Chapter 2

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 I look with great suspicion at the paper Carlson hands me with a grimace on his lips. He looks at me undaunted as he waits for me to take what is surely a note from her.  I am sick of this whole situation. "I'm not going to get involved again, I thought we were already on that, Carl," I frown, wondering what they wanted now, although aware that I should put aside my curiosity. It was always dangerous. "I don't really care what she wants from me, or what that bastard wants." "If only you knew ..." He stops abruptly when I cast him a grim look. He knows that I am not interested in anything that has to do with her or that world in which she's involved. "I only ask you to read it, you do not have to agree to their requests." "Surely he don't have his hands in all this?" I raise an inquisitive eyebrow and Carlson shakes his head quickly. "You better, because you know I can't stand that scum of Miles." What if my suspicions of Jasmine were true? I feel my shoulders tense with apprehension. I shake my head because I don't want to start guessing some crazy reason, although I felt that my theories were on the right track. I take the note from Carlson's hands and let out a deep sigh, feeling acid go through my throat when reading that letter that I know so well: "My dear Peter, I've been looking for the best way to ask you, because I know you don't want anything to do with this anymore and I understand, really yes. I want you to know that I am not at all happy that Miles threatens to involve your brother, whom I know you protect with much suspicion, but this time I beg you to come and have a chat. I will give you my explanations, whatever you want, but I beg you to attend and see us once again. You know my condition, I don't have much time and I'm not asking for your love either, although maybe a little of your compassion. I promise this will be the last time. Always yours: Jasmine » I clench my teeth because I knew that sooner or later this would happen. Carlson stares at me and I sit down slowly, determined to end this all at once. "Tell her I will go, but I will not be unprotected," I snap, giving him a warning look. Don't skip the list or she'll see what I'm capable of. "I'll tell her exactly what you said, don't worry, Peter." He purses his lips, staring at me, and I know he's not done speaking. "What will you say to your brother?"  I clench my fists because I know that I will have to invent another trip unexpectedly and I regret having to lie to him, although right now I have not other choice. "I'll see what I do," I reply simply, directing my steps towards my beloved kitchen, without waiting for a response from him. *** The house seems to be completely alone, since the front lights are off but I know Evan is inside, he'd have the American Medical Association meeting today, and I was supposed to attend the Beresford Halloween party. That they kill me for not wanting to appear out there, especially considering that Evan is not going to accompany me, I'm not a huge fan of the parties, much less the pompous Beresfords, but Elton had invited me and I couldn't say no. But on the other hand, Evan's distant and strange attitude every time we discussed the matter of his new lover caused me resentment. He didn't want to say anything about it and it was obvious that something was up, something he was reluctant to tell me. It seemed that the abyss between us was becoming more and more latent and that had me restless and in a bad mood. I wanted to tell him about the Jasmine affair and my stupidity from the past, but I still lacked courage.  "Evan?" I called as soon as I entered our house, turning on the porch light and looking up the stairs. "Are you here?" I climb the transparent steps that lead to the top of the house and the light from his room reaches the hallway, I walk over to see Evan dressed in a nice white tuxedo shirt, fixing the bow of his bow tie. "Obviously, Rick brought him Alan's invitation, he'll surely want to see it," he speaks to himself, pursing his lips in discontent. "How stupid, she is just an immature girl." I stand in my place without taking another step, staring at Evan, who seems not to have noticed my presence. Raise his eyes to where I am and I want to reply that he looks like a madman talking to himself, but I hold myself back. I feel a little nervous and even uncomfortable, but when I see that he don't say anything, he continues his business. However, I am more curious to find out once and for all about that little woman. "Who's an immature girl, brother?" I feel my gesture harden and raise an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Even his tone is surprised. "Don't pretend you don't know," I roll my eyes, moving closer to where he is with pursed lips. Lately I see you very thoughtful, something happens to you. "Nothing happens to me, Pete," he smiles, shaking his head nonchalantly. "There has been a lot of work at the clinic."  "Doesn't it have to do with that little woman from the university?" I cross my arms, raising an eyebrow. "I am determined to make a confirmation of my suspicions." "Rita?" He looks at me strangely. "No, this Leilah girl," I click my tongue in a bad mood. "It is obvious that this woman is nothing but a danger to you. What about your agreement and your rules? It is obvious that you yourself begin to violate it." It seemed incredible to me that Evan had given him a key to the house, to our house; so that the woman would arrive at the time she wants as if she were the owner.  Either my brother was crazy, or that Leilah was more important than he was willing to admit. Evan raises both eyebrows, looking at me in puzzlement, as if he had said something completely implausible. I see him stare at me and I know he's wondering if I'm kidding, so I look seriously. "You don't like her," is not a question. "Obviously not, none of your women do it," I roll my eyes because he knows my position. "But this one falls even worse on me." "Let's see, and why is that?" He looks at me through the mirror, raising an eyebrow. He seems annoyed with that fact and that unnerves me. "You hadn't been picky about my adventures before." He have a good point and I am glad that he bring it up because I will not be silent this time before what seems to me the worst absurdity of his life. "That is because never before had one of them seemed so dangerous as this one" I drop impatiently, reluctant to formulate the idea I have in mind clearly. It just seemed impossible to me coming from him. "What makes you think it is a danger?" He smiles an amused smile that only causes me more resentment. He seemed oblivious to all the trouble he would be involved in and even unable to see. Or maybe he didn't want to and that made me feel upset. "You bring her home, enough reason," I complain, thinking about the possibility of meeting her at my beloved kitchen. I shudder just thinking about it. "Can you name how many you've done that with? I think not a finger could reach out of your hand.  "Don't be paranoid, Pete," he smiles confidently. "It is not as you think." I'm about to reply that I stop hiding things from myself, when the memories are crowded in my mind and guilt nests in my mind, causing spasms of remorse for lying to him.  I am definitely a cheeky hypocrite. "I hope so, brother," I snort in a bad mood, telling me that he's not being entirely honest. I direct my steps towards the stairs as I speak. "I don't promise to bite my tongue every time I see it hanging around here, You know I don't like anything about her. Let's see when you get bored with it, to get rid of it!" I shout from where I am. Suddenly I stop at the bottom of the stairs taking out my cell phone, which currently has an incoming call. "Yes?" "Hey Peter, I have something to interest you to propose." That's the voice of Steven, who surely has a few extra drinks. "I swear you will not regret it." "Oh yeah?" I roll my eyes in annoyance. "What thing is?"  "A little bird told me you're going to go to the land of the little leaf." He laughs and I click my tongue, telling me that the gossip runs faster than the burning powder. "I know people from there, in fact a friend has a cousin, who is in a good …" "A friend?" I snort bitterly, telling myself that it was surely a wimp like him or something much worse. "I'm not interested in the cousins of your lazy friends, you moron. Leave me alone." "But this is a beauty that surely captivates you," he insists with a happy voice, making me sulk. "Kendall even told me …" "I already told you that I am not interested, Steven," I emphasize the words because it seems that he has not heard me or is more idiotic than I thought. "Maybe one day the cows will make chocolate milk, do you think?" "But what a bad mood!" He snorts with amusement and then hangs up. I look incredulously at the phone and shake my head disapprovingly. Had Carlson really started saying over there about my travel plans or was it true that people said that the walls have ears?  Just after I put the phone away, I hear Evan's footsteps coming down the stairs. I tell myself I should go to that party by now, but frankly I have no desire to move from my kitchen. "Aren't you going to the Beresford party?" He asks as soon as he sees me. "Why?" I squint suspiciously. Why so much damn interest? "Do you really care if I go?" "Elton invited us both," he waves his hand nonchalantly. "And since I won't be able to go…" "You just want me to see if that little woman will be there, right?" I huff, sulking, understanding the reason for his sudden interest. "You don't fool me, brother." "Peter, don't be absurd," he snaps impatiently. I look at him raising an eyebrow. "You can go or not, it was just a question." "Yes, I'm going," I stare at him, waiting for his reaction. He seems to be armored again, as always. And I'll see if the girl shows up at the party, or maybe she's more aware of Alan, since you won't be around. "As you like," he speaks, bored, shrugging. "Don't ever insinuate something as stupid as my agreement with her is being violated" I know him, I know he is in a very bad mood. "You can