2. A decision to make

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We finally have arrived at our new house and it is magnificent and beautiful and most importantly welcoming and homey.  As you enter, the living room is painted using warm colours, making you feel at home and comfortable. Beautiful designs are drawn on the walls, making them look more attractive.  Next is the kitchen which is fully equipped. It is painted in red and white, giving it a modern look. The table is big enough for the four of us and is made of glass. There's food in all the cabinets and I am grateful to the person who thought of stocking it.   The master bedroom, that is our parents room is huge. It's blue with white curtains and a soft rug laid out on the floor. The closet is a different room itself. It also has a balcony with a small table and a rocking chair. The view is breathtaking from the tenth floor.  Next is my room which is huge too. The lavender colour is comforting. The white sheets sit on a king size bed with a side table. The balcony from my room shows the busy streets of New York and the park that is opposite to our building. I hang some fairy lights and paste some pictures on the wall while reliving those memories.  Ace's room is opposite of mine. His walls are dark blue with black coloured carpet for the floor. He pastes some of his favorite boy band and movie posters on the wall. We both make our way to the living room where are parents are unpacking some of the boxes.   "You like our new home kids?", dad asks with curiosity and a little nervousness.  "It's amazing dad. I absolutely love it", I exclaim and hug him.  "I'm glad you like it hun", dad says and kisses my hair.  "Ace, why don't you go and check out the play area downstairs?", mom says and Ace looks at me.  "You coming Hazie?" "You go on, I'll join you in a few", he sprints towards the door and is out before we can tell him to be careful.  "Hazel, honey, please sit. We need to talk to you", mom takes my hand and leads me to the couch. I sigh and sit down.  "If we are going to talk about the bulling, I've already told you everything that's happened". "No Hazel, we are not talking about that. We have something to tell you", dad says and mom squeezes my hand.  "Honey, the reason why we accepted the job offer was because we wanted to come to a city where there are good health care programmes", dad looks at me with cautious stare. He's worried that I will get upset. Great, just great.  "We have talked to one of the best doctors in New York and she has already studied your case. She wants to meet us and discuss our options", he says and that's when I get up and stare at him with wide eyes.  "Dad, I have already told you both that I don't want to visit anymore doctors! Their answers to our questions are always the same and I'm tired of being disappointed. I always get my hopes up and then they are crushed, everytime", I growl at them and run towards me room. As soon as I get inside, I slam the door shut amd clicking the lock in place, clearly indicating I don't want to be disturbed by anyone.  I lie down on my bed, tears still flowing and my cheeks are sore because me rubbing them multiple times. I don't know when I fell asleep but my last thought is to not give into their request this time and stay firm. I am woken up by the knocking on my door.  "Hazel, come out and have dinner sweetheart", I hear my mom calling me. I look at the clock and it's right thirty already. I wash my face and open the door. My mom stands there, and by the looks of it, she has cried too. She looks pale and the shine in her eyes is missing.  I let out a deep sigh and hug my mom.  "Fine. I'll go to the doctor's but this is the last time. You guys have to promise me that", I look at her sternly and her face lights up as if she's the child who finally got her christmas present.  "Okay. I promise you Hazel. Let's go tell the other two idiots who already have started eating food", mom pulls me towards the kitchen where the two were sitting and talking. Their plates look half filled telling me that they heard mom.  "Rick, she agreed to go to the doctor's", mom exclaims and dad's face lits up just like my mom's.  "But on one condition, this is the last doctor. No more after this one. Promise?" "Promise", dad reluctantly agrees amd Ace hugs my waist. I smile at him and ruffle his hair which have grown out.  "Cut your hair Ace. You look like Mowgli", dad says and he scowls at him, playfully.  "I plan on looking like Sher Khan", he even roars for the theatrics and we all laugh out loud.  "I don't know about Sher Khan, but you do sound like a dying hyena", I tease him and he pokes out his tongue. "I'll call the hospital and make an appointment for tomorrow", dad says. He dials the number and calls the hospital. We all sit and stare at him while he talks with the receptionist. "Thank you so much ma'am", saying so he puts away his phone and looks at us with a small smile.  "We got the appointment. Tomorrow morning at 11". "Sleep early tonight, we need to leave at 9 tomorrow. It's about an hour and a half from our house", dad tells us and we all nod.  "Kids, go to your rooms and sleep", mom tells us and we leave the room. I hear the both of them talking in hushed voices. I ignore them go to my room and lie on the fluffy mattress, thinking about how tomorrow's day is going to go.  My sleep is interrupted by the disgustingly loud alarm clock beside me. I press snooze and go back to sleep.  "Hazel, get up hun. We have to leave soon", mom's voice wakes me up.  "Okay mum". I get ready for the doctor's appointment. As I walk towards the kitchen, I could hear mom scolding Ace about spilling food on the table.  "Hazel, come fast and eat hun. I've made waffles today". "Yes mom", I sit on the chair and dad looks up from his phone. "Good morning baby", dad smiles at me warmly and I return the gesture.  "You nervous?", my dad knows me so well that he knows what I'm feeling even if I don't show it.  "A little, like always", I smile at him reassuringly. "Hazel, you want more waffles hun?", mom's voice calls out for me.  "No mom. I'm done". Dad frowns at me and mom gives me a quizzical look.  "Already?", dad asks and I nod my head.  "Are you sure darling?", mom asks me one more time and I nod my head again.  "I'm sure mom". "Okay then, let's roll people", dad says and I burst out laughing.  "Let's go", mom sighs but you can see the faint smile on her face that is always there because of my goofy dad.  "Good morning. I'm Rick Campbell and we are here for our appointment with Dr. Greene", dad tells the receptionist and she smiles and checks for our name.  "Yes. Please wear these IDs. Elevator number two should take you to the fifth floor where you will see her office on your immediate left", she smiles kindly at us. We thank her and climb into the elevator. Dad's warm hand clasps mine and gives it a squeeze of reassurance. I squeeze it back and smile at him, not letting go of his hand.  As we stand in front of the doctor's office, dad knocks twice and we here a faint 'come in'.  "Dr. Greene, I'm Rick Campbell and this is my daughter, Hazel Campbell, my son, Ace Campbell and you know my wife, Carla Campbell", dad introduces us and we all smile at her.  "Of course. Please have a seat", Dr. Greene tells us to sit on the chairs. She has a short stature, blue eyes and blonde hair, neatly pinned in a bun.  "Hazel, it's good to finally meet you", she says and extends her hand towards me. I shake her hand and smile at her.  "Thank you". "So, let's get to the point, shall we?", she looks at me. I nod my head and she smiles warmly.  "So Hazel, I have studied your case thoroughly and your hypothyroidism was well developed when it was diagnosed, am I right?", I nod my head in approval.  "So, here we have two options infront of us. First one, is a thyroid transplant. In this situation, we will have to find a donor who matches, do some tests that show us that the thyroid is fit for you. You will have to go through a surgery. If the donor's thyroid works the way it should in your body then you should be good to go. You will have to take meds for rest of your life but everything should be just fine", she tells me with a edge to get voice.  "If we go with the first option, you'll have to wait until we get the donor. We will contact the UNOS as soon as you give us your consent". "What's my second option?" "Your second option is taking meds which are slightly of higher dosage for the rest of your life. The meds will help you to loose some weight but you have to give in some extra hours for exercise". "What are the risks with option one?" "First of all, it is a little difficult to find a thyroid donor. Second, there's no guarantee that the thyroid will work once it's in your body. We need to keep you hear for at least a month to monitor the thyroid as well as the other organs. As you're in the growing age, the post-op care is very important", she tells me and I look at my parents. "What do you think Hazel?", dad asks me but mom interrupts before I could even muster a reply.  "What's there to think? She'll have the operation", mom says and I look at her with wide eyes.  "Carla, —". "No Rick. I want my daughter to have a normal life too". "I understand your concern ma'am, but Hazel is eighteen years old and that means she's an adult. We have to have her consent if we are to proceed with the transplant", Dr. Greene looks sympathetically at my mom.  My mom turns to me, her eyes filling with tears.  "You will have the operation, won't you Hazel?" "I need some time to think", I say quietly and dad wraps a protective arm around me.  "Carla, let's take some time t go over everything, okay?", dad says in a soft voice and mom reluctantly agrees.  "Sure. You can take the time you want. Let me know when you come to a conclusion. We can take things further then", Dr. Greene says and we all stand and she extends her hand towards me, again.  "I know you can make the right decision, Hazel", she smiles warmly at me and I smile meekly amd nod.  "We will let you know when we know what we want", dad tells her and we leave her office. All of us are lost in their own thoughts. The tension in the car can be cut with a knife, it is that thick. Ace tries to distract us but it does not work. As we reach the apartment, mom exits the car without acknowledging any of us and this tells me, she knows where my line of thinking is headed. Dad opens the door and mom strides past us and locks herself inside the bedroom door. Ace too retreats to his room. Dad follows me to my room and sits on the bed.  "What do you have in mind Hazel?" "I don't want the operation". "Why baby? If you're scared, don't be. Everything is going to be fine". "I don't want the operation not because I am scared. Dad, it's my final year of high school, and I want to enjoy it. It's been tough when we were back in California but now things are different. I have learnt to live with myself the way I am. And honestly, what's the use of going through with the operation other than the loss of excess weight and regulation of hormones. That is going to happen anyway with the meds that I'll be taking. And what if the donor's thyroid doesn't work like its supposed to be? What happens then? I will have to go through another operation and I don't want this for myself. I would rather be the way I am and keep taking the meds", tears pool in my eyes at the end and dad hugs me to him.  "Sweety, if that's what you want, we won't stop you but just think about it for another day or two, will you?", comes my mom's voice. She's standing at the door looking at me, her eyes red because of all the crying.  "Thank you mom. We can wait for a day or two but I don't think my decision is going to be any different". "If it is the case then we will respect that and talk to Dr. Greene about the further process, okay?", dad asks and I nod my head.  "I'm so proud of the woman you have become Hazel", he says and  the tears break free and I hug him real tight. Mom joins us and we all sit on the bed, hugging each other. "Why didn't anyone tell me about a family hug?", Ace says and he too joins in on the hug. All of us wrapped up in eachother's arms is what feels like home to me.  The thought that crosses my mind is that, I have made a decision and I plan to stick with it.
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