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Beau was very shocked with the discovery of his gang members Mary apparently knew that Lionel was going to stay in the villa so she had time to put up the alibi of her supposed apartment under repair so that Lionel would let her stay with him. "She's pretty smart". Beau said between his lips. "Did you say something Beau?". Asked one of the gang members who was showing him the recording. "I just thought out loud. How many times did those trucks enter the town?”. "Beau that’s very complicated, to know that we have to obtain the recordings of the surrounding towns to be able to locate the place of origin of those people". "It's true, there must be some way to get one more trace". “It seems that these agents don’t like to leave any loose ends, this investigation has more questions than answers". Said one of the gang members. “I can think of something, guys. Do you know where the LICB headquarters is located?”. "I know a man who worked there some time ago, he wasn’t an agent or anything like that, he was in charge of cleaning, maybe he can help us". Said one of the gang members. "It's perfect, so we won't raise suspicions". "But wait Beau". The gang member interrupted. "If we ask that man for help, we should pay for his silence". "Everything here has a price, nothing is free". Said Beau a little resigned. "How much must be given to man". "I don't know, tell us how much you have and we will offer you that money". "I’ll think about it and then tell you, for now, let's focus on what we should do once the man informs us of the location of the LICB headquarters". "Of course Beau, tell us". "The first thing to do is watch that place as soon as we see that there is some neglected agent, we kidnap it and take it to a nearby place". "Is that for him to tell us who the highway officers were?". "No, if that girl is a boss she can be well known to the rest of the agents". "It's a good Beau alternative". "We have to talk to the man today, as soon as he reveals the location, we look for an office or nearby house to take the agent we kidnap". It was the orders Beau gave. "Immediately, I’m looking for it". Offered one of the gang members. "Guys, before they leave ... There's no need to tell them that this mission is totally secret. They can't talk to anyone about this, not even their other colleagues". Beau warned. "Don't worry Beau, we’ll be very cautious". After the gang members left, Beau started to contact Lionel to go to the bar to review the recordings that had been discovered by the gang members. "Cheetah, I need you to come to the bar immediately". Said Beau, and instantly hung up the phone so that Lionel would promptly come to his call. Lionel was very surprised by his friend's behavior, so he quickly arrived at the bar. “Beau what the hell is wrong with you? I thought something serious had happened to you”. Said Lionel a little shocked by the way he had been called. "Sorry Larson, I should have called you that, I don't know if that girl Mary has you under surveillance". "It only has a few cameras that I know where they are located, I'm safe". "I don’t think so Friend". "Why do you say so Beau?". "I know I told you that I wasn't going to investigate further about the highway officers, but I did and you won't believe what the gang members found". "Be clear Beau, you know I don't like mysteries”. "Okay, so it happens that before you arrived at the villa, that girl Mary already knew that you would stay there, we reviewed some recordings and the day before you arrived, that woman allegedly ordered her agents to carry a series of devices in a van". "Are you sure about that?". "See for yourself the recording". Lionel started the video indicated by Beau and observed that everything related by his friend was true, he had been guarded since before arriving. "Do you think they know who I’m?". "I want to believe that no friend, that girl knew that you were going to arrive in this town". "I don't know what they want from me, so far they haven't tried to stop me". Lionel said a little concerned. "It's true Cheetah, we don't know what they want to get at with all this". "I cannot take any wrong steps, otherwise they will come for me and my plans will have been destroyed". "Cheetah, something happened and I want to share that plan with you". “Go ahead Beau tell me”. "The gang members are going to locate the LICB headquarters. Once we know the place, we’ll kidnap one of its agents and take him to a secret place to question him, perhaps he can tell us who Mary really is and what role she plays in that organization". “Beau in other circumstances I wouldn’t support you because we would expose ourselves easily, however, I’m so desperate that I’m willing to take that risk, that girl Mary has been watching me much earlier than I thought. Until now I don’t know what she wants from me and I must stop her because otherwise, she will interfere with my plans”. "I understand Cheetah, I asked the gang members to start the job immediately". "Beau please anything as minimal as it’s let me know". "So will Cheetah". Lionel was very concerned because he was being a very easy target and he didn’t have any defense to counter any possible attack. On the other hand, Beau left because the gang members already knew the location of LICB. The three men then set out to guard the organization's entrance in order to be on the lookout for an agent to appear. "Guys we must catch an agent who is alone". Said Beau. “Understood Beau”. The men had been watching for several hours without being given the chance to catch an agent, the streets were quite dark and it was difficult to observe. Despite this, two officers appeared on a motorcycle. "Guys we going to have to catch these two, if we don't, we’ll never have another chance". Said Beau. Immediately the three men approached slowly in order to take the agents by surprise, the two gang members grabbed by the back the unsuspecting men who immediately prepared to take their weapons, however, Beau took the opportunity to put a bag on the head and thus prevent them from observing. After the officers were beaten, the gang members pushed them to the vehicle they had parked near the scene. "Come up". "Who are you?". "We’re a simple nightmare, if you cooperate, we can leave you". "Blackwing?". Said one of the men. The agents believed that they were being caught by members of that dangerous criminal organization. Once they arrived at a nearby apartment, the gang members began questioning officers. "What's your boss's name?". "I don’t know". "If you cooperate in less than 5 minutes you will be back home with your family". "Don't say anything about my family, damn i***t". One of the agents answered aggressively. The gang members had failed to obtain any response from any of the officers. "These men won’t talk. We must be more drastic". "No guys, we can't hurt them, that would be our downfall". Said Beau. To Beau's bad luck, while they left the men alone, one of them was capable to remove the bag from his head and took out his endowment weapon, which is why he shot them and managed to kill one of the gang members. “Damn it, they run away”. In less than 5 minutes the men had managed to flee, they were too agile. "Let's get out of here, this will be harder than I thought". Beau said as he pulled his partner's body out to mount it to the vehicle and flee before more officers arrived.
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