, she hated Natalie. She hated the kind of girls who encouraged boys like Elijah. It was one of the main reasons why boys like Elijah took girls for granted. They assume every girl would be mature enough like Natalie and won't get their emotions involved. Only if he knew how many hearts he broke. How many tears were shed in his name, and how many friends Sangavi lost. Anger gripped her heart as the thoughts of all her friends who turned her back to her, when she tried to warn them flashed in her eyes. Their regret, shame, tears, and heart break after Elijah dumped them boiled her blood with fury. "Miss. de Silva", the professor's voice stopped her from making a hole into the record sheet. She removed the nib of her pencil from where she was stressing it so much that a hole was starting to form and placed the paper aside. "Yes sir", she said and showed him the report sheet to verify. He nodded his head in appreciation and glanced to the empty seat beside her. "Where is your lab partner?" he asked gruffly. "He went to get a thermometer sir", she replied stonily The professor glanced at his wrist watch with a frown and snapped, "Go and get him", the professor ordered with 'no more arguments' tone. Sang sighed heavily and pulled her legs towards the store room. Before leaving she threw a glance to the last table which was supposed to be Natalie's. And of course, it was vacant with only one seat filling. She gritted her teeth and muttered, "Watch out McCoy. I am coming to get you", she whispered to herself and marched up the steps. As soon as she reached the store room the door was closed, but not locked. She smirked. She slowly pushed the door a little to creak it open. An unmistakable sound of pleasure filled her ears as soon as she pressed her ear to hear. For a moment she wondered where the hell did the store in charge go, but it was not a wonder that Elijah found a way to be alone with the girl he wanted. She smirked wickedly, it's time to pay for your sins McCoy and I am so sorry Natalie. But for encouraging this dog, you have to go down with him, as well. She thought pulling the door close and locking it. "Where is Mr. McCoy and even Miss Reed hasn't returned from her washroom break?" the professor asked as soon as she returned, looking back at the two empty seats. Sangavi faked a flushed expression and stuttered, "I don't know Sir, the store room was locked from the inside when I checked", she said looking at her shoes. "I tried knocking, but no one responded", That single gesture was enough to convey the message to professor Ched and also the entire class who were eaves dropping. "Go back to your table Miss de Silva", he said with a stern expression and got up from his chair behind the desk. Sangavi walked back to her experiment as innocently as she could manage, "Class, I want everyone to finish their experiments by the time I return. I want all your report sheets, they will be accounted in your final result", he said and left the lab muttering, 'I will be back in a second'. As soon as the professor left, all the students started muttering and whispering among themselves and the topic was obviously about the missing pair, 'Mr. McCoy and Ms. Reed". Sangavi felt a little tinge of guilt but she quickly suppressed it with a victorious smile. *** The heavy panting was the only sounds they could hear in the closed Store room as Elijah and Natalie pulled their clothes back on. Natalie fingered her hair to tame them back. "Do I look like I have been just f****d?" she asked coyly looking up at Elijah. He smirked and pulled her close so that they were skin to skin. He slammed his lips against hers, making sure that her lipstick was properly smudged. "There you go. Now you do", he whispered against her lips. She blushed a little and playfully pushed him away. With her fingertips she tried to wipe the smudged lipstick away, while Elijah wiped his lips with his handkerchief and smoothed his shrt. He walked to the door with Natalie trailing behind him and felt the lock on the door. He definitely remembered that he had not locked the door while he closed it, then how the hell did it get locked. Ignoring the nagging feeling behind his head, he unlocked the door. And as soon as he pulled the door open, four pairs of glaring eyes met his. "s**t", he muttered and he faintly heard Natalie gasp. *** After a call to the parents, detention for a week as a punishment and volunteering in the canteen after school hours for a month as Repenting – as Principal Sister Christine Fernandez put it, they both were sent back to their classes. Natalie didn't even spare a glance towards Elijah as she stormed out of the Principal's room with tear filled eyes. He could feel the anger that was radiating from her and he cursed. What the hell did I do? She was the one who made a move on me, and how the hell