go in the car if you want, the i***t Hammer hired me a limo" He seems quite annoyed by that fact. "Have fun," I smile, knowing full well what his bad temper is about: the Leilah Ferguson theme. I'll go get dressed. As soon as I have just buttoned my shirt, I hear the horn announcing that the driver and limousine have arrived for my brother. I hear him come out and immediately shake my head disapprovingly, it is obviously a delicate subject for him, but I would get him to admit what was in sight without the need for glasses. I put on my blue jacket, which is missing to complete my outfit and go downstairs directly to the keys to the Audi that Evan left me. I find it parked in front of the house and as soon as I enter to turn it on, I notice something on the ground that catches my attention: an earring. I snort under my breath because it must have belonged precisely to the woman who would be at the Beresfords' house tonight, the one who brought my brother so headlong and Alan too. I purse my lips as I remember the conversation I heard from Rick and his younger brother, with his "doubts" about his relationship with his red-haired girlfriend and how he had not stopped thinking about Leilah. Bomb news: the i***t Alan Beresford has feelings for Leilah who knows from when and now after so long that he decides to do something.  I know, the world is full of morons in love.  I'm seriously thinking of going to a place of exile so that I don't suffer from that damn disease too. I smile on the side knowing that it was impossible for that to happen to me. I had met hundreds of beautiful and interesting women and none had caught my attention in that way. It is not that I believe a lot or my standards are very demanding -although I admit that I have them quite high- it is that I simply do not want to feel absolutely nothing.  I resist it and that's how it's always going to be, no matter who shows up there. Now with the news from Alan, I did not know how my brother would react to this matter and the truth was dying to bring up the subject to gauge his reaction.  But tonight I would measure each of the little woman's reactions, to know that he could find out, if she still had feelings for Alan, or perhaps his attention had turned entirely to my brother. *** As soon as I get to the Beresford mansion, I confirm that it will be another one of those pompous parties that I do not like at all, but I was already on the site and I could not back out. I park Evan's car and head towards the entrance with a firm step, ringing the doorbell and being greeted a few minutes later by Rick, who hardly notices my presence, outlines a huge gentle smile. "But what a surprise, Peter!" He speaks cheerfully, slapping me on the back effusively. "I thought you weren't coming, since your brother told me he was going to the doctor's association dinner." "I'm not always riding on Evan like an earring, Rick," I say wryly, remembering my find in the car. I look around the place, noting that this Leilah hasn't introduced herself yet. "I am perfectly capable of moving on my own, you know?" "Sorry, not what I meant." He makes an apologetic grimace and for the empathy that curiously causes me, I purse my lips uncomfortably. "Don't worry, I know not." In fact he insisted that I come today" I try to change the subject, admiring everything around me. "What a nice decoration, your mother definitely has very good taste." "And I'm glad to hear that from you, dear Peter." Diana seems to appear out of nowhere, as if she's been listening to the conversation. He gives me a hug that I hardly reciprocate. "Too bad Evan was unable to attend, although I guess for Christmas we can have them both around here." Rick quickly excuses himself saying he would go see where Alan was. I'm about to roll my eyes at the irony of it. Who says Rick is not an overprotective fool? "You know that can't be, by then I will be working on the cruise ship, Diana," she puffs out her lips in discontent, We both step into the huge, beautifully decorated room. "But thanks anyway for the invitation, surely Evan doesn't miss it, I think he had already told me about that." "Do you want something to eat, darling?" Its honeyed tone makes me purse my lips, I spread a couch of something that I do not like at all as it looks. "You might like these pumpkin and ham." "Do you have an obsession with ham?" I make a displeased gesture because I'm not a big fan of the sausage. One day of this you will go out with that you will make a chocolate cake and ham. "Sure, I forget who I'm talking to." She smiles like nothing, giving me an annoying pat on the back. "The most important chef in California, giving his very humble opinion." "Some of your decisions regarding your party food leave a lot to be desired, Diana," I feel my features harden because his tone seemed ironic.  