Chapter 5

1339 Words
I woke up on a bed with a tattooed arm around my waist, and a headache so massive that I couldn't open my eyes fully. I turned my head and tried to figure out who that arm belonged to. Richard smiled at me when he saw that I was squinting at him. I didn't smile back. "Good morning, baby." Richard whispered in my ear. Every little noise I heard made me think my head was going to explode. I wrapped the pillow around my head and sucked my teeth. "I have a headache!" I whined. "Poor baby" Richard cooed taking the pillow off my head and giving me a light kiss on the cheek. I started feeling a stinging sensation in my entrance. "Ouch!" I cried. "What is it?" He asked. "My p***y hurts!" I yelled. Richard started chuckling. "How is that funny to you?" I asked getting frustrated. "I hit it really good last night, didn't I?" He asked. "Huh?" I asked. "Hit what?" "That pussy." Richard said moving closer to me. I sat up to make sure that I wasn't hearing things that weren't said. "We had s*x?" I asked. "Yeah." Richard said with a wink. "We had s*x, we had oral s*x, we had anal s*x, we had role playing s*x, we had-" "Stop! Just stop!" I yelled interrupting Richard. I felt a warm liquid running down my legs. I pulled the sheets off of me only to find the spot that I laid on covered in blood. "Oh my God!" I screamed. "What the hell did you do?" "I told you we had s*x. The bleeding is normal." Richard said. "Wait...wait..." I said jumping off the bed. "How come I don't remember having s*x with you?" "I don't know baby, you said you wanted to." He said. "No, I didn't!" I cried. "Yes you did." Richard argued. "I asked you 'how about a little s*x?' and you nodded." "No! No! You raped me! I never said I wanted to have s*x, you got me drunk on purpose so you could take advantage of me, didn't you?" I asked. "I should have known what you were after." I dropped to the floor and buried my head in my knees and burst into tears. I thought about how much I was starting to fall for him and how I really thought that he liked me for who I was. But I guessed I had it all wrong. I felt a hand gently rubbing my back. I looked up and there was Richard sitting next to me. I immediately looked away before our eyes could meet. "Lyrika..." He said. "Don't touch me." I cried. "Lyrika..." Richard whispered again. "I didn't rape you. I would never do something like that to you." "But you did!" I yelled. " agreed to have sex." Richard said. "I can't believe I lost my virginity to you." I said wiping my tears. "I promise this will stay between me and you... Now cheer up, please baby." Richard begged. "Okay..." I said. Richard leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna go get ready for school." I said getting up. I started walking out of Richard's bedroom when he called my attention. "Hey, baby?..." He said. "Yeah?..." I said turning around. "You have a very nice ass." He said seductively. My cheeks flushed when I realized that I was still naked from last night. I threw my hands on my face and ran out of the room. I tip toed carefully on endless flights of stairs up to my room on the fourth floor. I could have just taken the elevator but I feared that I would run into a maid in there and would have to explain why I was walking around the house completely naked. I used to get away with things like that, but I wasn't seven years old anymore. I did the sign of cross when I made it to my room. I took a hot shower and thought about puppies to keep myself from fantasizing about Richard again. I walked in my closet and pulled out a white tank top which my breasts looked huge in, a black jean jacket with studs on it to wear over the tank top, a pair of black skinny jeans, and kept my outfit simple with a pair of black Dr.Martin's shoes. I brushed my wet and curly hair back and kept it in place with some gel and a Gucci bandana. I wore my Gucci stud earrings and too much lip gloss just the way I liked it. I figured that I didn't need to bring a book bag since I wasn't planning on actually doing class work. So, I took a binder and a pen from my bag and held them in one hand so I could look educated. I walked out of my room and took the elevator back down to the third floor to Richard's room. I quietly opened his bedroom door and peeked my head in. He was laying on his back with his eyes closed and his hand in his pants. "Oh...God...Lyrika..." He whispered moving his hand around faster in his pants. "You are sooo disgusting." I said teasing him. He yanked his hand out of his pants in lighting speed and sat up. "How long have you been standing there?" Richard asked. "Long enough to know that you were fantasizing about me." I said winking. "" Richard stuttered. "Um...shouldn't you be at school?" He managed to ask. "Shouldn't you be taking me to school?" I asked back enjoying the situation. without saying another word Richard got out of his bed and we walked to the elevator and he held my hand when the door closed. "What do you want to do after school today, baby?" Richard asked. "It doesn't really matter." I answered shrugging. Richard thought for a moment. "Okay." He said. "How about a surprise?" I smiled to myself. I loved surprises, especially from Richard. "Sounds nice." I said. Richard swept me up and held me by the waist. I couldn't help it but to wrap my legs around him, throw my arms around his neck, and pull myself so close to him that we were only centimeters apart. We walked out of the elevator just like that and into the corridors that leads to the lobby. I laid my head on his shoulder and he smacked my butt while we waited in front of an automatic door. "Ugh!" I cried pressing my lips together as I felt a familiar burning sensation in my entrance again. We walked in the main lobby where we found Martha polishing a vase with her back towards us. She turned around when she heard Richard's footsteps and looked as if she was ready to say something but her mouth froze in mid air. She stared at Richard and I wide eyed as she tilted her head slowly to the side. When our eyes met I rolled my eyes at her just for the hell of it. Richard looked upset when he noticed how long Martha had been staring at us. I thought he'd say something rude and tell Martha to mind her own business. But instead, Richard smirked and slap my butt again. Risky. I threw my head back in pain and let out an embarrassing whimper. Richard laughed a sexy laugh that sent chills running down my spine. "I love you, sexy." Richard said. "I love you too daddy." I said. I heard the vase fall out of Martha's hands as Richard carried me out of the house. We knew that she knew we had something that we shouldn't have going on between us. But Martha and I both knew that she'd better act like she didn't see anything or else I'd make sure that she'd be on a flight back to India first thing tomorrow. After all, I was daddy's little mistress. That meant that I got what I wanted and when I wanted it. Beware, Martha...beware.
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