was I supposed to know that this was gonna happen? He thought. He raked a hand through his hair and walked to the chemistry lab where he left his bag and books. Very few students were left behind who were vigorously scribbling the final result of the experiment on their report sheets. "Your report sheet Mr. McCoy", the professor said with a underlying tone of 'You will not be excused for missing your lab' as soon as he entered. Elijah smirked. He made sure that he completed his experiment before he left. He walked to his table and pulled out the report sheep that he safely tucked under the retort stand and presented it to the professor. "Not so soon Mr. McCoy", the professor called him as he turned to make a move. He sighed and waited till the last of the students left. "What you did today was unacceptable... "And the professor went on and on about how he should behave and what is expected of him in this great academy, yada yada. Elijah maintained a blank face and tuned him out. But his ears perked up when a name rang in his ears, "Excuse me sir, did you just say Ms. De Silva?" he asked in confusion, "Yes. I sent her to check on you, but you locked your room that were so busy that you didn't even hear her knocks", the professor snapped angrily. How dare he ask a question while he is in guilt? Elijah ignored the rest of the professor's lecture, as his mind's wheels rotated furiously. He knew he heard a faint noise of door creaking open and then closing. But he didn't pay much attention to it. Now it was becoming clear and he came up with a plan as he eyed the report sheets in lying on the desk in front of Mr. Ched". He smirked, Miss de Silva, beware! I am gonna get you now. **** A couple of days passed and Sangavi hasn't seen much of either of her victims. There were rumors around the school about Elijah and Natalie but it was short lived Both Elijah and Natalie shared just a couple of classes with her, so it didn't matter much on what was going on with them. But she occasionally caught Elijah eying her as if he knew that she got them caught and was now planning revenge. She shrugged it off along with ignoring the feeling of guilt and alert and focused on her classes. Professor Ched announced that the grades of their experiments have been put up on the notice board according to their ranks. So, as soon as the class finished everyone dashed to the notice board including Sangavi. As everyone saw their results, some sighed and some groaned, Sangavi had a smile on her face because she knew that she did well. She was expecting an A. As she reached the board, she pointed the finger to the first name on the list, "Elijah McCoy", she read and rolled her eyes. It wasn't a secret that the player was also a jerk. She slowly dragged her fingers down to list, scanning her name. She almost reached the bottom of the list, but her name was nowhere to be found. Her heart thudded heavily as panic rose in her stomach. And as she slowly dragged her name to the very bottom, her name was displayed, with an 'F' She wasn't straight a student. But she wasn't an straight 'f' student either. She could understand if she did poorly and she received an 'F' but she knew she did well, even the professor verified her result, and then how can she get an 'F'? She wondered. She turned around with a frown and found Elijah leaning on the staircase staring at her intently with a smug look. That single look spoke millions of words and she didn't need another confirmation from anyone to know why she got an 'F'. "You. You", she stuttered unable to form any curses and pointed a finger at him. "Cat caught your tongue sweetheart?" he asked smugly, Sangavi glared at him through narrowed eyes, "Now you will know that you should never cross a McCoy", he said, venom dripping his voice. They both knew what the other did to them, so no words; confrontations or declining the accusations was needed. They glared coldly at each other, "Don't worry McCoy, I learnt my lesson so I wouldn't dream of crossing your path again, you know why? Because you are not worth it", Elijah snorted rolling his eyes, "My dad taught me, that if we get our hands dirty by throwing stone in wet mud. And I don't intend to get my hands dirty cause that's what you are. Mud, dirt, pathetic" she snapped and turned to leave so that she wouldn't hear his cheap comeback, but she turned back anyway to get one last thing clear, "And by the way, you stay away from me too because I never want to see your face again", "I'm not eager to have your company either, sweetheart. To hell, I would never even glance at you, even if you were the last women alive on the face of earth", Elijah spat angrily. With those hateful words they part their ways in opposite directions. Little did they know what future awaits them..!
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