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"My sister is obsessed with you on that Hulu show." Jack continues. "The one where you get shot by your mother because her new boyfriend liked you?" "Betrayed?" "That's the one!" He snaps his fingers. "You almost brought her to tears with your performance. She's a big fan and bullied everyone at home to follow you on Instagram." I only appeared in one episode on the Hulu show "Betrayed" one year ago. It's one of the shows that boosted my career and garnered thousands of fans for me. But it was just one episode and people eventually forgot about me and moved on to other bigger stars. Then I went back to being just Billie's Best friend. "My sister will be so jealous when I tell her I met you." Jack continues with a big grin. "She won't believe it!" "Let's make her believe it," I say. "You want a selfie with me?" "Uh... uh..." He fishes out his phone from his pockets. "Selfie! Of course!" We're about to take a photo when Billie bursts into the room. She sizes up Jack from head to toe before turning to look at me. "The food is getting cold." She says. "Everyone's waiting for you at the table." "Nice to meet you, Selena," Jack says with a disappointed smile, shoving his phone back into his pocket. He resumes doing the dishes as we leave the kitchen. Billie drags me to one of the big bathrooms and slams the door. She turns to glare at me. Narrowed eyes. Pouted lips. Get ready. I'm about to get a sweet little lecture. "What do you think you're doing!" She hisses in a hushed tone. "What?" "Talking to the Man-Maid? Seriously?" She rolls her eyes. "You're a big star. He's a maid. You two are not on the same level. What will people say when they see you giggling with a maid? Mh? Do you want to ruin your career? What if one of my guests walked in on you guys taking that stupid photo with his cheap phone? Do you want to embarrass me? BILLIE'S BEST FRIEND CAUGHT LAUGHING WITH A MAID! How do you think THAT headline will look on me?" "Cool your boobs." I laugh. "He's just a fan." "He's a maid!" She snaps. "A maid who wants to sneak his stinky balls into a successful singer's life by using her best friend. He's not your fan. I bet he hasn't watched any of your films." "He watched Betrayed." "I'm the one that got you that role, remember!" She never lets me forget that. "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been cast. Anyways, It was only one episode. People forgot about that." "What's your point?" I grunt. She takes a step closer, looking into my eyes. Her brown eyes are dark with mischief. She runs her fingers gently through my blonde ponytail. "My point is, I'm the only one that cares about you. I'm the only real fan you have. I'm the only one that doesn't take advantage of you, Selena." She grins. "So don't embarrass me." We're back at the table after that very -friendly conversation in the bathroom. Billie embarrasses me the entire time at the dinner table in front of her guests. Making fun of my acting career. Making fun of the cheap gifts I buy for her. Making fun of the atrocious things her foolish fans say about me. Making fun of my skinny body that makes clothes hang loose. Everyone keeps laughing because it's "just a joke" and "Billie is really funny" and "Billie should be a comedian" because "Billie cracks our ribs." Just like I said, I'm not here to celebrate the success of my friend or for free networking. I'm here to be laughed at. To entertain. To make ribs crack. I'm doing a good job so far. What's infuriating is that huge directors like Lindsey Cox and Eric Greenberg - who are respectable names in the industry - will never take me seriously after this. Thanks to my best friend and her stupid dinner and her stupid Grammy! The only good thing about this dinner is this delicious meal. Dinner is done. Time for a photoshoot. The photographer is a tall woman with blue hair. With a camera hanging on her neck, she's been walking around taking photos of the ballroom, the dinner table, the guests, and the Grammy winner. Now it's time for the guests to pose with the Grammy winner. Everyone's in black. Billie is the only one dressed in the brightest color. In the pictures, Billie looks brighter and happier in the yellow gown. The rest of us look like a bunch of fans with our black tuxedos and sappy smiles. Noah (Billie's childhood friend) is standing alone at the far corner, scrolling through his phone. He's the only one that doesn't take any photos with Billie at the photo shoot. He didn't even sit at the dinner table with us. He was probably locked up in some room, scrolling through his phone with his headphones on. He doesn't give a single f**k about the party he planned. He's always on his phone. Always on his black headphones. Always lost in his head. Tired of the photoshoot, I walk back to the messy dinner table. I sip my third cocktail for the night as I observe everyone. Billie is