She smiles like nothing and I roll my eyes, taking a step away from his annoying presence. I don't even know how Evan puts up with them so much, most of the time I accompany him to his Beresford invitations it's just for formalism, But if it were up to me, I'd rather spend my time on other more important matters, not a bland family party. "I thought you wouldn't come anymore, Pete." The voice behind me makes me click my tongue. Her nasal tone is always so unpleasant. "Where did you leave your most handsome brother?"  "Samuel, I swear that saying that, you look like the sneaky fag himself," I huff under my breath, turning to face him. He smiles stupidly, as if his joke had been funny. "That you had no other place to beg for food? Oh, of course not, you should be grateful then for your blood bond with the Beresford, so you can swallow whatever you want at these parties." "Your viperine tongue is quite biting tonight" He laughs, reaching out to pat me on the back. I growl annoyed. "In a bad mood, for a change?"  "You are the third to do that and I swear that the next, I will put a trip without contemplation so that he breaks his f*****g nose" I shake a lint from my arm, giving him a sidelong glance. And you are always so unbearable, for a change. "You're bitter, Peter," he laughs out loud, looking very self-satisfied. "It would be easier for me to get a girlfriend than someone to deign to notice you, with that pedantic attitude that you always carry." "That would be impossible, unless you get a boyfriend rather" I smirk and the aforementioned darkens his gesture. "You have to admit that your father thinks the same." "He doesn't stop bothering me with that, but he must forget it." He clicks his tongue, he seems rather sulky. "I like women, but I hate that I want to control that aspect of my life too." I am about to tell you that he is not a child to do what his father wants, when I notice that this Leilah has arrived at the place along with a scandalous blonde who speaks up to the elbows. It's impossible for me to maintain my aversion to her, so I stare at her feeling anything but empathy. At those moments Samuel approaches them and I see her look where I am, suddenly turning pale when she sees me. Surely my presence in the place was not expected without Evan, since it seems that everyone thinks that I only appear at the Beresford mansion accompanied by my brother.  I hope that little woman knows that I am aware of her presence in my house and that she is not welcome at all. I almost smiled with satisfaction when I noticed that she was trying to pretend that didn't see me, but she felt clearly altered and that seemed excellent to me. Samuel is still with them and suddenly Frank approaches me, the relaxed uncle of the family who frankly does not like me. Although thinking about it, almost nobody from that family does it, but I put up with for my brother. He leaves quickly and is approached by a lawyer friend who had rarely tried but was animated enough like wanting to jump off a bridge. It is deadly boring.  I try to make conversation with him, while I look attentively at the little woman that tries to ignore my searching gaze, but I know that she doesn't succeed. Alan's blond boy friend falls right with him and I witness one of the most pathetic scenes of the meeting. The slim, red-haired girl (who looks like an ugly dyed heron) is clearly jealous of Leilah and the way he approaches her and treats her. You have to be stupid enough not to realize that fact and it seems that Leilah entered the pack of idiots. Alan's girlfriend leaves furious and I can see how that woman is uncomfortable. Her gaze goes back to where I am and I try to focus my attention on Mr. Paul, who doesn't even seem to have noticed my lack of attention. Just thinking that tonight I would have to see her hanging around my house, made my bad mood and my little tolerance towards her boil, although I was glad you noticed, so maybe she wouldn't think of going ho, although with how busy Evan was tonight, he doubted he wanted to meet her. Perhaps it seemed that he was jealous or interested in this Leilah, but I think that the poisoned glances he gave her were enough for him to know that my interest was not of that kind at all. I just couldn't like that woman, not when I knew what my brother was beginning to mean despite the agreement and its rules. I was aware of her for a long time when two friends of Alan approached where she was with her blonde friend, who seemed quite ladino. Although neither seemed the least bit interested in the pair of moron students, and with good reason. They were unbearable. Alan looks at the scene suspiciously and I purse my lips to notice how he takes his friend away in a clear display of jealousy. So far I don't know who looks more pathetic of them all. Although in my opinion they all are. I desperately seek to get out of the place before I end up going crazy with so many bored and dumb people around me. As soon as I take a step out of there, I stop listening to the unmistakable sound of my cell phone.  I take it thinking if it is Evan, when my frown is no longer able to recognize the area code. It can not be true. "Peter, honey," her voice, that voice makes me clench my teeth in frustration. For how long, damn it? 
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