busy posing for pictures in the ballroom with her guests. Faking smiles and forcing laughs. She keeps pointing my way and her guests throw glances at me before bursting into a laugh. Noah approaches the table, sits next to me and takes off his headphones. He grabs a green apple from a glass bowl and smiles at me. "Happy birthday, Lena," he says. "Are you throwing a party?" "Nope." I smile. "I had other plans." "Attending this boring party with boring people?" "You planned this boring party, remember?" I chuckle. "Actually, I'm having a little wine party with my sisters at my house." That's a lie. A little lie with a little touch of truth. I'm going to have a little wine party at my house but not with my sisters. Just alone. "Billie and I can throw you a big party." He suggests. "It will be fun. I promise." "I'm sure Billie is busy," I say. "Plus, I miss my sisters. I'm excited to see them and catch up over some wine." "Family time is the best." He smiles. I've never heard Noah talk about his family before. I just know that his mother worked for Billie's rich parents as a maid. That's how they met and their friendship brewed. I don't know why he stuck around so long with someone like Billie. They are complete opposites. He obviously has a massive crush on her but Billie denies it vehemently. She was disgusted the first time I told her. She almost threw up. From a distance, Billie is chatting and laughing with the guests as Noah stares at her with so much adoration in his eyes. Like she's a magnificent masterpiece he created. "I'm so proud of Billie." Noah admits when I bust him drooling over her. "She has worked so hard to get this Grammy." "Are you in love with Billie?" I blurt out, sipping my cocktail. His face turns red as he bursts into a nervous laugh. "No! Ew! No! She's just a friend!" A friend you want to fùck. "What did you just say?" Oops. I just said that out loud... He looks at me with his surprised narrowed eyes. "There's nothing between Billie and me. We are just friends. We've been good friends for a very long time. I wouldn't ruin that with stupid feelings. She's like a little sister to me." But I'm not even listening to Noah... I'm staring at Jack from the kitchen. His green eyes meet me across the room. He looks different. Hotter. The black tuxedo looks better than the yellow apron. For a moment, I think he will approach me. But he doesn't. He scoots out of the room. I have a feeling he won't come back. I have a feeling I'll never see him again. Strangely, that breaks my heart a little. In the movie, this is the part I run after him and beg for his number. But I don't. I just sit on this stupid table, listening to Noah worship Billie. She's his god. "Selena!" Billie waves at me. "Come take a photo with me! Bestie photos!" I take the last drop of cocktail before dragging myself from the dinner table back to the ballroom. We take a bunch of "bestie" photos with Billie saying how "chic and unique" I look in the black baggy tuxedo. Everyone keeps telling her how "beautiful and bright" she looks. Ofcourse she looks bright. Yellow is the brightest color to pick for a gown. One of the waiters approaches Billie, carrying a tray of cocktails. She's a young, short Caucasian woman with long dark hair. She asks for a selfie with Billie. Politely. A wide grin stretches on Billie's face as she takes a cocktail from the tray. "You're not here to take photos with celebrities, honey." She says. "You're here to serve celebrities. Maybe if you worked hard at your job instead of begging for selfies, you'd be in the celebrity club." The waitress frowns as she turns to walk away. I turn to look at Billie in disappointment. "What???" She rolls her eyes, taking a sip. "She's not a star. She's a servant. Who cares!" Every second with this sick spoilt brat reminds me why I hate her so much. But I'm stuck with her. I wish I could get rid of her. Wipe her off the face of the earth. The famous black director, Lindsey Cox, asks for a picture with Billie. You should see the sappy grin on Billie's face as she pushes me to make space for the director. "Of course Lindsey!" Billie shrieks. "Love your haircut! So chic! So trendy!" Billie completely forgets about me as she talks to the director. I'm not complaining. At least I get the chance to sneak out of the room and get some breeze. I'm tired of the plastic smiles and fake laughs and cunning conversations. I need some air. The perfect patio is my escape. It's the best place to be in Billie's house. The blue pool. The big white couches. The fancy fireplace. The stone tables. I collapse on the cozy couch on the patio and take out my phone. It's a relief to be the only person in this splendid silent space. I'm scrolling through motivational quotes on ** when a text pops up at the top of my screen. A direct message from Jack Elliott. Jack: I wanna cook for you. ○○
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